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  1. i'd go to the cinema to see it, you may find your theatre showing plays and such
  2. Anyone who buys that book is a moron. That said, I've heard more than one lawyer say that yes, OJ is guilty, but the prosecutor fucked up and didn't prove it adequately. The jury can't find him guilty just because he's a scumbag (which he is). They have to find him guilty because the evidence the prosecution presented proved it. Wendy W. how many blacks were on the jury? and how many of those blacks wanted some payback for Rodney King?
  3. are you using your big wooded stirers spoon in this topic, or just a normal spoon to stir things up? "it was him"
  4. i think it's because OJ is a nigger If THAT reply won't ban you then some mods here are wusses. that's the best "forcing their hand" post i've seen in a while
  5. i think it's because OJ is a nigger If THAT reply won't ban you then some mods here are wusses. that's the best "forcing their hand" post i've seen in a while
  6. Actually, just to stir the pot I thought he was making the same crack as you when you said "freudian slip?" (i.e., he was making the same implication of racism at Darius as you did - though "goon" normally has a non-race based definition so you were more subtle. Just the initial knee jerk reaction.) I was going by the definition of 'goon' - A goon is a henchman of some description, usually a muscular thug with very little intelligence. The term rose to prominence thanks to frequent usage in Popeye. true
  7. do you get all bent out of shape when blacks call whites "honkeys" and other stuff? or is that aceptable to you because they were oppressed as slaves 300 years ago so you'll cut them some slack?
  8. may i point you in the direction of your own sig line
  9. oh sorry, do you find it more socially acceptable to spell it niggaz or nigga ? how about if i'm black myself? would that make it more acceptable to you? you don't know if i'm black or white... it's not the word you find offensive, but the meaning behind it (you can't find the word offensive if you laugh along every time Chris Rock calls blacks, niggers) i meant OJ is a nigger because he's an offensive black person, not because he's a black person. I am only saying what blacks say about other blacks, but because you think i'm white, you have automatically assumed i'm white and being racist
  10. what makes the PS3 better than the PS2 ?
  11. Cloudburst


    and i thought i was in court again
  12. i think it's because OJ is a nigger
  13. every fucker on the jury knew he was guilty, but they decided to give white America some pay back for the Rodney King aquitals
  14. we've (Britain) already got rid of the double jeopardy laws, this murdering bar steward would get arrested again in our country
  15. it's that time of year again when the proffesional beggers try and get your money fuck 'em, i hate all these begging shows. i work hard for my money and i'm certainly not going to start giving it away