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Everything posted by luckymaguire

  1. A few further questions. I am aware that I need to obtain CSPA registration to jump here in Alberta regularly next season. No problems there. But in relation to going to the states some time this winter I would imagine holding CSPA registration (and hence 3rd party insurance) would be beneficial. At the moment I currently hold a British Parachute Association membership which is no good for 3rd party insurance. So if I am going to become CSPA registered, the sooner the better. So what is the best way to do this. I am currently job hunting in Fort McMurray so will not be able to travel to see anyone about it for some time. And as the winter is closing in, will there be anybody qualified to sign documents around in the coming months? Again... any advice?? Thanks PS... thanks for the previous responses. Very helpful.
  2. Thanks for the responses. I know this is a very delayed reply from a long time ago, but I am now in northern Alberta in Fort McMurray on the job hunt. Of course I have brought all of my gear with me but my reserve is now out of date and will need a repack. With the weather coming I am sure the season is over but knowing I will be going cold turkey without a jump soon I am already thinking about a run down into the US some time in the winter. So I am gonna need a reserve repack. Can anyone shed some light on this? Anyone in Edmonton or even Fort McMurray that can do this? And of course..... any skydivers living in Fort McMurray wanna say hello would be most welcome. Cheers
  3. Hi all. My name is Barry Maguire and I am moving from England to Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada in September (just in time for winter!) and of course I am looking to meet fellow skydivers when I get out there. I would love to meet any skydivers living way up north and would be glad to hear from anybody who lives in the Fort McMurray/ Edmonton area to give me the heads up before I move out there. I dont know what I need as far as imsurance is concerned, or what the jumping season is. So I am flying blind right now and look forward to hearing from......anybody!? Nice one.
  4. I wish I could help but I´m not much gonna answer your question. But like you I have spent ages trying to track down a DZ as I am trying to find somewhere to do my AFF course to gain my Cat A so as to transfer it to BPA when I get back to the UK. But.... Not much help from anyone here I am afraid. Maybe its my pre-student status I dont know. I am gonna go it alone, hope for the best and put my faith in blind luck and concentrate down round BA I think. If you know anywhere around that area it would be much appreciated. Good luck on your quest all the same. Barry
  5. I am in South America at the minute trying to pin down somewhere to do my AFF. I haven´t received much by the way of help. Personnaly I think I am going to do it in Argentina as I think Argentina is a bit more progressive than some other country´s (no offence to other country´s if you read this). Instead, I have located a number of places and I am simply going to show up there and see whats available. Down towards Beunos Aries there are a number and one in particular that advertises they speak english. So my advice is to just check out the dropzone locations, try to contact them and go from there. Not much help otherwise I´m afraid. Personally I can´t wait to get going. If anything pops up I will let you know. Good luck. Barry
  6. Cheers for the advice. To be honest I will probably wait, have some patience, and do the course properly when I get down to Argentina. Anyone with any advice for a good dropzone in Argentina that is open evryday?
  7. I am in South America looking to do my AFF course. I intend to do it down in Argentina. BUT, in another country (Bolivia) I can learn the AFF course but I will not be licensed after the course as the jump school does not yet have its full credentials. If I did this, could I show up at a school, show them my logbook and then ask an instuctor do a certification jump to prove the skills learned. I am just covering all options here. So please dont go crazy with your replys. I know this may sound crazy to some but I am travelling on a time scale and I am itching to get going after doing some static line jumps a while back. They were put on the back burner due to an injury. Any reply would be appreciated. Cheers
  8. Does anyone know if there is a dropzone in Salta Argentina. I want to do my AFF course and if there is one in or near Salta it would suit my travel plans perfectly. If anyone knows of, or works in any other dropzone in Argentina (except down Pategonia way) I would consider any other option. I have been trying in vain for ages. So please please if you have any information, please get back to me. Cheers. Barry
  9. I am going to be in Argentina in early/mid october and I want to do my AFF there. Ideally I want to do it in Salta or in Mendoza. Does anyone have any info on the dropzones in these locations or any recommended alternative place in Argentina? I am looking for a dropzone that will be open everyday because I intend to complete the course in as little time as possible and hopefully spend some time after jumping every day! Any reply would be appreciated.