
Bridge Day Video Festival 2006

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I just wanted to send out a thank you to everyone for making the Bridge Day 2006 video festival a great success. There were several comments from spectators and participants about how well the event went, the quality of the videos, multi-TV broadcasts of the videos, and how special it was to have representation on the judges panel from such a legend of BASE as Mike Pelkey; realizing Mike’s experience this weekend was sadly over shadowed by the passing of our brother and BASE legend Brian Schubert but I will reserve my comments or feelings on this for another thread.

The Saturday night debriefing and presentation of the winners video had be to shortened to accommodate the Bridge Day officials schedule who were working diligently with family and friends, local officials and national media regarding the incident so I wanted to send out a complete list of the festival finalist, how they placed, and a few comments about each.


1st Place – Journey to the Center – by Jeb Corliss. Though this was only a 4 minute trailer the video set a new high for cinematography, editing, and story; a most impressive compilation of what is sure to be an epic feature film.

2nd Place – Down with Society – by Jimmy Halliday. A classic best of BASE, and representation of the insanity and personalities that make BASE jumpers who we are. A perfect compilation of BASE jumping, stupid human tricks, and all done with a very smooth edit.

3rd Place – The Free World – by Richard Alexander – probably the best pure BASE compilation entered, filled with spectacular jumps from amazing locations across the globe.

4th Place – When Good Times go Bad – Sam Gouws – also some great BASE footage in a tight edit and filled with lots of that “stuff” we all “hate” to see but compelled to watch.

Honorable Mentions (Basically a 3 way tie):
First Year of BASE – A Crash Course in Human Flight - Chris McNamara - More great footage with a great story about one jumpers quest to become a master of flight in a very short time.

Female Outlook on BASE – Lika – Another great compilation of spectacular jumps from the unique perspective of a female BASE jumper who takes it the limit with the best of the boys.

Fly the Line – by James Boole – scored one of the highest scores from the Thursday evening judges but unfortunately did not have the entry submitted in time for the prescreening scores. This film has some of the most spectacular wing suit BASE footage ever captured.

And all the other entries deserve mention here as well (No particular order):

Jump - by Peter Riddihough - put together an excellent documentary style film of one jump.

Ski BASE – by Mark Lichtle – had 10 minutes of non-stop “ski-BASE” action.

Awakening – by Ray Murphy – captured his journey with APEX BASE to Angel Falls this year and highlighted it with all the “spectacular” landings in Marta’s “soft trees”.

Without Contignecy – by Will Heidebrecht - Another insane flick compilation of the Ontario crews BASE adventures this year.

Rock out with your Cock out – by LeRoy Buckley - also filled with lots of sick jumps from America’s favorite spots.

The final list of prizes included:
Donk Productions - $500.00, $200.00, and $100.00 cash.
3Triple7 - $200.00 cash, gift certificates for $150.00, $100.00, & $50.00.
Phoenix Fly – 50% discount coupon
Morpheus Technologies 25% gift certificate and pilot Chute
Asylum BASE – Pilot Chutes, Stash bags, and T-shirts
1 year free rigging from Rigging Solutions.
Skventure coupon and hat.

As I stated Saturday night (right before I broke into my best “Shatner’s” “Lucy in the sky with diamonds” impression and then handed the mic over to Johnny “muf muf” Gates himself) :$ This years contest was really, really close with the first 4 places decided by less than 5 points out of an 80 point total.

I would highly recommend every one of the videos for your personal BASE collections and judge for yourself!

Thanks again and I look forward to seeing everyone next year… if not sooner.

Hugs and Kisses,


PS: And additional special thanks to Jason, Jennifer, and Bill (and all the BD Staff) for keeping it together ALL weekend for us; You are the best!

PSS: I did finally find that bag of like 30 "skull thongs" we spent hours looking for Sturday night when I was loading up Sunday...under my jeep. So if I promised you a thong, PM me and I will send it out to you. :)

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I would highly recommend every one of the videos for your personal BASE collections and judge for yourself!

Any chance of summarising a list of sites / eMails where some of these films can be purchased / ordered?



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PSS: I did finally find that bag of like 30 "skull thongs" we spent hours looking for Sturday night when I was loading up Sunday...under my jeep. So if I promised you a thong, PM me and I will send it out to you. :)

YAY! I helped search for those for what seemed like hours

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Any chance you would make a DVD with all the Videos??
Bo Wienberg


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I will ping the owners of the videos and see but it could get pretty "messy" with all the copyrighted footage, royalties, etc. But I will definiatley send out a list of each video and add the contact and/or website where the DVD can be purchased.

Give me a few days though... I am still hung over from Saturday night and my nose hurts from walking into the locked door of the bar at 2:30 am. :$

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hey hey

if you can't arrange a compilation, then persons wanting a copy of:

'When Good Times Go Bad - Part 3'

can contact me through PM here, or email me at:

jumpersam AT gmail

(replace the AT with a @, remove the spaces and stick a dotcom on the end)

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What if you offered the video for free, and only charge for the shipping? Kinda like BMG does, they give you 12 free CD's and charge you 30 bucks for shipping?

If you want a copy of "Rock Out With Your Cock Out"... then I will give it out for free... Just offer a suggest "nominal" shipping fee of 10-15 bucks... or whatever

In the mean time check out what I tossed together last night from BD, its kinda raw:


..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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