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Posts posted by SStewart

  1. Hi Jerry,

    John has stated that he was able to get a waiver because an AAD is a non-certificated device going into a certificated system if I read that correctly.


    There is no standard for any type of certification for any AAD that I know of.

    Maybe there should be?


    The FAA sure does not have any certification procedure to use.

    Then how can it be required or even legal to use one if the device could possibly cause a certificated system to fail?

    John said he has a waiver to not use them in his system based on this arguement. It would seem you would actually need a waiver to use one since it has no certification.

    Onward and Upward!

  2. Wow, that is very interesting! I honestly did not know that AAD's are not certificated, I just assumed they were. During all my discussions with DeWolf and other instructors at Daves courses I don't remember this subject ever being addressed.

    By that arguement alone they should not even be legal to use at all by anyone until they become certificated.

    Onward and Upward!

  3. I buy and sell used gear all the time as part of my rigging business. There is no legitimate reason to not include serial numbers unless they are faded and not legible.

    I never buy anything unless I run the serial numbers against the stolen gear data base. Besides the one here on also has one. I found a stolen rig on Ebay last year and it was returned to the owner, the seller (a pawn shop) did not even know it was stolen.

    Every time you buy gear whether it is new or used write down the serial numbers and keep that available, it may come in handy. Whuffo theives don't know where to look so they are easy to catch.
    Onward and Upward!

  4. Last summer I bought a Sailrite (manufactured by tacsew) and I just love it. It is designed for nautical applications like sewing sails, vinyl seat cushions, webbing, boat covers etc. but it also works excellent for parachute rigging applications.
    It has a walking foot that works in both straight stich and zig-zag and it works in both forward AND reverse. The foot is a bit large so it is a little tough for tight corners but the needle can be positioned in left, right, or center so that really helps. Built like a tank and capable of sewing anything up to 3/4 of an inch. Sold new for a lot less than other walking foot machines and it is hard to find any that have the walking foot in both straight and zig-zag and both directions. The videos on their website are quite impressive.

    They say you can sew thinner material by backing off the mega-spring, change the needle, change the thread etc. but I would not use this for patching canopies. The dogs on the upper and lower foot are so agressive I would be concerned with damaging the fabric. But for everything else it is an awesome machine.
    Onward and Upward!

  5. Quote

    And how do you define "A well regulated militia"?

    The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. They are well armed and regulated. I suppose you could throw in Federal, State, County, and City law enforcement.

    This notion that Joe Sixpack with a basement full of guns and ammo is going to overthrow the US govt is absurd. If you start shooting your neighbors and fellow citizens to protect your "rights" you will still end up dead or in jail.

    Isn't that what Ted Nugent predicted?
    Onward and Upward!

  6. + 2

    Not to mention this stupidity is not enforceable. Most DZ's will ignore it and then what?

    Group member drop zones will lose their status? So what?
    That may be all it takes to drop out of the GMDZ program.

    If an experienced mentor takes somebody on a jump without the new rating what then, will they be kicked out of USPA? Will the indivduals membership and ratings be revoked?

    I mean what exactly are you going to do to us?

    Most skydivers don't give a shit about USPA to begin with, this type of thing only drives them farther away.

    USPA has one main function only and that is to defend skydivers from restrictions and protect our rights to skydive. Everything else is secondary. That is why the PCA and the later USPA were established.

    My instructor told me something 32 years ago and it is still true today "Skydiving did not begin the day you started jumping"

    I think some folks have lost sight of that.
    Onward and Upward!

  7. Yes all required fields are filled out. If I go to "modify ads" they all are there (dozens of them) so I was able to post one of them by modifying it. It will not let me include a picture or fill in the make, model, serial # etc. Very strange and annoying.
    Onward and Upward!

  8. It does not matter if you have your twenty packs done before the course, you will still have to do them during the course under supervision and have them witnessed and signed off by Dave or his instructors.
    Many folks show up with the twenty packs signed off and are surprised to find out that it doesn't count and they still have to do them.
    Well, it may count in that you have a head start with practice but that is all. If you already know how to pack a reserve the 20 should go pretty quickly and then you can concentrate on other stuff.

    When I took Dave's course I had hundreds of reserve packs both round and square, chest and back, and he still made me do 20 more.
    All you need is to be able to pack a main canopy, they will teach you the rest.

    ---former DeWolf student and instructor
    Onward and Upward!

  9. "considered unprecedented in a traditionaly safe Japan"

    Thanks for the quote. Gun violence is common in my country, knives not so much. Should I copy and paste the knife murders from the Swiss? I am sure there must be at least a few if I look for them.

    Maybe baseball bats or car wrecks to go along with the distraction?

    Hey, a caveman will hit you with a rock, should we outlaw rocks too? Ya, you win.
    Onward and Upward!

  10. Quote

    They don't have guns in schools and have more assault weapons than you can shake a stick at (Proper ones too) so why don't the Swiss have these mass school shootings? Me thinks culture.

    Apples and Swiss army pocket knives.

    Why is there no gun violence in Japan? They have virtually no gun crime at all. No mass murders, no school shootings, no gun crime to speak of really. Nobody in Japan has a gun.

    Culture? maybe, the people in Japan have honor.

    The United States disarmed the entire Japaneese population and their military after we won the war, it seems to be working.

    When people act like children maybe the adults should step in. Eh?
    Onward and Upward!

  11. If you want to know exactly what it is you should "call Ralph" that is what the label says isn't it?

    Ralph never "re-labeled" anything. That was done at the factory by his request. I would bet it was made by Pisa but I seem to recall he had other companies put his label on the canopies he sold. He is still in business and running his DZ. His Phone number is listed in the classifieds in Parachutist.
    Onward and Upward!

  12. Quote


    The left?

    So no taxes to pay for guards, we can just use the money from food stamps. We can't afford food but we can afford bullets. Fucking awesome!

    Now this is an interesting twist

    Why do you hate school children so much?

    What a stupid childish comment, I HAVE school children.

    I have no problem with well trained professional PAID armed security. That costs money and that means TAXES>

    The problem with you looney tunes right wing nut jobs is you want every thing for free. You freeloaders want big military and war just so long as you don't have to actually PAY for it. Armed security guards? Sure, but no funding for it because that would be communism.

    Why do you hate America so much?
    Onward and Upward!