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Posts posted by dreaming13000

  1. invite her to become a skydiver too! it'll cost more but you guys can do it together (that's a good line ;) Good luck and blue skies.

    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  2. Quote

    Mine threw a coffee mug at my head once for busting out the "C" word during a minor argument. Luckily, I dodged it. She said if I used that word again, she'd make sure the mug hits me in square in the dome next time.

    I'm not sure why that word illicits such a strong response from females.

    Different people have different words that push the buttons. B| I smacked my ex husband on the back of the head once because we were in a minor argument about directions and he just lost it, cussing me and ended it with "YOU STUPID BITCH" and I reflexively smacked him upside the head and said "watch your mouth!" B|:$

    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  3. I am the oldest of three, Being the only girl and the oldest had good advantages for me, we grew up wrestling every chance we could (it took well into adulthood before they could whip me :P ) Our relationships have varied into adulthood but we always come through with a strong relationship. We don't really have alot in common outside of the fact that we are all married and have children. I don't always agree with their decisions and vice versa but, come on! let live is my philosophy...

    interesting topic though :)

    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  4. Quote

    Screw pink!
    Make it glow in the dark!
    Now that would be fun!

    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  5. I know from my 13 yr old years, prayer works wonders! Thanks mom and dad!!! love you!!

    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  6. November 15th :( gotta drive too far to the nearest dz and it rained while I was in san diego last month so no jumping then :(:(

    oh well, on the bright side I am saving money for my first rig.:P

    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  7. I had 35 jumps before I got pregnant, so then I took a break from skydiving, I still went to the dz all the time throughout my pregnancy just to stay connected to the sport I love. But the fear that came with that first re-currency jump after the little one was born was almost as intense as my aff level one fear. After a couple of jumps that cotton mouth fear began to fade into the background again. Recently I jumped at a different dropzone out of a little bity c182 with rental gear that I wasn't as familiar with, and that intense fear/anxiety once again made its appearance known...but a couple jumps later and I was fine once again.

    My girlfriend is still doing her static line progression and mentioned how scared she was on the way to altitude, I told her that I think in this sport there is a healthy fear which breeds respect and therefore safety.

    Plus, that fear is what makes that adrenaline start pumping!
    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  8. I am glad this thread lightened up a bit. As a parent who is addicted to skydiving I found myself getting worked up, but like the morbid curiousity that hits whenever one drives by a horrible car accident, I HAD to read through the entire thread. The fact is....we are all addicted to skydiving no matter what... right? and then you have the ppl who have children who have this love for the sport (ME ME ME) and then you have those who have no children and every single one of us are the same human beings but our circumstances differ....DOES IT MATTER. are we not all working towards the same goal....ANOTHER JUMP, another rush, one jump closer towards our goals.

    It really isn't that serious....so what if you can't wear a bikini top....whatever,....so what if you feel you shouldn't cuss that much.....so what so what so what...at least you are jumping out of an airplane, fixing that need that we all have. Shit, people need to relax and realize that we are all human after all and that we could give just a little bit of ourselves up just for the comfort of another person, we'd FIND TRUE HAPPINESS....

    then just smile... it really isn't that bad no matter how you see it.
    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  9. Today (may2) and tomorrow (may3) there is a boogie going on, it is the annual cinco de mayo boogie! you should check it out! it is well worth is if you are already near by!
    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  10. Unsupervised, children should not be at the DZ. Supervised, who cares. carry on with your OWN business.

    My daughter is ok at our dz, where it is more of a family environment than an "adult's playground" but I know that other dropzones have different atmospheres and parents should act accordingly in those cases.

    as for the comments about adult language...please! these days kids hear and learn more dirty language from their peers at school and the boobtoob then we did even into our late teens. I do believe there is such a thing as OVER protecting /sheltering one's children in some cases...

    just MHO. :)

    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  11. Quote

    Nervous as a cat until I get to the dropzone, then settles down.

    I call this the "horse near the barn" syndrome! so I know what you mean!


    Hate the plane, hate the door (afraid I'll fall out), love the jump and flying, love under canopy, worried about landings.

    Very normal, you will learn to enjoy the plane and the door, remember to breath deeply at least the last 1000ft on the climb to altitude (it will help you relax)

    The way I see it, landing is one of the most dangerous aspects of this sport, so you should worry to a certain extent, watch experienced skydiver's land every chance you get!!


    Sometimes I wonder why I bother, but it's just too cool. It's just not quite like other things I usually do. In fact, it's insane and suits me well.

    Yup, you are a skydiver! Blue skies
    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  12. I too reccomend the SIM {skydiver's information manual} and the above post gives you the download link, you can also go ahead and purchase one. The SIM has alot of important information you will need to know to safely skydive.

    Congrats! on your weight loss! You must feel like a million dollars! Not only are you going to live a healthier life but now you get to jump outta planes!! :P you can't beat that.

    I think you'll find that skydiving is a very mental sport, use this winter to prepare yourself mentally, and don't forget to report back when you start your AFF!

    good luck and blue skies!

    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  13. I was for a whole 8 years :S

    I am not sure how I feel about marriage now, though my boyfriend recently asked me if I want to date him for 20 years :$ I responded, "only 20?" but the point is, I enjoyed his question of dating indefinately..... as others have pointed out, the paper / contract is only that, paper.

    The committment, growth and self-less love is where a real "union" is formed after all.

    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

  14. Divorce is one of the hardest things one can ever go through, and there are alot of emotions involved. But you go girl! have a good celebration this weekend, for the beginning of a new chapter!

    ps. I had saved my bouquet so I did a bouquet burning ceremony at my divorce "celebration"....haha just an idea for ya.

    here's to blue skies
    "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen