
United States

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I'm from Europe and I'm planning a BASE road trip through the United States soon. I have a few questions...

1) Do you guys have stores where you can buy, like, stuff? To eat and drink I mean.
2) What about toilet paper? Should I bring my own?
3) How are the roads? Should I rent a 4WD car, or will my bicycle be enough?
4) I may pop over the border and visit Mexico. Should I bring gloves?
5) I'm also thinking about stopping by in Canada, should I bring shorts?
6) Do I need any vaccinations?

Thanks so much!

Jaap Suter

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Actually there isn't anything worth seeing or doing in North America... you should just stay in Europe.


P.S. The Dutch welfare system apparently still pays you whlie you're overseas ;-)
find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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1) Do you guys have stores where you can buy, like, stuff? To eat and drink I mean.

Just McDs.

2) What about toilet paper? Should I bring my own?

We use junk mail for that.

3) How are the roads? Should I rent a 4WD car, or will my bicycle be enough?

You need a harley dude, iit's America.

4) I may pop over the border and visit Mexico. Should I bring gloves?

Yes, latex.

5) I'm also thinking about stopping by in Canada, should I bring shorts?

Why not and have some bacon while there.

6) Do I need any vaccinations?

Just the one for AIDS.
Memento Audere Semper


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P.S. The Dutch welfare system apparently still pays you whlie you're overseas.

Just for the record, that's a generic 'you', not a Jaap 'you'. I'm a (hard) working citizen paying money to the government, rather than the other way around.

And yeah, don't get me started...

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It's a good post... and I have give you some ribbing for it... esp considering the circumstances.

Also for the record you're one of the best things that's happened to Canada... right up there with toques, maple syrup, poutine, tortierre, donairs, caesars, Tim Hortons, and the word "eh".

find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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Just don't drink the water.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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I'm in the US and planning a trip to Jaap's house. Anything I should know?B|

Seriously, the weather sucks in Seattle, I'm coming up to visit...

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7) Go knock on Nick's door . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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