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Posts posted by rushmc

  1. 8 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

    Your prisons are filled with people who have been treated less fair than Flynn. Once you start advocating for them, maybe I can take you somewhat seriously. Otherwise you are nothing more than a partisan hack spewing bullshit.

    Please everyone, notice that the goal postes have now been moved yet again.

    Simply because the left can't stay on topic

  2. 1 hour ago, SkyDekker said:

    Well and the unregistered foreign agent part. And the lying to the FBI part.


    Documents now show he didn't lie.

    the same documents also show that the FBI and the doj knew he didn't lie but they went ahead anyway

  3. 1 hour ago, billvon said:

    He pled guilty and will soon be sentenced for the crimes he confessed to.  That's definitely some positive news.  

    And his son won't even be charged for his crime as a result of the plea bargain Flynn worked out.  A loss for justice, perhaps, but a win for his son.

    He is about to be exonerated because of prosecutorial misconduct.


    Flynn did absolutely nothing wrong except support Trump

  4. 3 hours ago, wmw999 said:

    Yep, just like every other middling miscreant is “asked to cooperate,” and it’s suggested that it’s “just a talk among people.” 
    It’s not exactly aboveboard, and it’s what PD’s do every single day all over the country. Right? Gray. But equal treatment. 
    Wendy P. 

    You better update yourself on what's going on with this case Wendy please. because Flynn was railroaded. The case was closed as he had done nothing wrong and they reopened it because they needed to get somebody and he was their target. I'm sure glad you'd like to see innocent people get treated like he has but I guess that's just if they're Republicans or conservatives huh

  5. 22 minutes ago, wmw999 said:

    Tell me, Ron; in your view, do people like me, with differing viewpoints, have the same rights? 
    Wendy P. 

    I guess we could all hope we have the same rights that general Flynn did!

  6. On 7/17/2019 at 9:01 PM, wolfriverjoe said:

    Well, if you only count white, racist, misogynistic males, which I'd guess are the only one he considers 'real' Americans, then he might be right.


    Edit to add:

    While certain aspects of 'stupidity' are hereditary, stuff like racism and attitudes towards women are more often taught. Like father, like son.

    To answer your question, just look at liberal educators

  7. On 7/14/2019 at 6:30 PM, nigel99 said:

    This is the first time I’ve heard a mainstream politician use the term. It’s always been associated with racist right wing idiots as far as I know.

    I am interested in what the right wing leaning people here feel about Trump saying that to members of Congress.

    the bumper stickers existed for years. It used to be a rallying cry for the whole country. One thing I got to say now though is, I love the chaos that is a Democratic party. It is fun to watch

  8. On 4/30/2019 at 5:35 PM, billvon said:

    Given that there have been half a dozen investigations and over $100 million in taxpayer money spent trying to find something to charge them with - and failing miserably - the odds are there's nothing there.

     But the millions spent investigating Trump and finding nothing there don’t mean anything? The irony of that can’t  be measured. 

  9. 8 hours ago, turtlespeed said:

    It is a sales job - 

    Both the deniers and the alarmists want you to believe them.

    MOST scientists are respectable and will give you the truth as they understand it to be.

    MOST deniers will try for a quick "Gotcha" that will disprove the whole thing - 

    This isn't a murder trial as such - if the glove doesn't fit down to the atomic level - you don't get to acquit . . . unless you want to be disingenuous to yourself. (And everyone else)  

    I prefer to admit that the amount of info out there makes my previous positions as a hold out to be somewhat foolish.

     It would be really foolish of me to continue denying one small part thinking it would negate the whole.

    I doubt I will will believe that the alarmists are right - we have much more than 12 years.  We don't have 4' of sea level rise.

    The apocalypse didn't already come and go.  

    Moe credibility would be had if people in power, even small power, like AOC, would tell the truth instead of embellishing and sensationalizing.

    More credibility would be had if people like AlGore walked the walk instead of being a hypocrite.

    But there is little I can do about that except call it out when I see it -  


     I understand what you’re saying but you don’t understand that the alarmist are using their position to try and control the lives of others. There is no evidence, no experiment, nothing out there that shows man is affecting the climate. We know for sure that CO2 levels were much higher than they’ve ever been in the lifetime of man and temperatures have been higher than they are today. There is a sales job going on. But it seems like you’re questioning what You once believed because of the unrelenting pressure of the alarmist left.


    Again, I understand your point. But I don’t see it the same way you do

  10. 12 minutes ago, wolfriverjoe said:

    What does anything he says lately have to do with what he's responding to? 


    Yes. I was a skeptic for a while. 
    The 'being sold a bill of goods' is a pretty common thing by the 'powers that be'.

    But there's a concept called 'critical thinking', where you evaluate information, sources, the data being used to generate the info, the sources for that, and so on. 

    As was pointed out a little bit ago - There's a LOT of science behind the AGW claims. 

    There is virtually ZERO actual science behind the denials.

    Just attacks. Many of which are demonstrably false. Many of which are perpetrated by people who have reason (or are being paid by people with reason) to deny the truth of the matter.


    Apply some genuine, serious, critical thinking to both the claims and the denials of AGW and tell me it's all a "sales job".

    Your sales job

  11. On 5/8/2019 at 5:46 PM, billvon said:

    Update - now over 800 former federal prosecutors have signed the letter making it clear that Trump obstructed justice to try to hide his misdeeds.

     I’m sure that ranks right up there with the 95% of climate scientist too. Thanks for the laugh !

  12. 56 minutes ago, yobnoc said:

    Right, I think we're on the same page but we're reading different paragraphs.  The Judiciary signed off on a legal warrant to perform surveillance on an individual (Carter Page) who was suspected of being in bed with the Russian Government in their efforts to sabotage our election process.  He also happened to be a part of the campaign for a presidential candidate.  That's not spying; that's doing the job of protecting our country from all enemies - foreign and domestic.

     I love watching you guys dance around the definition of a word to try and make a case. It’s funny as hell

  13. 4 hours ago, turtlespeed said:

    Its not illegal if its an order.

     It is illegal if it’s based on faulty  information