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Everything posted by KelliJ

  1. Your explanation makes much more sense. Thank you.
  2. I see your point very clearly. Maybe I haven't done well getting mine across. Let me try a new approach.... Name just one jurisdiction in the U.S. where the police use of tasers is so out of control that you would feel justified in shooting an officer who was reaching for his. BTW, I have been part of a jury pool twice but was not selected either time.
  3. If you are referring to your post #119, there is no link provided. You only posted short excerpts from somewhere. The Michigan law could have been overturned for any number of reasons. Since you didn't post the statute in full, and the part of that statute the SCOTUS didn't like, we don't know the WHY. Like I said, profane language in public and towards a cop ARE grounds for arrest. I DID provide a link to just one statute, in Texas, and there are similar statutes in many, if not most, other states. Whether you like it or agree with it is irrelevant. It's sad when we have to have laws telling people to be civil towards one another.
  4. Yes, I am also one who may serve on a jury someday. And there is no way I would ever accept what you propose as an excuse for shooting a cop. Now answer this for me. Every time I have ever been pulled over for speeding the officer has always approached my door with his/her hand on their gun. Would you feel justified in shooting them? After all a gunshot is much more deadly than a taser regardless of any heart condition.
  5. Did you get your law degree from the same school you got your engineering degree? I seriously hope nobody ever tries to use your logic as a defense for shooting someone.
  6. Of all the people who post here, Amazon, you are one of my favorites. Every one of your posts is so predictable.
  7. Between the spasmatic twitching I think I fixed it for ya! The rest of your post didn't tell me anything i wasn't already aware of when I foolishly signed up to get zapped. TI is hiding the truth and it has been proven. Glad you enjoy being tasered. What's next on your list of things to do? Electroshock therapy? Best read the very small print before signing away your rights. Uhhh....I don't remember where I said I enjoyed it. Could you point that out to me? As I remember it was a very unenjoyable experience.
  8. Time for you to read your own fine print. You stated a person could not be arrested for cussing, etc. I gave you a link-one of many available-that shows you were wrong. You said nothing of whether the arrest would be upheld. BTW, how many states have held such laws ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS?
  9. Maybe in your secret police state where you live -- But in the United States, cussing at or flipping the bird to the police is not subject to arrest. Texas must be one of those secret police states even though i don't live there.
  10. Sorry, pardner, but cussing out a cop is grounds for getting arrested. Same goes for giving them the bird.
  11. Fixed it for ya! The rest of your post didn't tell me anything i wasn't already aware of when I signed up to get zapped. Whether or not TI is hiding the truth has yet to be proven.
  12. It still seems to me that it is quite a stretch to claim justifiable homicide because a cop reaches for his taser and you are afraid he might use it. I have an aversion to dog bites. Does that mean if a cop comes near me with a dog i can shoot the dog because I'm afraid of being bit? But then, I'm not a lawyer so I could very well be wrong. Yes, it is best to avoid the situation altogether. But, in the real world, there are those who will always throw a tantrum when they can't have their way and there will always be cops and others who are a bit quick to tase.
  13. Can you read and actually comprehend what you read? The deaths and serious injuries were very real (duh ) but tasers being the only cause was only suspected. I was tased 7 years ago.
  14. A great attitude in general, maybe. I don't know since I've never met him. But his attitude toward wanting to physically take down any and all who resist instead of using the tools available-including tasers-will most likely end up with him getting hurt someday. He has no right calling others who do choose to use a taser (responsibly) "pussyass cops". Yes, I did fill out and sign a release when I volunteered to be tasered. It warned of several possible side effects but also stated those side effects were suspected but not proven to have been caused by the interaction of the taser with a preexisting condition.
  15. We agree on that. I would still much rather be tasered than shot. At least cops have the choice until something better comes along.
  16. It would be interesting to see how a court case would be resolved if a person acted as you mentioned and shot a cop because the cop went for his taser, and then tried to justify his actions in court by saying he has a condition that is known to put him at more risk than the average person when tasered...yet has no data to back it up. I'm surprised to see you making claims here that cannot be substantiated with evidence other than supposition.
  17. Sorry, but your nephew is wrong and has a very poor attitude. Tasers are not just for "pussyass cops", they are for officers to use when they feel the situation cannot be resolved peacefully yet does not warrant the use of a firearm. Not every cop weighs 300 lbs and is able to subdue perps by overpowering them. Likewise, any cop who feels he can always overpower a suspect will eventually find out he is wrong. I hope, when your nephew discovers he isn't as tough as he thinks he is, that he will not be seriously harmed.
  18. Ok, good. At least one person here can answer a simple question. Now, concerning heart disease and tasers....What are the chances of someone with heart disease dying from a taser compared to that of a otherwise healthy person under the same circumstances? No guessing, please, just hard facts.
  19. I haven't been posting in this forum for very long, but I learned quickly that there are some regulars here that think anything a cop does is wrong. They feel people have the right to do whatever they want, when they want, and where they want. Any consequences of these actions are then labeled unjust.
  20. Since you won't post the information you claim to have or even a link to it I'll just assume you have no information concerning the incident than what is mentioned in this thread. For me to go web surfing and digging up information would not mean much if you and I base our opinions on different sources, now would it?
  21. First off, if you had actually read the posts in this thread and not just jumped in you would know that I have been tased. Second, I did go to the link and read the article, even though the first sentence forewarned of it's biased nature. It made some interesting points but my question remains...what conditions can be fatal if tasered? I know the article mentioned a couple, but I am sure there are more, right?
  22. That all depends on the situation and is a judgement call for the responding officers to make. Did the cop in this situation make a bad judgement? I don't know. I wasn't there and don't have even a majority of the information concerning what happened.
  23. What conditions have been known to be fatal if tasered?
  24. I didn't ask you to do any research for me, merely to post for all to see what you are basing your claims on.
  25. I think you would have an incredibly hard time convincing a judge and/or jury that you were justified in shooting a cop because they reached for their taser. Are you willing to bet spending the rest of your life in prison that you are correct?