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Everything posted by iambeav2

  1. In response to the subject line... D_squared + tuna salad=need to keep it a lil fresher there loverly!!! Wash it please or it'll smell like tuna!! Well, if HIS already does . . . Touche speedy!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  2. I'm sorry, that was just roooooood, but I hadta!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  3. Bang something, and not the wall ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  4. In response to the subject line... D_squared + tuna salad=need to keep it a lil fresher there loverly!!! Wash it please or it'll smell like tuna!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  5. Yup, buy him a fooking subscription to a quality site...it'll prevent "surfing" and he'll be virus free... ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  6. Share my super awesome coffee... ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  7. For serious, loftbeds are the shit. Puts you a mini office of YOUR space under your bed. Most colleges allow it. Where's he goin? Shower shoes/kits. Everyone in my dorm didn't get the "shower shoes" b/c they were MEN...and those MANLY MEN always had something passin b/w each other...oye. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  8. Condoms... Please don't hoit me...I'z juz kiddin. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  9. Marinate in vinegar, salt, pepper and onions for a few ours...mmm homemade pickles!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  10. iambeav2

    A Non E most

    I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck is going on? Is it an honest rant that makes no sense or is the guy really cracked out on willie-zoo's? ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  11. can understand a word he says buck "fuck"and thought his name was richard bruner.. Cuz I feel like it... ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  12. Because DD cut him into a lot of little pieces. B/c he broke up w/ D^2. because he is stuck in an elevator with mcswervy and her whip cream............. B/c she decided to take the stairs...she coulda been in the elevator too!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  13. Why not? Block the view of the glass windows w/ the Whip in a Can!!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  14. Because DD cut him into a lot of little pieces. B/c he broke up w/ D^2. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  15. B/c I'm a pup, I can break up w/ whoever I want!!! Because he is just a pup B/c she thinks I'm a pup...lil does she know. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  16. B/c I'm a pup, I can break up w/ whoever I want!!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  17. Are you trying to tell us something here mcswervy? OOH yay, looky looky...i got 2 votes!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  18. Ain't got the time to choose right now...but how dare you leave mamajumps out?!?! Pup in training...haha, and where did that come from. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  19. Better yet, watered down beer...you get both!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  20. She hasn't heard back yet. I just asked her this morning.... keep those fingers crossed
  21. 21. Beav's tent is easy to blow down! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  22. Always has a nice way to say hello to people over morning coffee... \ Has nice um...I love lamp! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  23. +1 Been there done that. Tents are super easy to put up sobar or drunk. At least my tent is... Hahaha...I can pitch a tent in a matter of seconds...sober or drunk...but somehow it always seems to get blown down.. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  24. Uhmmmm.... oh, never mind... Yeah yeah yeah, fuck you. Lol, talking about THAT on the other hand...I prefer and get (kinda)!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  25. Is once again, as stated before, like I sez, (is this a repeat?) not smutty at all!! Has a really cool tattoo.... Is about to be a cormorant! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!