
newbie help

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You people may have seen a question like this many times here but I just signed up so deal with it, kidding.
I took an AFF course a few months ago and then made a few jumps. But soon I had to go back to school which is far from the DZ I jump at.
Anyway this Spring I was wondering if anyone could offer any helpful advice on what kind of gear to purchase. I would really like to own my own rig. I am quite clueless in many ways when it comes to this stuff. What canopy size and manufacturer would anyone recommend for me; Im not so much a speed freak just as long as the chute opens smoothly and can land with a standup or small jog. Are there any newcomers out there that could recommend their own gear? Also are audible altimeters worth the purchase. They seem like they would be very helpful. I plan on doing much more jumping from spring to fall. Any advice would be appreciated to help me get back into the game.

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get current first, and while you are doing that, research some gear. Talk with instructors. Look at some of the excellent used gear resources on the web (DZ.com, skykat, square1, ...) Generally I'd recommend used gear for you. Get a new helmet, alti/audible, jumpsuit etc. is fine.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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Welcome Jumpy,

Giving advice on what canopy to buy would be dangerous, and no-one here has seen you jump, no one knows anything about you here.

I suggest finding a DZ near your school (every school should be close to one, students are fools for jumping :)) get to an A license, and THEN start worrying about gear purchase.

Best o luck!

"Nothing is written"- T.E. Lawrence

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