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Everything posted by mminolli

  1. Interesting. I usually have these amazing skydiving dreams.... landing on beaches, drinking beer while skydiving, skydiving with four naked women while drinking beer..??? Then for the first time last night, I had a skydive nightmare. I struggled to get the pilot chute out. I managed to throw it out at 10 feet above the ground into a bag lock. Hit the ground, noticed it didn't hurt, then walked away... Way to weird. I had been practicing emergency procedures earlier that day... why I didn't follow them in the dream scares me a little.
  2. I had this problem too, but quickly found out how to fix it. People kept telling me to relax, and I felt relaxed, but I was still unstable. It finally hit me when I realized I was putting muscle into forcing my self into and arch. It wasn't until I just literally relaxed every muscle in my body (like meditating) I was able to gain stability. The arch then became totally natural, the air hitting my belly did all the arching work! Good luck, hope this helps!
  3. Just got my A license 2 weeks ago, ending with some extremely fun hop and pops and leaving me with 29 jumps. Just ordered my Mirage G4 container. Looking at getting a PD Reserve and Cypress. Just tried out a Pilot 210.... very nice! Trying to find a used one now. Hope to see you all around at some point!
  4. Thank you for this post and the link to the pdf. I just ordered my container after getting my A license. I was worried that I might oversize it, but looks like I got it just right!
  5. I just noticed a guy going under the name willy who fits this exact profile. Watch out everyone!