
tips fpr care of sabre 2

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Freeyge13, this is what my gear dealer told me, "psyco pack it and don't drag it in the dirt."
Dude I'm not really in a position to give advice to anyone, so talk to your local rigger. I bought my saber2 new and psyco packed it for probable the first 40 jumps or so and I did so on the advice from a master rigger. However PD does not recommend the psyco pack atleast in the manual I received with my canopy and they went on to state that a pro pack is the preferred method. Any thing else and you can considter yourself a test jumper. My canopy happens to be tight in my rig so packing really boils down to keeping the canopy under control when folding it and putting it in the D-bag. I recommend you pack your canopy atleast 50 times before forming a opion
on weather or not it is a pain in the ass to pack.:D Enjoy your saber2

blue skies


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you dont like the openings?? why not, if you dont mind me asking.

I would suggest pro packing, but instead of the usual s fold, fold it in half, fold the nose over, bung it in the bag, then s fold the tail in.

That makes no sense reading it, but a rigger should be able to show you what i mean.

Thats what i was shown and it seems to help a lot :)
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Have tried a lot to slow the opening down....also stuff like that.
Putting the nose a bit back in the packjob....folding the cells except the middel one etc etc...
Still got fast openings after all?
The next to do must be letting my rigger jump/inspects it or ship it back to PD and let them have a look at the weirdo.

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Seems to get quite fast openings with normal propack on my Sabre2 it loaded 1.65.

Then you must not be packing it right.

I've jumped quite a few Sabre2s and I've yet to have a bad opening with one. I pro-pack them and have jumped them at wingloadings from 1.3:1 to 1.7+:1.

If you're still complaining that "its still a slippery beast" then I bet your packjob is coming apart while you're trying to put it in the bag.
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My Saber2 started to get much easier to pack around 60 jumps, I would say don't worry too much. As for care, stay out of the sun. But that's kinda messed because skydiving is something you can only do on sunny days :D

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