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Posts posted by futuredivot

  1. Quote


    My Maris Otter amber at the AHA convention in San Diego. Blew the keg in 2 hours.

    I'm curious what a label for this would look like? A Sea Otter, jumping out of a Twin Otter over a barley field of Maris Otter?

    it otter look pretty cool
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  2. The requirements are one thing but you have to be pretty fit to do the job effectively. I would never go back playing in burning buildings in the shape I'm in now. I'd be a danger to myself and my teammates.
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  3. Someone should go back and see how many of the same posters that were dogging Harold Camping for saying "I was right. It's just my timing was off" are selling the same line from the global warming alarmist. I guess it just depends what religion you choose:S

    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  4. Quote


    Tell ya what, since you feel so strongly, a few friends are are gathering here Monday. Care to stop by and voice your opinions? I'm sure we'd all be interested in what you have to say.

    You must feel very powerless in this discussion (presumably due to your inability to construct a compelling competing argument), because you feel the need to indulge in these retribution fantasies.

    Just over 400 bikes showing love and support-no Jim Browns or kidwickeds to state your opinions. sounds like lack of conviction on your part. No fantasy sweetheart, I just know how my world works.
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  5. Quote


    What a beautiful story over coming the odds. I'll be crying all day just thinking about it. Maybe this story will inspire me to finally stand up to that bully down at the soda shop.

    I'm feeling pretty invincible at this point. Want me to go kick hiss her ass for you? ;)

    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  6. Quote

    In other words, you're flat out wrong on your history and aren't willing to admit it even when presented with proof.

    Not so much, but nobody pays me to teach you what you should already know


    Ok, I understand.

    Obviously not


    I never said a common language would "hamper" the country.

    Yet you attack those who promote a common language


    The fact is though that the country doesn't have an official language

    But English is the de facto language of the US. Columbia doesn't have an official language either but before I go, I brush up on my Spanish and pay someone fluent to help me through the rough spots because I'm not so ego/culturally centric and to expect them to cater to me.


    Since there is no requirement, we will all continue to speak in whatever language we choose.

    Cool, but don't expect the rest of the nation to make concessions for you.
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  7. was an application, not a history lesson-why aren't you out trident hunting? But you're really cute when you hang on a factoid because the point of the post puts your nuts in the dirt.
    Do you really feel that a nation is hampered by having a common language?
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  8. "Out of many, one"
    Too many candy ass liberal pussies focus on protecting the concept of 'many' when common sense dictates that the becoming 'one' is where the strength of the the nation is derived. So yes, after that much time, it is a very legitimate question.
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  9. Tell ya what, since you feel so strongly, a few friends are are gathering here Monday. Care to stop by and voice your opinions? I'm sure we'd all be interested in what you have to say.
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  10. So...you were being mind controlled by a guy that's too old to control his own bowels. Does that say more about him, or you?? :)
    Glad you got to go out, he is fun to watch and fun to hang out with.

    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  11. Since it is a second date-you've already determined that ya'll at least kinda enjoy spending time together so nothing to nerve out about. Worst case, you're gonna hang with someone you have a good time with. Just mellow.

    Expect a goodnight handshake, but carry a condom:)

    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  12. Quote

    It is not a backstrap, it is a tenderloin, call it by its real name.

    Wanna think about that smart-ass comment a few minutes before you retract it or are you just going to go ahead and apologize?
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  13. Quote

    who cares? I mean, if you hang out with a bunch of plumbers, you will get a plumber's opinion, whatever that happens to be. No different for movie makers.

    Thank you-that is it in a nutshell and as well put as it can be. Not sure why it is supposed to be newsworthy. It isn't like you can't tell.
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  14. Quote


    If you are what you say you are, that is a licensed skydiver with 640 jumps and a rating, then you will know what grippers are on a jump suit and not have to ask the TI what the grippers are on your friends jump suit..

    at my 1st day at the DZ, I did ask if they were aerodynamic appendages :$

    So, I wasn't the only one:)
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  15. From a friend's FB page
    "Posted on WIX today by aerojock.........................

    I work at a radar approach control in Texas and today a Beech 18 flew through our airspace, call sign “AMANDA1”. Amanda was going home. We had received a phone call about the flight and that the special call sign had been requested for the flight. While this was not an official c...all sign for the plane, we used it to honor her. We would call each facility that was going to work the flight and pass on the reason for the call sign. I cannot speak for the entire flight but I know that our facility used it and so did the next. I have to believe it was used the entire flight. I felt honored to have worked the flight."
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  16. But plenty of fishing, four wheeling, and grilling or frying dead animals-good weekend but no boating (too much debris floating down the Ohio)
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour

  17. Quote

    Boobs are pretty common...not every day ya see WOOD! :P

    particularly at your age
    You are only as strong as the prey you devour