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Everything posted by Freeflaw

  1. this type of shit does not help anyone. maybe he is full of shit maybe he isn't ....but he does have a working prototype that might be worth testing... we finally have a crew that is now (hopefully) able to do so... so this type of commentary is simply destructive.. second, the guy was jumping for the 8 years he was building the suit ...
  2. well now that you all have had ur laugh ... please inform me as to the biggest danger in camera flying... logic suggests it would be having ur lines get snagged... but since thats apparently not it ... I am curious...
  3. I'd like to note that its a top mount with a cut away and all snag points have been taped of.;search_string=camera%20danger;#1029634;post=3405178;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; - Entanglement - Whiplash - more complicated reserve procedures (have to be ready to chop my helmet now) - more restricted field of vision because of globy equip - Changes in aerodynamics because of altered helmet shape - Eating a pc because Im on the camera step (since im doing mostly FF and have never taken camera step this does not seem to be a concern at this time) - alitude awarness (but I mean seriously dude... you have to have priorities straight) - not being able to "rely" on my now disconnected RSL ...DON'T get complacent about your gear checks... safety first, cameras second... So far I have set myself a cap for jumpers per load on which I am willing to cam(2-3 FF and tracks.) On all these jumps I am part of the group of jumpers. In no way shape or form do I believe that I am absolutelty prepared for all the ins and outs of camera flying ... I am just not as ill prepared as some comments have made me seem ... btw thx DSE for psuhing that Giboline project
  4. Was the jumper you are referring to not injured by attempting a 270 for the first time? I understand the concern for new jumpers and their antics (attitudes)... but rest assured I have always been very interested in safety and have thus far been really conservative. As a matter of fact my concern for safety prompted one instructor to ask whether skydiving was the right sport for me (implication -> chicken shit). I have 200 jumps now and am still at a 1.0 wl). Obviously I was being facetious by declaring myself to have "mad skillz". I think i realize the dangers of camera jumping (entaglement). Neverhtless my problem was purely a mechanical one as I missed the threading in front of the lens (which I though I had to replace) as my gf pointed out to me when she got home. I mean this patronizing attitude is important but it also should be applied with a little bit of discretion rather then as a standard that fits all. Just because I am a 200 jump wonder does not mean I haven't done my hw.
  5. I take USPA regs as recs... or was it the other way around? ;)
  6. No need to patronize. I know my SIM regs, I know what safety considerations figure into this decision, I know I am pushing a little faster but thats ok cuz I gotz "mad skillz" (tongue in cheek)... I have talked to various people (about cam flying) and foraged the forum (for cam flying and my question)_...but cant seem to find any info online... I just got my lens today and would like to "attach" it now (instant gratification!). Thx p.s. I checked the forum for "attach lens/opteka" "cx100 lens" "install lens/opteka" "mount lens/opteka" and "lens" and I couldnt find anything useful.... so if u have a thread watched pertaning to this link it ... i would be eternally greatful
  7. sorry wrong forum... mods please move to vid and photography
  8. Couldnt find any threads about installing lenses, cant find anything in the user manual for the camera, no information delivered with the lens, no time to go to the DZ
  9. bump ... anyone know the deal with this suit? @Gibolin.... if you have put the project to rest and have no intenton of picking back up ... how about sharing the wisdom... what makes your suits so fast.... what have you done in terms of materials? I am really really curious
  10. Check this vid...note the pro track data pretty nuts...notice the shape of the wing and contrast that with typical concave shape wings tend to take on
  11. Anybody read the incident section in this months Parachutist? aad fired under total baglock and reserve never opened...hmmmm?
  12. Is it possible to fit a 210 storm/spectre/tri into a Wings container made to hold a 190 sabre II? I've heard of such feats being accomplished, though this may wear out or require a worn out container to be achieved. Thats just hearsay and guesses respectively though.
  13. I am looking for some information on composite parafoils. Please don't refer me to the search function as there are but two posts on the subject matter on DZ. I am just curious whether the technology is already trickling into the skydiving world. The atair material, which has been tested by some lab at the University of Alberta, is supposedly 300% stronger 600% less stretchable and 68% lighter then ZPO nylon and is on top of that mildew and UV resistant. That seems like a very promising material for canopies. Of course the thing might be more susceptible to abrasions, maybe heat, maybe the strength of ZPO nylon is sufficient and the material is just overkill, some suggested that stretch is good because it softens the opening, who knows; I don't, but I'd really like to (From what I can tell it seems that apex base is selling atair canopies that are partially made with composite material. Interestingly, it is suggested that these canopies should not be jumped more then 200 times [where 300 hundred jumps seems to be the recommended max life for ZPO base canopies]. What are the ups and the downs of canopies made from composite materials (apart from the as of yet prohibitive cost and the potential shorter life of the material)? Anecdotes, discussion, links or any other contribution is appreciated
  14. \The new mod really ensures that the reserve pilot chute will launch out into the air very forcefully. It has a very good spring loaded pilot chute. Have you tested the new setup? Any info that verifies the claim would be appreciated...sorry if i come of as rude i don't mean to be
  15. I am thinking about buying a used Quasar II with 600 jumps on it. I am unsure what to think as there is little information available on it, except for the gear-goggled happy customers review. I have just given the rig to a rigger and am now wating for the results of the inspection. I have noticed that the ring, which keeps the hip and chest straps together, seems to have a seemingly superficial crack in it. I don't know if it is a stainless steel ring or a plated ring? Is this a problem? It would seem so considering that this rougness might for instance wear on or have already worn on the material. Anyhow, I just want some info on the container. BTW, the container has the mods to resolve the original reserve pilot chute isssues. Do videos exist that show the succesful firing of the reserve pc under the conditions under which the original setup produced a total malfunction?
  16. Round reserves are less reliable. So it is the case that round reserves are less reliable because they are less prone to malfunction, slower on openings, harder to deal with malfunctions, more dangerous on landings? Just curious, I don't want to be presumptous because I have little to no experience and this questioning is mainly motivate by a hunch that a round chute may provide better in air stability (i.e. you wouldn't get into a spinning malfunctio [this argument of course ignores the possible malfunctions which may be particular to rounds that I know nothing about). Bye the way, thx for your thorough reply, I appreciate it.
  17. just curious, a little of tangent but still: how come the lines are not simply color coded on reserves... would eliminate the problem of finding the line thats over? (granted ur reserve aint colorful like the rainbow)
  18. hi im new here, had my first aff saturday. Wondering about a couple of things. 1) Why not round reserves anymore (considering the potential stability of such a setup in a biplane situation)? 2) Why not hand deployed reserves? (maybe because of the ease of deplyoment which is important for obvious reasons). 3) how come wingsuit base jumpers are able to open at terminal with parachutes packed to open in 1-2 seconds without ustaining any injuries. How do the advancements in base jumping equip Aement help to improve skydiving equipment?