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Posts posted by Jbag

  1. Quote


    How the hell do you keep getting away with getting pulled over, and NOT have anything bad happen?

    I got a ticket for not having a front license plate the other day. No warning.

    You are an illegal immigrant with no drivers licence and the cop gives you a break. :D Good to see where my tax dollars are going!!! Cincy cops must be a lot nicer than ours up here.

    I got done in Fla doing 75mph in a 55 zone and when i handed him my australian Licence he said.. "slow down sir" have a nice day:)

    Here in OZ they would have Hammered me, $750 fine and probably loss of licence

    i wish you got hammered my ozzi friend, now get me some tim tams! =D

  2. Quote


    Is it a thing where if you're an HA who wears glasses, you have to wear thick black frames?

    Just don't break as easy in a fight, and are cheap to replace...

    here is a Hint though, don't walk up an ask a HA unless you are a female!:D

    why not?
    i hear they are a bunch of pansies anyways...washed up old men ya know...


  3. i love my sabre 2, i have no issues with end cell closures or the slider getting stuck at the top of the lines, although on other sabre 2's i have. my openings are pretty random, i dont even try for on heading anymore, i just steer the openings the best i can to avoid any possible collision. i can normally steer it on heading too. i havnt had any hard openings.

  4. i dont recommend it, the sizing chart is saying a 190 is soft, meaning its lose inside of the tray...are you looking to buy gear or trying out a new canopy? ill be there tomorrow if you want to talk to a real person too, tons of knowledgeable people there to talk to as well.

  5. Quote


    elsinore also owns the glider port that is on the same airport, gotta get the S&TA's permission to jump them though...good luck.

    I don't believe Elsinore owns the glider port business. Separate company. They don't own any of the land. It's all leased.

    from my understanding karl owns the airport and has some sort of tie to the glider port, but i could be wrong.

  6. Quote

    Well, it is no longer a rumor. The Polk County Commission made the decision last month not to renew ASC's lease effective April 2010.

    Uh, Cary? Remember when you said "go ahead and sue me, I've got more money than God"?

    I hope you knew Karma would come back and bite you in the ass someday.

    This is not all that you've got to deal with, far from it.

    Have a nice evening! B|


  7. Quote



    Killing a kid at any speed would be horrible, speeding or not. However kids were not a factor and I am still very happy about the outcome of the ticket regardless of your comment of taking the law into your own hands. You come after me, my family comes after you, your family comes after my family..... That is just stupid. I prefer the justice system and in this case it worked in my favor. Or maybe you prefer that our judicial system just convicts everyone with out a fair trial......

    Find peace my brother..;)

    Don't mind him, he's always been kind of a nutcase. :P

    i think killing kid at a slower speed would be worse b/c they wouldnt die right away, they would have to suffer =D