
Avoiding Canopy Collisions

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Hey everyone, I'm not a BASE jumper, but I have just been curious about something lately... If you get a 180 OH, what is your immediate reaction? Is it to snap a rear riser turn, or to yard on both rear risers to effectively stop the canopy's forward motion? It's so much harder to judge how much foreward momentum a canopy loses in a stall or near stall situation in skydiving with the lack of a visual reference. I don't know if it would stop enough, so I thought I'd ask the experts. Thanks guys, Merry Christmas!!
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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There has been countless threads on this topic. look it up using the search tool.

quick and easy: everyone has a different game plan on offheadings. every object has different criteria for making those (hopefully) prejump choices. but here is the concensus: no matter what you do dont hit anything, its bad. or something to that point.
happy festivus.

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I'm definitely not one of the experts, but I'd say either one could be a good decision depending on the circumstances. My BASE canopy will fly backwards on rears if I want it to.

Also, something you might not be considerring is that typically a BASE canopy that is rigged for a solid object, that you don't have time to track away from, will have its breaks set deep enough that you don't have much forward motion on opening, but not so deep that it stalls on a rear riser turn.

Edit to add: Oh yah, and you should have used the search feature and posted this question in a related thread. I made the same mistake asking about breakcord. I figure it's the kind of thing that you would want the most up to date info on, but you should still use an existing thread and atleast ask if the information is still what people think.

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Sorry I didn't search guys, but thanks for the info!

Sean LR
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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well, the big idea is usualy to flyinto the cliff, and let the bounce you get when you hit the object to help you fly away from it backwards.

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Something I haven't seen mentioned in the riser-versus-toggle debate (except in passing by) is the difference between canopies.

I've noticed significant differences in the rear-riser characteristics of the two BASE canopies I've flown the most, to the point where it would affect my choice.

So advice that works well for one canopy may not apply for another. Though a discussion in general terms is still valuable, the bottom-line remains: "Get to know your canopy!"

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