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Everything posted by rainbow6

  1. I would not buy the jump just yet. As you stated for some reason or other he has "never been that interested in skydiving." This to me is a red flag. For whatever reason it sounds like this person does not want to do a skydive. Would he jump if you bought it for him ? Yes, I believe he would. Would he have a good time ? Again, yes I believe that he would. I also remember the case of a boyfriend buying his girlfriend this as a surprise gift and as they parked in the lot she began crying. She never even got out of the car. The 3 others in their group all jumped and had an o.k. time because their friend was back in the car crying. I would suggest in a couple weeks or a month show him a you tube video of a very very good and safe tandem skydive and see how he reacts to it. Again if he appears disinterested then let it go because he may have some personal reason for not wanting to do it that he either feels embarrassed or ashamed to explain. Another suggestion if a drop zone is nearby may be to go together and hang out for a little bit watch some jumps and gauge his reaction that way again if he appears disinterested then i would suggest letting it go.
  2. I just completed my AFF I a week ago at skydive ratings. I had a full class 6 people. All precourse and course cost $450. I purchased a block of 50 jumps which was $1200 but I only used 20 tickets so i would suggest buying a block of 20 jumps. I hope this helps
  3. A couple quick things regarding your posts. First of all during your AFF concentrate on the AFF. Don't worry about does this count towards my A license, worry about finishing your AFF. To answer the question some things can go towards your license but other things don't, again don't worry about the license so much and concentrate on the AFF. Finally regarding asking stupid questions, please ask them and if need be ask them twice. As an instructor I hate nothing more than hearing the words I should have asked about that or I was wondering about that...People say there are no stupid questions, that isn't exactly true but in this sport your life and the lives of anybody else in the air is on the line...Ask your questions and if you ever get blown off because you asked a question you may need to find a different instructor or drop zone...We are all learning in this sport from jump number 1 to 1 million