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Posts posted by rushmc

  1. It was too damn long! I know someone who is a professional Gambler. He got stopped on the interstate and had $10,000 cash. They did a sample of it and it had cocaine on it whicha lot of money does. They confiscated is cash and his vehicle and put him in jail. He could prove where the money camr from but they didn't care.


    Way too long a coming

    • Like 1

  2. 8 hours ago, ryoder said:

    Anyone else think that link was going to be about an American pop band from the 1960's?

    It’s funny that all you guys can come up with insults because you got no proof.


     To date, there is no scientific study that backs up the claim that man is affecting the planet to the point where it’s warming because of their activities.


     And I am consistently called the troll on this site .



  3. 7 hours ago, billvon said:

    So after skipping the meeting on the wall to go campaigning, Trump is now complaining that he doesn't like the bipartisan agreement that came out of it.  On the plus side, he is proud of shutting down the government the last time, and he says he never claimed otherwise.  But if he doesn't like this deal and he shuts the government down it will be the democrat's fault.


    “Am I happy at first glance? The answer is no, I’m not, I’m not happy. It’s not going to do the trick, but I’m adding things to it and when you add whatever I have to add, it’s all going to happen where we’re going to build a beautiful big strong wall . . . I don’t think you’re going to see a shutdown. I wouldn’t want to see a shutdown. If you did have it, it’s the Democrats fault. And I accepted the first one, and I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished because people learned during that shutdown all about the problems coming in from the southern border. I accept it. I’ve always accepted it. But this one, I would never accept it if it happens.”


     So the walls going to get built. Good! 

  4. 7 hours ago, PhreeZone said:

    CNN did good journalism to get the video. They did things like looking at when the grand jury was convening since it typically happened on Fridays but this week they did it on Thursday. In the past when they happened there had been other indictments or arrests on Friday instead. This had happened for Paul Manifort, the Russian hackers and a few other data points. That was a clue that something was going to happen on Friday. They also had a clue from early in the week when one of the attorneys with a lot of previous experience with cases in FL was seen coming to the courtroom with a suitcase and then left directly to the airport. Other clues were there also so they took a risk and sent two people out on the trip from DC to Florida. They said they had landed very late (unsure if they flew to MIA, FLL or somewhere else), got their stuff and a rental car and then went to his home around 5 in the morning to camp out knowing that standard procedure for a 6 am arrest. FBI has created a very long historical track record of 6 am and the courts have held that up as an acceptable time for these events. CNN took the gamble to send some people out and were prepared to eat the costs and waste the time but in this case it paid off. All the clues were there for everyone else to put together - some did not see them and others did not think it would happen.

    CNN is a paid for Democratic political hack at this point that is so freaking obvious nobody can argue it

  5. 10 hours ago, BillyVance said:

    More agents were involved in this raid and arrest than were involved in the raid on heavily armed Osama Bin Laden's hideout. AND CNN was there to capture it all. Who tipped them off? 9_9

    and now we know that Trump Junior's phone calls were not to his father after the reported infamous Trump tower Russian meeting has been put to bed disposal any of that ass hats that push that out will put forward a apology free sporting such bullshit?

  6. Given the leaks that have come out of the Mueller investigation I highly doubt that he has anything on Trump! Because if he did those pieces of information would have been leaked like all of his other illegal leaks.


    But I know your fantasies make that hard for you to understand.

  7. 9 minutes ago, gowlerk said:

    I don't know about Bill, but I have patience. I am guessing, and yes it's only guessing, that Mueller is holding back any direct evidence against Trump. And I admit there may not be any. He seems to be pretty talented at giving orders through hints and indirectly. Like a Mafiosi.

    You do realize that almost every story that’s been put out over the past two years has been debunked this bullshit right?

  8. 4 hours ago, billvon said:

    For anyone keeping track on their "Trump associates indicted" scorecard:

    Roger J. Stone Jr. - Obstruction of an official proceeding, making false statements and witness tampering    
    Michael D. Cohen - Lying to Congress (pleaded guilty)    
    Richard Pinedo - Identity fraud (pleaded guilty)    
    George Papadopoulos - Lying to the F.B.I. about conversations with Russians (pleaded guilty)    
    Paul Manafort - Fraud, false statements, being an agent of a foreign government, obstruction of justice (convicted)    
    Konstantin V. Kilimnik - Obstruction of justice    
    Alex van der Zwaan - Lying to investigators about conversations with Mr. Gates (pleaded guilty)    
    Rick Gates - Financial fraud and lying to the F.B.I. (pleaded guilty)
    Michael Flynn - Lying to the F.B.I. about conversations with the Russian ambassador (pleaded guilty)

    Other people indicted on felonies related to the case:

    Bijan Kian - Conspiracy to violate federal lobbying rules    
    Ekim Alptekin - Conspiracy to violate federal lobbying rules and lying to F.B.I.    
    Maria Butina - Conspiring to act as a foreign agent (pleaded guilty)
    Sam Patten - Failing to register to work as an agent of a foreign power (pleaded guilty)

    Oh, and of course thirteen Russian nationals - Conspiracy to defraud the U.S., conspiracy to commit bank fraud, identity theft    

    No one does corruption like Trump, let me tell you.  He'll be so corrupt you'll be sick of all the corruption, bigly.

    You do realize that every charge or indictment made by Muler are for crimes that happened after he started his investigation. So at this point nothing that he was put forth to investigate has produced any crimes Before he started his investigation. And of course  we now know Trump is not the number one person that you listed earlier so I’m sure that’s me extreme disappointment for you

  9. 11 hours ago, gowlerk said:

    Yes, and the arrests and indictments keep piling up. The burger just keeps on getting juicier. Roger Stone is like a big serving of bacon and cheese on it.

    So I have to ask, how disappointed are you and Bill that Trump is not a person number one?