
PF wing suit

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hi ,
emotions are going crazy.. after stopping a little the full body grin :-))
I am able to post this:
jumping first BM classic, GTI, Skyflyer 3 and SF 4in the past I made the first jumps with the vampire V1. It 's a blast. Compared to all other suits it flys faster, further, easyer, solid and also more sensitive.
You should wear goggels because the foreward speed is pressing tears in the eyes or is it just because of the happiness ??

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Is that TROLL I smell? :|

Not even close. Hannes has been BASE jumping longer than most of the people on these forums have been skydiving. He's also verifiably jumped all of the above wingsuits.

He's known, respected, and recognized by BASE jumpers the world over.

That's about as far from a troll as I can imagine.

Now, who are you, Mr. Policeman? Oh, wait, maybe I just ought to do an IP search...
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Yer the ******* (edited, wouldn't want to "attack" anyone) entering no info. Go away or grow/strap a set on.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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No, these are probably your unwashed feet, you dumbnut. ;)
I´ve been there this weekend in Italy at the terminal wall and seen several guys flying the V1 and I know what Hannes means, because that suit´s flying like hell.

c u, Martin

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The Trollpolice login has been disabled. Let's please drop this. There's little point in yelling about it when we've got folks around here who spend time tracking those things down and sorting them out.

-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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What about distance, a lot of the guy's in the wingsuit forum are raving about the speed, how is the glide ratio working out for the BASE people so far? Are there going to be people going further and further this summer?:)
(Not that I BASE or jump wingsuits yet but y'know, inquiring minds and all that)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Its fun though. :D

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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More speed might imply more lift due to increase of airflow. More lift might mean a slower vertical descent giving it a longer glide.


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