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  1. Why not consider a Round Reserve PC, A lot of Riggers will tell you no but I have used a Round Reserve for 38 years,23 of the years in the Air Force. I have 6 rigs right now and all of them have Round Reserves in them. No Free Bags, no D-Bags, just the Round Reserve Canopy and the Pilot Chute with the Spring in it to deploy it. (( I would trust my life and your life to a Round Reserve Canopy before I would trust it to a Square Reserve Canopy )) But there are a hell of a lot of Riggers and other Jumpers out there that will 100 % disagree with me about it. I have only had 11 cutaway's in 38 years and the one Damn time I used a Square Reserve Canopy in the rig I jumped that day and it almost killed me, all because the Fricking D-Bag hung up and if it was not for all the trees I fell into and the tops of the trees branches grabbing all the lines and Canopy and pulling the Canopy open as I was falling through the trees, ( I would have been very DEAD that day )......?????????????? First time I even used a Square Reserve Canopy to jump with and it was the last time. For some odd reason I became the Luckiest Man that Cheated Death that day.?????????????? I would rather be a little beat up from the hard openings of a Round Reserve Canopy,,,than very DEAD because a Deployment Bag on a Square Reserve Canopy hung up in the Container or didn't let the Canopy Deploy once it was out of the Container...???????????? But for whatever it is worth, that is only my opinion about ( What's a Newbie to Think ) Talk to other jumpers and ask Questions, talk to the , lets say older jumpers that have been around for a while. \ Not just the young jumpers I don't think most jumpers under 25 ?? have ever seen a Round Reserve or Main Canopy in real life Just make sure if you buy new gear you get a Main & Reserve Canopy that fits the Container properly, not something you have to drive a truck onto it to close the Container up and it will screw you on your first jump. Make sure you know how to pack your Main Canopy properly, take a class and learn it the right way, just don't let Joe Blow the Hot Dog Jumper down the road try to teach you all you need to know, ,, chances are if you look at their rig,, it's a mess ?????? But there are a lot of good jumpers out there too that can help, like the guy or gal who has the same Canopy or Rig ??????? USE THAT THING YOU WERE GIVEN THAT SHOULD BE SITTING BETWEEN YOUR 2 EARS THAT IS CALLED YOUR BRAIN, IT JUST MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE ONE DAY ???? But again that's only my opinion. ! ! ! !
  2. hi, had a email from the same guy trying to scam me with one of his cashier checks. I knew something was not right when he emailed me back telling me he only purchased gear with cashiers checks and does not use Paypal at all and never has before Would love to meet this guy and do so something with his cashiers check on him. What a piece of crap he is dave