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Everything posted by banesanura

  1. I dug up some pics... whoa! sorry for the pixelated photos, I was using paint. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  2. I'm not gonna lie, I'm ignorant as shit when it comes to being a vegetarian. I stick to chicken. chikkkkken gooood. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  3. They gave me the veggie when I ordered a whopper and I think its a bit odd to be known as a reputable burger joint to serve veggie stuff. The same goes with going to a "mexican restaurant" and then ordering american food. Kinda defeats the purpose of even going. Road trip?! Go to jamba juice, smoothie king, subway...gas stations have various options that are non meat. Peanuts, crackers, granola bars...some even sell pre boiled eggs! There are alot of gas stations that sell salads in the plastic bins... The last year has been one giant road trip for me... Best Girl Scout Ever.
  4. um. thats what slaves are for. duh! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  5. So, I'm driving my SO's nephew to wendys to get his 1st job ever and I decide to go to burger king to get myself a whopper jr. I open the wrapper and to my surprise its an effin veggie burger. I've never heard of it...but I guess its on the menu. Tastes horrible BTW. I've included photos. I did some research and it has more calories, sodium, carbs, sugar than a regular burger. Plus side: it has more protein. Why burger king? Why? Best Girl Scout Ever.
  6. I got some new rubber outfits. They make me fall fast as hell. We should test em out soon!!! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  7. ugh. court case after court case. I'm all pooped out. keep me out of the legal system!!! I will have to be back in ATL. great Best Girl Scout Ever.
  8. If you were a super hero with ONE super power what would it be? Best Girl Scout Ever.
  9. I did some crazy sick shit to a slave this weekend. And have video. If you wanna see it lemmie know! I'll send it! Seriously hard core. PM me. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  10. I moved because I needed to get a location update on this.... NSFW? Nom Nom Nom Nom Best Girl Scout Ever.
  11. Me and Mr Prison lovin decided to become bonnie and clyde.... Best Girl Scout Ever.
  12. I'd be in trouble at a military base. Yummy. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  13. non military related. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  14. ding ding ding! GOLD STAR!! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  15. Phew. Another move - spontaneous one too. Hint: Getting lucky in... Best Girl Scout Ever.
  16. oh and I'll be showing BOOBIES!! My manager said I could get topless!!! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  17. Those are spankings that make me quiver! But I'll be back for more at fitz? Will you be there? Best Girl Scout Ever.
  18. Its FEB 25th and my first performance in Atlanta since I've been fixed! aka. unbroken. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  19. Okay ATL peeps. You better come to my fetish night. Why? Because I'm getting you all in FREE! so theres no excuse. Free Cover. Free Boob viewing. Free BDSM show performed by the BEST DOMINATRIX IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD: ME! Free spanks. You can't complain about that!!! So you better go!!!!!!! MENTION my name ANDRIANA SANTOS for free cover at Tattle Tale Lounge. Suck it hard. beetches. oh and see you guys at fitz! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  20. Who has been a male stripper or is currently a male stripper? I'm begging my BF to become a male stripper, because I know he would be amazing at it. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  21. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. you should be too! bah hahaha Jello- I owe you a few shots! Best Girl Scout Ever.
  22. I give special shots to military...hint hint. And sorry but no recent prison lovin. OMFGIMSOFREAKINGEXCITEDOMFG!!!!!!!!! IM GETTING A BILL BOARD OF ME ON THE HIGHWAY FOR MY FETISH NIGHT!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THURSDAY FRIDAY 25th TATTLE TALE STRIP CLUB 2075 Piedmont Road NE Atlanta GA 30324 Best Girl Scout Ever.
  23. Nah. I had an injury in the fall that I'm still trying to recover from so my jumping as ceased until I can walk and run normally. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  24. Haha No- I'm working at a strip club selling shots. I've never worked at a strip club its been a VERY interesting journey. I just started 2 weeks ago and I've already seen 3 strippers fighting ON stage while customers were around. It was pretty funny when some of the girl's hair pieces were flying around. I keep to myself at work and go home when my shift is done...I'm not sure how long I'm going to work there. Girls are catty - well most of the strippers are at least. Best Girl Scout Ever.
  25. Be excited, be very excited. Just moved downtown ATL. Come to the dungeon- I can assure you it will be a great time! Oh. And I now have a a shot girl! woot! Maybe in April...I'll be coming to your door for the census- bah hahahahhahaha okay....back to my nose picking! Best Girl Scout Ever.