
If Norway is too far...

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...feel free to come visit here.

Don't know if it's jumpable. We'll find out soon. Anybody recognize it and know if it's been jumped before? PM me...

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Uhmm, somewhere in Canada? It would be a real teaser if the pic would show the wall as well....

Ronald Overdijk

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It would be a real teaser if the pic would show the wall as well....

Those pictures aren't available. Yet...

Oh by the way; als Dave Lundquist in Nederland is een dezer dagen en je doet een sprongetje met hem, doe hem dan de groeten. Zeg hem maar dat de honderdtachtig voeter op hem wacht in Vancouver.

Oh hey Dave... ;)

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Hey Jaap,

I think by the appearance of rocks and vegitation that looks like it is in between Kelowna and Vancouver so that narrows it down to 600km of mountains and about 5 different ranges. but quite honestly that small mountain range is typical of the west edge of the rockies. When you get on the airplane on friday take a look out the window about 20 minutes after you take off and you will see what I mean. The tree line on the east end(calgary) of the rockies is typically a lot more stark then the west end and is typically quite a bit drier also the picture shows smaller range. Plus, this guys is in shorts and a t-shirt and for the rockies so that is a short hike(4 hours or less to car) and that puts him at 10 or past at peak season but by his shadow it appears to be around 5 or 6 oclock in the pm with the long day of summer and he is facing NW. I believe by the glacier movement of several thousand years ago the ranges with that orientation are predominantly in SE BC which is like a stone's throw from your condo.

Do you have an idea of range? Or are you just keepin a nice secret:)

Missionary Man

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Impressive Kris...


Or are you just keepin a nice secret :)

I don't even know where it is yet. I only just got the picture from one of the climbers/hikers that I've been randomly calling in this province. We might be visiting it soon. If it turns out to be jumpable, you'll have to come visit for sure. Bring some Abba though!

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If it turns out to be jumpable

Just a question of slider up or off!;)

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guestimates on how high it is ??

I always see images like that and wonder how well you guys can guess the height,
from that pic how high is where that guy is standing compared to say the valley that can be seen ?

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i would guess that the trees below are at least 60 ft tall... I am guessing that it is easily jumpable using simple math...

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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I agree on that for sure. I feel as though the mountains in that area have been formed by glacier activity which was closer to sea level so the mountain ranges are more like larger more round foothills and they are usually not very overhung unless over the years there has been enough fracturing in the rocks to cause the range to lose half the moutainside like some of the other jump sites seen in the rocky mountains. It is hard to say by this picture but you can see some rock debree below the cliff so there is hope:)! I think it looks like 700-900'. There does seem to be a little belly or outcrop just below that exit point. But nothing a little foo man chu can't deal with.

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