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  • Main Canopy Size
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    Velocity 90
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  • Home DZ
    Black Knights
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  1. D100965 What the cost of a set of electronic gates? Sorry if a little of topic, but i jump at BK and the pond is in some dire need of some TLC, as i not the standard of the one at RAPA that i cleaned on a number of times as i worked for paul moore when he ran the place. But the one here is begging to be used. Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  2. Well there is some great info here! An i have enjoyed reading lots of people views, The Rules back in the UK are 200 jumps for camera, an i have already talked about this in a different forum etc. I did my first Camera jump at 200 jumps, this was a solo, and top mounted DSLR, I didnt own Vid at the time, I was doing a lot of solo's at the time and working on canopy piloting, and working towards CP1 so i just used to take exit pictures, and pictures of my surroundings, and my setup points over the ground, which i found an added aid at times. arund 250 jumps i added my wings to the picture and did a few solo's and got used to the deploment and i think i got twist the first time, i was jumping a stilleto 120 with around 60 jumps at the time. For the next i would say 100 jumps i filmed 4 ways when i had the chance. But i jumped every jump with the camera. So it became second nature. An drills where second nature an i would just run through possible situations like you would when you are doing your malfuction drills. I also had a number of chats with people about should you have your RLS connected or not? Im still undecided. Other things i think helped where that i had done a few display jumps with tandams with smoke etc. I started filming tandams at my current DZ around 450 jumps, i had not pushed for it before as i had enough money to jump when i wanted and was also doing it as a full time job with in the armed forces. The Kit i jump with is a Velo 90 with full RDS wingload about 1.8 and wings if required, but i tend to stray from this as i use the high deployments as free practise for CP. i use a PC1000 side mount, but dont jump with stills as not something our DZ does, and im happy with that due to snag hazard. I would not recomend to anyone doing what i do, most people would find this a high work load, an trust me things dont always go to plan, and i have jumped in some crap weather and landed off before now, i was lucky someone else filmed the landing for me, but well the family was still very happy, and i even got a tip ontop of my normal money from the DZ. Right i have to shoot, i shall finish this of later. Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  3. Rhys i can see the angle you are coming from with regards to people putting a number required to do a task than judgement on ability alone, BPA rules 200 jumps before a camera can be jumped, but you also require CCI permision along with adhering to Local DZ rules e.g having a cut away or not! I had a major problem with people restricting my progression when i came to down sizing onto smaller canopys, (They where having my best intrest at heart) there are no rules set in stone on down sizing within the BPA rules that i could find apart from recomdation not not regarding a percentatage reduction but this is only advisory and doesnt say how many jumps you should do before changing again. Anyway what im trying to get at is people once they see someone get hurt they want to wrap people in cotten to insure no one gets hurt, which i can uderstand as there is nothing worse watching some die infront of you, Plus i think the second thing that numbers are put onto things like this is todo with insurance and liabilty, To protect DZO & CCI. Especially the blame game that is currently part of our culture i hate to say, If it was my way there would not be a jump number limit it would be based on ability and enforming the jumper if you get this wrong your dead. But these isnt going to happen. I could suggest such ways around issue's, but if people want it enough be it jumping camera or wingsuiting etc they will find ways around it. Cough, go to a different DZ or do some BASE! Just in Rhy's deffence i belive this should have been placed in the photography section, and belive that some of the MOD's should maybe take a back seat in some areas, as it looks like you have isolated him out. I have had the pleasure of competing with rhys last year in Dubai 2010 meet. An is very warming and apporachable chap. Blue skys dez Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  4. Dates are out for Dubai 2011, but cant make it again this year! Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  5. Look there are so many variable for turn hight wind strength, direction, the discipline you are doing etc etc. At the end of the day you are the only one who can work these out. An that means getting in the plain a repeating drills lots of times. If you jump two canopies you also have to train twice as much effectively. An if you want to lower the risk an no doubt aid you in improving your skills at a faster pace get your cash out for a coach. At the end of the day big boys rules. Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  6. I think you MISREAD my post. castrodavidd said HE hadn't heard of polar curves Sorry about that, i think i had read it correctly just typed what i want to say to whom incorrectly Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  7. 190 @ 1.1 then you got married and went to 190 @ 1.4 So im guessing your about 110 kgs Man i need to get married, i never new this was the secret to sorting your wing loading out. Loose weight to downsize, why waste this natural ballast get on that new canopy do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill! Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  8. To be honest im not to sure this is what i briefly read up on my self - An im no aerodynamics guru buy a long shot, but i think angle of incidence is in built into the design, angle of attack is chord line of the wing and the vector representing the relative motion between the wing and the atmosphere variable buy the means of flaps positive or negative or in our case one direction by the means of our rears. Thats my interpretation anyway. Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  9. oh shall we start talking about rears as well, changing our angle of attack. To be honest get a neptune 3 an plug it into a PC it will spert out all the info of decent rates etc etc, and you can draw pie charts and graphs etc etc till they come out your ears. Kallend I have to say im very shocked with your experiance you have not heard of a polar curve though this is very basic stuff when coming to flying. Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  10. read post above, i had just added that info before your reply. Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  11. Kameraflyr Do you know what a polar curve is? Have a look at this, http://www.jdburch.com/polar.htm The polar curve changes as we also add weight, all explained on there. Plus you could plot several canopies on one graph and see what happens to them at different speed, etc etc this is also a good read http://www.auf.asn.au/emergencies/aircraft.html#vbg An last but least http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasitic_drag ach of these forms of drag changes in proportion to the others based on speed. The combined overall drag curve therefore shows a minimum at some airspeed - an aircraft flying at this speed will be at or close to its optimal efficiency. Pilots will use this speed to maximize endurance (minimum fuel consumption). However, to maximize gliding range in the event of an engine failure, the aircraft's speed would have to be at the point of minimum power, which occurs at lower speeds than minimum drag. Key sections here are maximum endurance (e.g. fuel) and maximizing the gliding range! Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  12. Well firstly to some of the early points people where making, Flying speed of a canopy has nothing to do with wind speed, its all relative. If my canopy is flying at 30 knts into a head wind of 10 knts my canopy speed is still the same as flying at 10 knts down wind, (30knts) the only thing that changes is our ground speed. Moving onto swoop distance on the velo 96 and 75 this is due to glide ratio, and the polar curve that the canopy has. E.g the rate it sinks at to the hight lost (what its optimum glide is) this is affected by the wind speed moving the polar curve to the left or right depending on wind strength and direction in relation to the wing. I believe i have explained that correctly but your best bet is to look it up in the book canopy and its pilot, as i am taking my flight experiences mainly for gliding Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  13. Pic 164, you get extra style points for taking your shoe off while doing a blindman? Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  14. Ok maybe i should have said, Jump number are not relevant if the do not relate to the discipline you are conducting. An totally agree with you on the experience and this is done through in my eyes by repeatedly training high as well as been associated to your jump number and the frequency of them. Along with training where available. Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!
  15. Jump number i think are not relevant, currency is the key. Do what every arsehole who knows everything about canopy flight does this time of year , pull those toggles like the church bells and and closer to the floor the better the thrill!