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Everything posted by Converted1

  1. O.k. I give. Simple statement was made that alot of people are kept from enjoying this sport or "hobby" as your sidekick put it because of the cost factor. Nothing more. Far from whining about it. Simple conversation about the cost of things. I also dont have any problems buying the best out there. Wish I had known we were gonna have a peter measuring contest. Kinda caught me off guard.
  2. Yea i got 2 of those new "Ferrari's" but i can aford that, and people that cant should stop bitching about the price and buy a cheaper new/used rig, or learn to build them cheaper themselfs. If they can make them cheaper im sure they could sell a few.... Wow, you have 2? And can afford them both on top of that? And you were right, who was I to think that a gear and rigging forum meant we could talk about things that pertained to gear and rigging? My apologies.
  3. I agree with you. But the 1st time tandem student who absolutely loves it and wants to go further in this sport, does some re-search and looks at Aff and then owning a rig of his own might get a little put off by the price list just to get started. Not everyone hunts for used gear. A newbie like myself doesn't know the difference between used gear thats a deal and used gear i wouldnt use to slow down my lawnmower. And not everyone has the newbies best interest at heart. NOT saying it applies to everyone. Kind of like rolling the dice. I am sure there are great people and used gear abundant all over, but if I asked 3 different people about the same rig I would get 3 different answers. Some people arent willing to take that risk.
  4. What? Hard to drive 4-6 used rigs to work. Just saying. I know a few people who do not jump anymore because of the cost. They got priced out. I know I only have a couple jumps in (so please forgive me) but if the cost was low enough for the common folk, than more people would take up this great sport and so the manufacturers would make more money on quantity. I have a hard time believing that a container cost 2-3k to make. Flame away!
  5. I guess it all depends on which side of the pond your on. Not a big deal as long as it works right?
  6. I think those are 2 fingers pointing up and 2 fingers spread apart pointing up
  8. Showing "knuckles" means stop. Arm vertical with a closed fist.
  9. Alright 1 down 2499 to go. Hard to put into words but DAMN! what a f*****g rush. Had a perfect day, sun mid 80's. Tandem instructor Tom was a great guy willing to talk to me all day about skydiving. So we go up in the plane and climb and climb and went over some last minute instruction, get the shuffle up to the door tap and after that hung the leg ducked out and it was on! Things happen a lot faster than I thought. Free-falling is one of the greatest things ever(like everyone here doesn't already know that). The absolute best part was falling right through the middle of a cloud. Makes you think of all the amusement park money down the toilet. Already set my next for Sun and then the AFF. Like waiting for christmas day when I was a kid. Sorry about the pic (wife is technologically challenged)
  10. Classic
  11. She is already talking about it. I think she is gonna try a tandem in a few weeks.
  12. Hi everyone, my name is Mike and I live in N.E. Ohio. I am making the switch from hang gliding to sky diving. HG'ing was just not "it" for me. Where I flew, there were a group of sky divers that were there every weekend and from the first time I saw them having a blast and laughing and yelling I knew where I needed to be. Even my wife said I was doing the wrong sport for me. So my first lesson is Tuesday @ Cleveland Parachute Center. Cant wait.. Sorry for the long rambling post..