
yep yep...Texas has it all...

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:)Hi all! I'm a total slacker, and I'm just now getting around to introducing myself. My name's Nikki or Nik if ya luv me. ha! I did my first couple of tandems back in April and May of 2007. I always knew I wanted to get into the sport. I just had to get my mom used to the idea. I dove right in and got my A-license back in September, and I just recently got my B-license. I love everything about this world, and look forward to every chance I get at jumping. I've met some amazing people at my home DZ. Like a few of them, we have an understanding as to why we need each other and this sport. Drop me a line sometime or scream at me when you see me run by at Skydive Dallas!

Irgity Dirgity

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I will be in Skydive Dallas on the 7th of december, I will look you up. or down Where is the closest hotel/motel to stay at?

The 7th, eh? You might want to skip the hotel and stay in the bunk rooms that night (they're free). My friend is bringing a keg out for his birthday that night. I'll be there Saturday and Sunday.

I think the closest hotels/motels are in McKinney. That's not too far.

Irgity Dirgity

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Thanks again, Yeah i wish the weather had been better but i got one hop and pop which was better than nothing. I will be back there sometime in the near future, Hell i have to, i am now a member at the Dusty Saddle! I am off to deland for the xmas break till new years, I hope to do more jumping there. Blue skies to you and your team, I met another young woman there who is part of the team you guys are putting together, cant remember her name but her boyfriend is going to do his first AFF soon. Bye for now
So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend!

Hellfish #782, POPS #10664

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