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  1. Im sorry, I see caskets taken off planes all the time here with flags draped over them, so my perspective is a little different. There is a price for freedom whether we protest or not, and many have paid that with their own lives. So which one is Patriotic - defending freedom, or "my country, right or wrong"? Can't have it both ways.
  2. So SS Officers were the true patriots of Deutschland in the '30s and '40s?
  3. Roman emperors were rather nastier to dissenters than Liz 1, so goodness knows what "facts" Roman historians fabricated. Hah, yeah! One of my favourite bits of classical writing comes from Livy's Early History of Rome. Goes something like "In the days that followed there were many portents. A statue wept oil, a two headed goat was born and a cow talked. There had been reports of talking cows before, but no-one had believed them."