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Hi everyone,
I did my first tandem on 6-3-06 at Skydive Oregon in Molalla.

Unfortunately I had no idea what kind of double edged sword I was about to find.
Loved the jump, can't wait to start jumping.
But didn't realized I would get so hooked that every day between now and when I have finally saved up the money to get trained for solo (Over a year at current calculations), will be eternal hell as I look to the sky saying, "I wish I was there."

The friend I went with that day is the same way.
I look forward to jumping but figure I can at least learn while I wait.
Maybe then I will be a safer jumper when I finally get there.


I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect.

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Welcome to the forums and to the sport!

Are you going to do your training at Skydive Oregon? And how come it will take you a year to get cleared to jump solo? Money?

It's all about sacrifice dude! What don't you need and what can you sell? You'll be surprised at what some people have sold to get further with their jumps.

edited to add: Skymama beat me to it! :D

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But didn't realized I would get so hooked that every day between now and when I have finally saved up the money to get trained for solo (Over a year at current calculations), will be eternal hell as I look to the sky saying, "I wish I was there."

You just have to get creative; there are all kinds of ways to make money and save money. :)


PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Well, I'm not sure if I am going to use Skydive Oregon. They cost about $1400 to get off of student status (AFF or tandem slight variance for each) and THEN another $7-800 to take the skills jumps for 'a' license.

They seem like a rather safe drop zone.
Which is a plus.

However I called another place titled "Beaver Oaks Airport" or something similar.
He offers groundschool and first jump for $160 and then $60 per jump after that. Estimating more or less 20 jumps before he no longer considers you a student at his drop zone.
But at the same time I believe he said he teaches you the skills you need WHILE doing those $60 jumps before he allows you to solo.
But it seems like a mom and pop shop kind of deal and I am not sure how to check up on if they have had any injuries, reported gear malfunctions, reserve deployments or whatnot that would make me consider that place as good or bad.

The price for that place really draws me, but scares me at the same time. As they say, "If it is too good to be true."
But on the same note, it could just be a smaller dropzone trying to stay in the game.

Also I am reconsidering my choice of AFF after talking to a dropzone manager in Eugene that said 40% of current skydivers took AFF.
95% of skydiving fatalities are of those that did AFF.

I'm just a bit confused I guess.
So many options, limited pocketbook.
Basically I want to get into the sky as cheap as I can, as fast as I can and as safe as I can with the skills and training I need to live.


I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect.

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Well, I'm not sure if I am going to use Skydive Oregon. They cost about $1400 to get off of student status (AFF or tandem slight variance for each)

I am not very experienced myself, but that sounds approximately right. That involves, at a minimum, 7 to 10 jumps, which means an average of $140 to $200 per jump, which is about right. For AFF, the first jump (2 instructors plus class) is usually the most expensive, then the next few jumps (2 instructors) are a little less, then the next four or so jumps (1 instructor) are a little less again. Plan on repeating at least one AFF level; if you don't have to then you've got extra money, but many people find they need to.


and THEN another $7-800 to take the skills jumps for 'a' license.

If you get through AFF in 7 jumps, you still have to make 18 more jumps to get the 25 jumps for an A license. That makes $700-$800 average out to around $38-$44 per jump, which is about right. About $20 of that is the same lift ticket that a licensed skydiver with all of his or her own gear would pay; the rest of it is gear rental, coach fees (depending on dropzone), etc.


However I called another place titled "Beaver Oaks Airport" or something similar.

Probably Skydive Eagle Creek. If you haven't found it already, there is a DZ list and map on this site - you can see DZs in Oregon or search for one within a certain radius. Either way, the reviews of each dropzone might help you pick one. It's also perfectly legal to just go hang out at the dropzone some afternoon and see what it's like - I did that when looking at a couple of local dropzones and I'm glad I did.


He offers groundschool and first jump for $160 and then $60 per jump after that.

Based on those prices and the listing here, that is probably a static line or IAD course. This is different than AFF; I will leave it to others to argue which one is better. Getting one's license through AFF vs. static line/IAD probably ends up costing about the same, but the static line/IAD programs seem to spread the cost out a little more.


Also I am reconsidering my choice of AFF after talking to a dropzone manager in Eugene that said 40% of current skydivers took AFF. 95% of skydiving fatalities are of those that did AFF.

Without being familiar with the actual numbers, I suspect that you may need to apply some high-grade sunblock to your posterior regions. I could make arguments both ways but I think if AFF was really that bad, it wouldn't be used so much as an instructional method.

Good luck!

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Enjoy it....I know that I am...three jumps this week and what a kick...although almost cut away on my third jump :(.....fianally was able to work out the minor malfunction but it was pretty intense. You will find a way to make it work.
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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