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Posts posted by skydiverek

  1. Quote

    Have you looked into a Vector 3/Micron? They are definately worth a look.

    Yes, I did, and I prefer Mirage G3/G4 over Vector 3/Micron because of the following:

    1.) I like Mirage reserve pilotchute (with mesh) more than Vector's.

    2.) Reserve cover flap on Mirage tucks in in the way that it cannot be snagged by line. Vector's reserve cover flap also tucks in, but in a different way, and it CAN be snagged by the line (in a CRW wrap, for example).

    3.) Mirage offers hip rings. Vector does not.

    4.) Mirage has on option of having smaller matal reserve handle.

    5.) Also, I was always wondering... If you look at Micron's picture (attached) you can see that the container side flaps cover more reserve container area than on other rigs. I was always wondering if that would not make the extraction of the freebag more difficult if the jumper would deploy his/her reserve head down with total malfunction (main conatiner still closed). Any thoughts?

    BTW, I think Vector 3/Micron is a great rig and I know it is TSO'd. I am just looking for a perfect rig :)


  2. Quote

    Some possibilities:

    1. The pin cover has flipped up and over the rig and is now between his rig and his back.

    It could not have flipped over because you can see "Javelin" logo on his yoke. If it flipped over, reserve cover flap would cover the logo (unless it's clear, like you said).

  3. Quote

    What is the general concensus on what is the lowest height a base jump can be accomplished? 200ft, 300ft?

    The lowest I have ever seen was on "Fixed 2" video tape - 63ft cliff jump.:o

  4. I watched Mike McGowan's tape "Mike McGowan's Greatest Hits". There is a clip showing low canopy collision between two jumpers. The lower jumper cuts away, and you can see his reserve starting to deploy (probably by RSL). The reserve reaches line stretch and and the same time jumper hits the ground (probably still travelling around 60 mph). It looks like the round reserve has not even inflated with any air.

    Does anybody know what happened to this jumper???

  5. Quote


    (like quarter second parachute rides after deploying at terminal

    think i must of missed that bit............. can you refresh my memory?
    Be Safe..................

    There are 2 versions of "Beyond Extreme". One is about 31 minutes long, the other about 45 min. long. The longer one has that quarter second parachute rides (two of them), coverage of Bridge Day 2000 (with the guy jumping Icarus Extreme 79 and swooping the river...), jumps from KL Tower in Malaysia (including skysurf) and BASE lineover and cutaway. You probably have the shorter version. The only place to buy the FULL version is from its producer Tome Begic at The FULL version is WAY better. Get it! You won't regret...

  6. Quote

    I just ordered Beyond Extreme (thanks for the advice Tom) and Fixed 2, but i haven't actually ever seen any BASE specific vids - anyone got any recommends besides these 2? I prefer a professional looking production and interesting cinematography and diverse jumps to anything else (although i guess thats what everyone prefers?)


    Beyond Extreme is the BEST. It truly shows footage that is far beyond extreme (like quarter second parachute rides after deploying at terminal, or double backflip from under 200 ft).

  7. Quote

    Would it be possible to pack a bigger reserve than recommended in mirage containers. We, for example were able to pack a reserve one size bigger in javelin and atom without much of a problem :)

    On Mirage website it says that "you can safely drop one size on main and one on reserve. Larger reserves will NOT fit".

  8. Quote

    Not having an exposed PC is no protection against reserve snags, whether it's the edge of the PC or the flap that gets snagged.

    That's why I like the Mirage/Wings/Talon/newer Javelin reserve pin cover flap because it TUCKS IN. I wonder why such advanced rig like Vector 3 does not utilize this solution? Tucked in reserve cover flap is also safer in canopy entanglements (while sticking out pop-up and not tucked flap is less safe - lines can easily go under them).

  9. Quote

    Also, I noticed that my openings (3) have been different with the new lines. Whereas before, the canopy opened "right now", it now takes 4 to 5 seconds to deploy. I see the slider is square, but the canopy takes its time to inflate. Someone suggested that with the new lines, the gromments may be sticking a bit and that in time the canopy will open as fast as it ever did.

    Dacron lines have more friction, slowing down the slider descent.

  10. Quote


    The trick here is that there must not be any gaps (or 'holes') in the formation - just body next to body creating a continues surface. Imagine whatching a successful attempt - 200 people descending slowly as a human canopy and landing unharmed!

    Possible, I imagine - but the formation would be extremely unstable... Imagine a piece of plywood falling through the sky.

    Maybe they could for a formation that would look like a bowl put upside down on a table?

  11. Quote

    Yes, NASA scientists calculated, that if 200 people linked in freefall, they could land without opening their parachutes. All without using wingsuits; just normal RW jumpsuit.

    The trick here is that there must not be any gaps (or 'holes') in the formation - just body next to body creating a continues surface. Imagine whatching a successful attempt - 200 people descending slowly as a human canopy and landing unharmed!


    And that is all theory, b/c I can promise you it would fail. I would more than likely not be the only person to turn and track at 7 grand

    That's why parachutes would not be provided... ;)