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Posts posted by alygator

  1. The man with the home made black & white tracking suit that you can see at the beginning have better glide performance than Veush in his Cruise + (and he is a damn good tracker).
    But don t dreams guys, even with your squirrel, tony, sfly, PF, etc you ll never fly like this because you re not... FRENCH!!! ;)

  2. It s still totally wrong to write about "initial impression" about a suit you never flew. Even a small modification can change a lot a suit. Just try 2 different Apache with the same "template" and just minor change you ll see...

  3. Stop trolling, just say thank you to frenchies for parachute, modern wingsuit (and independance) ;)
    Anyway, it s not the same shape. Leg wing is wider, profile is thinner, etc.
    The first to use Cup inlet, arm foam and poles storage is PF, In/out harness, pockets and neoprene sleeve is Tony... Squirrel is not the one to mention for "innovation", just the best for communication.
    And about the performances, the guys i know who fly the ridge, coming from aura for most of them and they ALL have better start and better glide with the SFly.

  4. I know some very good and experienced pilots who changed from Aura to Ridge. From what i heard it s quite similar to the Aura(1) but with a better start. Some pilot have better overall perf than before with their Aura and the others similar but none have less.

  5. Sure the backdoor is wide enough to let 4 people jump on the same time and in the same line... I expected pf pilot had won this by killing the others with theirs fins :D
    But that s not the point. At this level and between these suits it s really the pilot who give the little extra amount of speed or not.
    PS: A new competitor in this categorie will be out soon, the PF Arrow.

  6. The "redbull race"... Exit with 2 in front and 2 behind, for sure it was fair (and smart)...
    Don t remember to saw production c2 in finals at WWL... Jedei, scorpion and Vrace yes. Squirrel did well too but with a prototype only for this kind of event, not a c2.
    But all these suits are good now and it s mostly the pilot who made it fast or not.
    Anyway, what the purpose to have the fastest if you don t race it? And if you do these races you ll have a sponsor so you ll fly his suit. ;)

  7. The only time i had that, it was when i return to maw glide after really steep dive. Since i think to keep a proper heel position i didn t have flapping anymore.

  8. I had sometimes Fins who flapped but like for Jean "The Legend", it s because of a bad position of the feet or/and if you don t stretch your leg. The heel should be pointing outside, not the toe. No more problems for me now