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Everything posted by DannHuff

  1. Why is it foolish? Because man does not possess 100% of all knowledge. It would be another thing to say 'I don't understand there is a God, but I am open to the possibility that He exists". To say in one's heart there is no God when we do not possess all knowledge is foolishness.
  2. Somebody needs to read up on MAT 5:22 "but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire." Mat 5:22 is referring to a man cursing another man. The opening text is God making a statement about those who have foolishly decided in their hearts there is no God.
  3. Now lets see what God has to say on the matter. 'Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.”' Notice it refers to the heart and not the head.
  4. Now, we don't know yet why the big bang happened, As we don't know yet why the big bang happened, it is therefore a possibility that God created the heavens and the earth as described in the Bible.
  5. Evolution proceeds in a predictable manner As I understand evolution, at the beginning of time there was nothing and then there was the big bang. First nothing and then everything. What was the cause to get an effect? How do you get something from nothing? This seems neither predictable or logical.
  6. Done. So, uh, now what? That's great! Now what? My suggestion is wait patiently and expect an answer. If your question was sincere, your answer may come within a day, or perhaps it will take a lifetime. God's timing is His own. Everything God does is with eternity in mind, rather than just our short lives on this earth.
  7. Yes, you have a point. I'm happy to provide a recommendation to help you expediate the process.
  8. You could try something similar. Get on an airplane. Jump and ask God to save you if he loves you. If God does save you, then that's hard proof he exists. If Helmut Cloth saves you, then not so much. Bill - On what basis should I conclude that such a jump would work? There is a world of difference of asking God an honest question and waiting for an answer, than giving an ultimatum on a course of action we ourselves choose. Unfortunately (in reality fortunately) we cannot instruct God to do what we want Him to. He makes His own rules. In your example I would expect to go splat if I tried it. I believe the Bible communicates to us His boundaries about this life and on how He relates to us.
  9. Is that supposed to be a joke? There is no evidence of any deity to gather. I just wrote that God doesn't exist and that I don't believe in him. He can read it if he does exist and respond. The evidence I was suggesting was one of a personal experience of God. If He really is there then what better proof than an answer to a request to know Him. The bit about tell Him you don't believe was a serious one, as God respects us for being honest with Him. Actually the risk/reward is in your favour. Very little risk if it does not work and infinite upside if it does.
  10. Why don't you gather evidence for yourself. Tell God you don't believe in Him, and if He is really there, ask Him to reveal Himself to you.
  11. If you read what I wrote, I said the Gospels record eye witness accounts of the life of Jesus. I did not go into whether or not the writers were the eye witnesses themselves. What is important is are the accounts faithful? Did people actually see a risen Christ? Who wrote the Gospels and when can be subject to endless debates, and in some ways a distraction. Your points 1-4 do not disprove the eye witness accounts as presented by the writers are not faithful. This being the case the life of Christ bears further investigation for oneself, and you never know, you may hear the voice of God by doing so.
  12. This is an important point. The Gospels are eye witness accounts of the life of Jesus. They record that Jesus: - Claimed to be God - Supported he was God by performing miracles - Called on all who have done wrong (that would be all of us) to turn away from wrong doing - Proclaimed the only way to the Father is by belief in him - Lived a sinless life - Offered his life as a sacrifice for others - Died & rose again before ascending to heaven - Announced he is returning again Today, on the basis of eye witness accounts, people are found guilty and sent to the electric chair. This is classed as evidence. The evidence of eye witness accounts in the Bible you can accept, or not accept, for yourself. But to say there is no evidence to me is not correct.
  13. I wasn't trying to be smart. There was a point. The line of argument used is not valid as the opposite applies.
  14. No, Kallend got it right the first time. Just because you see evidence where there isn't any doesn't mean there is evidence. Just because you do not see evidence where there is evidence does not mean it is not there.
  15. They just dismiss the absurd ones, like invisible omnipotent omniscient supernatural beings for which NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER exists. I think this should more correctly read "NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER, that I accept, exists"
  16. Check out this real skippy story. Skippy fetches help for a farmer in distress by knocking on the door of the family property. "What's that skip......dad's in trouble?" http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/animals/newsid_3128000/3128300.stm
  17. "Big, bold and beautiful..." what we were taught to look for when inspecting the canopy, following deployment on an AFF jump.
  18. I'll answer that when you have answered my question son whether you have read the gospels in any depth? No I haven't, and I probably won't ever bother. However unless you can say that you have read and studied the texts of every religion in the world then you cannot say that you have 'investigated the evidence' any more than I have, and your argument becomes a hollow hypocritical shell. So, have you? Thanks for the reply. As for me, the answer remains the same. I have satisfied in my own mind and heart where the truth is. Along the journey I have looked at other faiths but clearly not every faith under the sun. But you get to a point where you are faced with a decision. Christ said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." So at this point one needs to make a choice as in effect the statement excludes other religions as the way to God. On a broader note and for those interested, I came across an interesting radio interview of a woman's discovery of faith which touches on some of the elements discussed in these threads. It was aired on public radio last Sunday. It is available as a podcast which runs for around 16 minutes in windows media format. Podcast
  19. Have you read the Koran? The Vedas and Upanishads? The Guru Granth Sahib? The Sutras? The Avesta? I'll answer that when you have answered my question on whether you have read the gospels in any depth?
  20. As I said, I have satisfied in my mind and heart what or more correctly who the author of truth is. My journey of discovery has included study of other faiths. My point was many people who vehemently deny the Bible have never read it in any depth. I would greatly encourage people to read the life of Christ in the gospels, particularly the book of John, before arguing against it.
  21. Yes, you are correct. The truth will dictate what the outcome beyond this life will be. For me I have made the necessary investigations and settled in my mind and heart what the truth is. Not to say I have all the answers. A lot of people I meet that are vehemently anti the Bible I find have actually never read it in any depth. With such great odds at stake, can I ask if you have investigated the evidence in order to reach a conclusion for yourself?
  22. The literalist view is logical and rational. If the atheist is correct and there is nothing after death, you have lost little. If however the Bible is correct and after death there is heaven and hell and God to be accountable to, those who do not believe in Christ have lost everything for eternity. And eternity is a very long time.
  23. In the gospels there are first hand accounts of a resurrected Christ. A first hand account is considered evidence in a court of law. It is not scientific evidence but a witness account is used for discovery of the truth. So the truth according to the eyewitnesses in the gospels is there is life after death.
  24. The evidence for me is the power behind the words in the Bible changed my life. But this is not science.....
  25. A TV piece on the World cup swooping event recently held in Sydney, Australia. Aired nationally on Austalian TV tonite, in prime time. Actually is positive overall. The reporter does an AFF jump and tumbles on exit. http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-au&brand=ninemsn&tab=m164 Click on "Skydive terror" video clip.