Hello! im new and im ready to jump @ age 16!!

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Hello Everyone.... Well i guess i should start by saying my name is Krystal. Im 16 and im Planning on making my first jump on sunday!! Im sooo excited but im not allowed to jump untill i get my GPA up to a 3.5. I've been watching my da jump for a couple months now and im SOOOO psyked for my FJC! im going to be taking an IAD and will probably be packing chutes to pay for it.
More about me: Im a Junior in high school, and im on the cheerleading squad!(( Cheerleading Is a Sport btw... We got a couple of football players to come to ONE practice and they ALL said it was. so.... if you dissagree.... Keep that to yourself))
I have fairly good grades and i plan on going to college. Ummm any thing else you want to know just ask :D

oh and im single :D so any male jumper 16-18 ;D

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haha wow what a coincidence to find someone my age on here. I had to pretty much do the same thing only i didn't pack chutes to pay for it and id go AFF but that's just me and consider yourself lucky i had to get a 4.0 before i could jump.
oh and welcome to the forums

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Welcome! You're gonna LOVE it!!

I got a question though. . .Colorado Sky Sports allows you to jump @ 16???

I'm wondering because my li'l sister just turned 16 and I took her to the tunnel last night because I didn't think anyone would take on 16 yr old jumpers. . .
If your gonna be dumb ya gotta be tough.

Your mom goes HandHeld

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Yah my dad is pretty cool but this whole thing. I get SSOOO pissed if he doesn't take me to the dz with him. I want some of my whuffo friends to come but I can’t get any one to come.

Hey man. Welcome to a great sport. However, you are going to meet some of the most ignorant people ever, so be careful. Already, you are using words like "whuffo". This is very, very lame. "What for you jump out of a plane?" Are you serious? I am not taking this out on you, but please...they are just people. Jumping out of planes, by no means, is justifiable as a practice that is an elitist thing to do, therefore making fun of those who don’t understand it. That’s stupidity!!;)

Again...welcome, and be safe...be careful who you talk to on this webpage. You never know what you are going to get.:o


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:D Gee thanx... and no kidding. They're are some of the most ignorant people in the world on here but i figure if i can hold my own against them then i can anywhere right?? lol nah i just thought "whoffo" is a funny word. I love my friends its just no fun totalk to them about skydiving cuz they dont care... But im hoping to make my first jump on sunday!! IM SO EXCITED!!!

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Whats with this?? Your all hella nice to me in this forum but in the other one somehow im a stuck up girl that
A) Is ditching school
B) Texting while im in school
C) Droped out of school?

Actually no i had an off block in the morning so i decided to talk to people. I love school actually. I dont ditch classes EVER. I dont have a cell phone so i dont know where your getting this texting idea...
And im going to graduate high school, go to college to get my doctrates and eventually become a vet. SO if you would Kindly back off i would appreciate it...

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SO if you would Kindly back off i would appreciate it...

I haven't said anything negative towards you, why are you directing this post at me? But since you asked...

People are wondering why you are posting during the daytime hours because most kids your age are in school. If you are actually in school, then you should be paying attention to your teachers, not posting on the internet.

They are saying you are texting because you are using atrocious grammar and text-shorthand in your posts. Most people post here using complete sentences and proper spelling. Text shorthand is extremely annoying to anyone over the age of 25.

They are saying you are stuck-up because you have had quite an attitude in some of your posts; posts which also violated the forum rules and you should consider yourself lucky that you are not banned.

It boils down to this: if you want respect and to be treated like an adult, then act like one.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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SO if you would Kindly back off i would appreciate it...

I haven't said anything negative towards you, why are you directing this post at me? But since you asked...

People are wondering why you are posting during the daytime hours because most kids your age are in school. If you are actually in school, then you should be paying attention to your teachers, not posting on the internet.

They are saying you are texting because you are using atrocious grammar and text-shorthand in your posts. Most people post here using complete sentences and proper spelling. Text shorthand is extremely annoying to anyone over the age of 25.

They are saying you are stuck-up because you have had quite an attitude in some of your posts; posts which also violated the forum rules and you should consider yourself lucky that you are not banned.

It boils down to this: if you want respect and to be treated like an adult, then act like one.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that its annoying to anyone not still in high school. Most college kids I know don't talk that way in forums or even in IM's. and with all the keyboards on phones these days its going away in texting too. (at least in my experience)

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heh, where i live, we are allowed to jump since we are... it doesn't matter :)) Until you are 16 you have to have parents permission, but after you turn 16 you can do whatever you want ;) but, hey, i'm on other continent :)

Good luck to you, sweety ;) Have a great jump!
Skydivers have more fun than people.

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