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Posts posted by WrongWay

  1. Ya know, I'm glad I saw this post. Yesterday was a wonderful day until I blatantly screwed it up around 1:30 in the morning, and I've been sufferin' ever since. I think/hope I can make the situation better today (pray for me people), but right now my stomach has a tension knot. So yeah, I appreciate the love and support, and thank you Katee for always being there when I need you. You're a good friend.

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  2. Did you say something smartass to him like "Ha! Now you'll NEVER get these back Dr. Jones!"? B|

    Isn't it true he's doing another IJ movie? :S

    Congrats bro. B|

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL!!!!!!! :)
    Mel is the most genuinely sweet person I've ever met on here. Go 50 more years without changing one thing! :)

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  4. :D LOL :D

    Dude, I think you just said what everyone's been thinking. B|

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  5. Not exactly "highly experienced", but you know I have a ton of coached jumps, so here's my take on it.


    1) Use one or two coaches or use many different coaches ?

    I'd recommend many different coaches, that way they can each teach you something different AND in a different style. You must remember that what you're learning is an IDEA, not something out of a textbook, so the more different angles you have, the better an idea you will form, and the better flyer you will be.


    2) Learn what i want or think i need, or ask what should i learn or need to work on ?

    Any good coach should be able to see what you need to work on after a couple of jumps. You could say "I want to work on transitions" and do a jump and then the coach say "Hey, let's work on your body position first". 95% of the time they'll know what they're talking about.


    3) Consecutive coach jumps, or spaced apart with solos and/or fun jumps.

    This has been debated over and over again. Personally, I like to do a whole bunch of consecutive coach jumps. Also, IMHO, for what you're trying to learn, solos won't help you nearly as much as flying with other jumpers/coaches.


    4) Pay for slot and $20 or find coaches who will do it just for the slot ?

    Depends on how cheap you are, and how much that coach is worth paying. Most of the time, you're going to have to pay for quality coaching, but every now and again you'll find somebody cool who will just charge you slot (and that person, while they could be a great coach, will most likely not be as good a coach as the paid ones).


    5) Get copies of the video, or just watch it with the coach and be done with it ?

    GET COPIES. You know all the coaching I've done, and I've watched every coached jump I've ever done AT LEAST 20 times a piece. Video is a wonderful learning tool....STUDY IT LIKE A CITIZENSHIP TEST.


    6) Work on a specfic task til it's down pat ( multiple jumps) or try to learn a new skill/technique each jump ?

    Depends. If you're wanting to learn new positions like going from your sit to your head and being solid on your head, then work on that specific task. If it's something minor like transitions or something of that nature, then do a couple, take notes on every word they say and study the video to improve on your own time, and move on to other skills.


    7) Supplement with tunnel time or buy more coach jumps ? (freeflying head down )

    That's a personal preference. Both are excellent methods of coaching. It really just depends on who you want to learn it from and how you want to learn it.


    8) Wear video myself to increase learning ?

    Personally, I'd only wear video on a coached jump if I wanted to work on my video skills or get video for a year end. Other than that, you're paying good money to learn something, so I'd do all I could to take away any distractions so I could soak up all the info like a sponge and not have to worry about a camera.


    9) Jump with people who have less experience and use them as a space ball, or is this counterproductive ?

    Not exactly counterproductive, but not exactly usable as a spaceball either. When you're first learning, you want to use EXPERIENCED people as spaceballs, for two reasons....they can actually stay still, and they won't unexpectedly kill you. After you can fly precisely with a coach without them having to make up for your movement much, then you can fly with more inexperienced people. Inexperienced people are actually very good for one very important skill...sticking close to a moving object. Almost everything moves, even the base on bigways with experienced people....even spaceballs are known to actually move 1 to 3 feet. That's why people are always making constant adjustments and never staying in a stiff body position. Jumping with newbies and learning to stick on a moving object will not only give you skills that will guarantee you will be "in" every single skydive, but you will be able to hold a no tension dock on these people and make up for their movements.


    10) What are some other tips or formulas for the best coaching methods ?

    Find a coach you're comfortable with. Do not jump with one who intimidates you. The second you see that the guy is coaching you for the money and not the teaching, no matter if he's a world champion or your best buddy, move on to another coach. Have fun on every coached jump and relax...they're there to help you, not to judge you.

    Good luck to you bro. I'll be out at Tecumseh either this weekend or the next for sure, so we'll make a couple jumps. B|

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  6. Quote


    I work at a bank, and we don't do online banking yet,

    When did you start working in Albania? :ph34r:

    Dude, the people in this town barely know how to bank with a person in front of them telling them what to do, let alone working alone on "one of those fancy computer thingamabobs". :ph34r::D

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  7. Coulda fooled me! :D

    I work at a bank, and we don't do online banking yet, so it's still a full crowd every day. B|

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  8. Quote

    You know if the Vibes and People are good what else matters. The fact that you have criteria before you visit a DZ is kind of Lame.

    I agree with Mr Freeflyimpared, please drop by my DZ when we are closed.

    However I'd love to have Amanda, Lainey, Skybytch, and Mr Impaired come by any time.


    Aw...dude I think you've got me all wrong. I love visiting Cessna dz's every now and again. Hell, we have a small group of people who come hang out on Wednesdays at my local airport and make a few hop n pops. The only reason I put down "criteria" was just because I was looking for a fun place with a good freefly scene that would be jumping pretty much every day during the week. It's kinda like this....you have a normal weekend, you go to your normal dz....you have a vacation, you go to a boogie or big dz to get coached and organized. Understand now? I'm not sticking my nose in the air, I'm just looking for somewhere cool to spend a full week's vacation. Don't assume I'm being a snob, bro.

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  9. Quote

    It keeps the masses in line by providing them with a moral code.

    It provides solace by providing answers to those that fear the uncertainty of death.

    First off, is mankind really that naturally cruel to require a punishment/reward system to instill morality?

    Yes, it provides answers, but why make up answers just to have an answer? Wouldn't you rather not know than know you're wrong?


    Personally, I don't know what to think other than I believe that we are energy and energy is never lost

    That makes a hell of a lot more sense than any of this.

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  10. I have never been a man of faith. I do not believe in the Bible. I do not believe Jesus was the son of any God.

    For a long time, I claimed not to believe in God, but somewhere deep down I thought a bit differently. I thought God existed, but just didn't care. I thought every person had a set destiny, a path chosen by God from beginning to end. Maybe not the small things, but that each person was put here for one big purpose.

    But now, I believe that either there never was a God, or the God I knew is dead.

    Let's face it people, we live in a Godless world. We're not meant to do anything important as individuals. No matter what we accomplish, in 100 years we'll be forgotten and our ideas will be obsolete. Trains gave way to automobiles, automobiles to planes, and planes to spacecraft. The simple telephone line evolved into faster lines, the internet, wireless technology, video phones, and network video conferencing.

    The point is, we die, and progress keeps moving here. We're forgotten, left to rot in the ground, and if you're lucky, your name might be remembered by your great grandchild at best.

    On top of that, innocents die by the hundred thousand every day. Every time we wake up in the morning and have our coffee before we go on with our pointless everyday lives, there are people suffering, starving, being shot or blown to pieces, being oppressed by a dictator or group, pushed into slavery or hiding because of religious beliefs or the color of their skin. It's pathetic, really.

    But even more perplexing is not the question of "how" we should do something about it, as much as "why" we should do something about it. As terrible as it sounds, humans ourselves are the primary destroyer of our planet. Look what we've done.....the ozone layer, demolishing thousand year old forests for a parking lot that will be there for 50 years, killing off other species for money for their hides, oil spills, air pollution by automobiles. Humans are parasites, using up all the resources in one area and then moving on to the next.

    And let's look at religion itself, shall we? Religions were made to hate other religions. The most common rule is "Believe what I do, worship my God, or die and burn in hell.". In Christianity, it was the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the burning of those who practice Wicca, the list goes on and on. Today, we have people flying planes into our buildings and blowing up subways and for what? Their God. Kill all those who are unbelievers, and if you can't kill them, do all you can to convert them, as they are unfit for any Heaven if they are different from yourself.

    If God did create Earth, then this is not what he planned. If this is God's plan, I don't want it. I wouldn't want to be neighbors with someone who planned such an ill fate for the human race, let alone worship him. So I'm giving God the benefit of the doubt, and declaring him officially dead.

    At least this way, we would all have the same excuse for doing the things we do.

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.

  11. Here's a good way to look at it.....

    Either 5 out of 8 rats with a certain type of cancer will die, or God loves 3 out of 8 rats.

    Healing by prayer is nothing more than psychological medicine, similar to a placebo. In the real world, God has nothing to do with it.

    Wrong Way
    D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
    The wiser wolf prevails.