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Posts posted by taylor.freefall

  1. Yeah I know what you mean, I've been to the dz and just watched. That's the problem with skydiving - it's bloody expensive, well it is until you get to A license and have your own rig. Anyway good luck with it, I'm sure you'll get there eventually ;)

  2. I use Volkswagen at Santa Monica, their service couldn't be better, by far the best I've had bar non. Last time the bill came in way less than estimated and it was done quicker than I expected. Treated like royalty.
    Which I dont suppose you wanna hear right now. hope it gets better for you. :P

  3. Just to go off the subject a little bit I think it also matters, quite a lot, what you're landing on - well for learners anyway. I normally land in dusty soil with bits of stone which can be quite forgiving if you have a crappy landing, unless however it's been raining - then dries out again, then it's like landing on concrete and those stones are like bits of glass sticking out. I fell and cut my hands to ribbons, now I use gloves even when it's hot just in case, I'm still falling over on lots of landings anyway. Really it would be better to use sand for the learners landing area.

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    by nice I mean something that is safe and does not look like it has been dragged through the dirt for hundreds of miles.

    That's the beauty of older gear. We aren't talking stuff that looks like some student containers. Most of the time older gear has been in a closet for the majority of it's life. It usually only has a couple hundred jumps on it - if that. It's clean... and because it's no longer fashionable, it's cheap. Besides, you're probably gonna drag it through the dirt a bit yourself.

    You can pick up decent condition Reflexes (which are freefly safe), Vector 2's and original Talons for less than $300. Add a $300 reserve, a $400 Cypres and a $400 main and you're in the air with your own complete rig for the same price as that Micron with reserve.

    Save fashion for when you're out of school and you can afford it.

    I have absolutely no problem with used gear. My first rig will almost certainly be used. I just dont want a used rig that has had the shit beat out of it.

    yeah I think the same way and not gear that is from 1980 or something, even though it might be in good condition, I cant help but think something 20 years old must have deteriorated to some degree, especially as my life is depending on it.

  5. Buying used gear isnt all that easy depending on the sizes you want and I found in my experience that when something decent comes up it doesnt seem to hang around, theres a definite shortage of beginner gear for sure, decent gear anyway.

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    Like most everyone else is saying...get a job. DO NOT and i repeat DO NOT do what I did and put it all on a credit card. I am most definitely regretting that decision now.

    Jeeeez never a truer word spoken, I've been down the credit card path myself on the past, NEVER again, theyre the devils work they really are.

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    It's called a two-stage flare. If you flare in one go you may very well pop up a few meters with a non-student canopy ;) The canopy needs to plane out, let it fly a bit, then land. Go look at non-student non-tandem landings if you have the chance, you'll see what I mean. Try the flare up high a few times to get the hang of this, do that with every new canopy you're jumping.

    Ah yes that makes sense - I have done that thing where it takes you back up in the air and then just drops you from a great height - then I flared later, scraped my ass across the ground and back airbourne again. Thats why I was pulled to one side - they saw my late (very late) flare and thourght I was going to squish on the floor. Oh well pratice makes perfect.

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    Just a quickie - I got my A license yesterday

    Congratulations. B|B|B| The way the weather is around here, it's gonna be March before I get there.>:(

    Hey thankyou ;) I'm hopefully going to go for a beer tonight haha! Lucky I did it yesterday - it's pouring down now :(