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Dropzone Reviews posted by wolfriverjoe

  1. Update: Due to finances, commitments, and general burnout, Wolf River Skydivers is closed. The plane has been sold and will be leaving Labor Day weekend. Student operations have ended. We did the best we could for as long as we could, but it just isn't feasible to continue. The remaining members deeply regret having to make this choice, but there isn't any alternative. We had a great time, and have made many wonderful memories and even more wonderful friends. Those of us continuing to jump will be found at Green Bay Skydivers in Pulaski. We have worked with them on a few projects over the past few years and have been welcomed with open arms. I hope to see you there.

    If you haven't been to WRS in a few years, you will be surprised. It has gone from a 3 plane 50+ member club that went non-stop from Friday night to Sunday night every weekend to a much smaller, more laid-back operation.

    AFF is no longer available, Britt and Cap have retired from the sport.

    Tandems and static line are still here.
    There is only one plane, but there are only a dozen active members, so getting on a load is actually easier. On several weekends last year, there was only one group jumping, so the pilot was waiting for the jumpers to pack up. Imagine having a plane waiting for the jumpers to get ready!

    Because of the much smaller operation, RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST! The DZ is NOT open every weekend, and classes/tandems are not automatically available when it is open.
    However, because it is a small operation, two or three jumpers is all it takes to get up. One of the members calls a pilot (there are three of them), and up we go.
    Although primarily a weekend operation, weekday evenings during mid summer are great times to jump. Again, a couple members call a pilot, and jump from late afternoon until sunset (9pm in mid-June).