
Hello All! Looking Forward to Meeting You Everyone!

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Hello everyone! As stated above, I am looking forward to meeting all of you! I have never been skydiving as I am only 15, but I have dreamed about it from a very young age.

The real reason I am so interested in skydiving is for one thing: Wingsuits. Now, that is not to say that I think skydiving pales in comparison. I think they are both amazing and equally fulfilling and exciting. But, ever since I was about 4, I have ALWAYS been thinking of flying. I dream about it almost everyday, and people always catch me looking to the sky.

For a long time now, I have been into lucid dreaming for this very reason: to fly. And even though it felt just as real as reality, I just need to do this in real life. For what reason, I'm not entirely sure. But something is telling me I must.

So you can imagine my excitement when I saw these men in these sugar glider-looking suits soaring through the air on youtube. When I found out what these wingsuits were about a year ago, I was hooked. I vowed that one day I would take to the skies. Dancing among the clouds as I looked to the beating sun on the horizon. And now I have joined to discuss my everlasting love of flight, learn to skydive, and talk about wingsuits.

I am here to learn! Learn everything about skydiving and wingsuit-ing. I want to be totally prepared for my first tandem and AFF jumps, and you can bet I'l be here to keep people updated on my quest for the 200 jumps to try the wingsuit!

Thanks in advance to all that help make my dream a reality, and hello to all the new people I meet! Sorry for such a long post, I just wanted you to know a little about me. Thanks you all who read!

Blue skies,

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First of all.....are you really 15? Writing in complete sentences and with punctuation.....impressive! Anyway, wingsuiting is amazing and is the reason I still skydive. My one suggestion is not to rush into wingsuiting too fast. Become a competent and safe skydiver with good overall skills and you will have a much better time in a wingsuit. Some people are ready at 200 jumps and some are not.

Here are a couple cool websites with some wingsuit pics and video to satiate your wingsuit appetite until then:


Enjoy :)

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Thank you for the sites! Yes, I am 15. I know! It's a shocker...I really HATE chatspeak.

Oh, so there is a technical problem! Good, I'm not the only one. Its very had to even get to the main forum page.

I'll be sure not to rush into wingsuiting. I want to make sure I'm completely competent and safe before I try it, in order to mazimize the fun and savor the moment!

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For a long time now, I have been into lucid dreaming for this very reason: to fly.

I was really into lucid dreaming when I was 15 as well. It's a really wonderful process if you can get good at it. I never managed to truly master it but I hope that you can.
Owned by Remi #?

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Well, they said they were completely o.k. with it. However, they don't think I'll ever do it, as I won't even ride rollercoasters because of the drops. And yes, I am going to be extremely scared the first time; I know that. So scared I might just pee myself. But I will still step off that edge if it means realizing my dreams!

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