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Everything posted by OmegaShield

  1. Dave, seriously, I would be the target... base to do a jump with you. It's been a while. Hell, if the Otter comes up, we could do three ship formations. Might be even to get a 30-way, without video of course.
  2. OmegaShield

    Saber 2

    Royal Blue Ends and Center. Black slider. Red mini-risers with yellow toggles. Mirage D-back. Red and blue hackey. Cutaway. The canopy landed off. By the time DZ staff and myself reached the location it was gone. A resident said someone in a gre
  3. I admit that I like to think there are some cool planes out there that we don't know about but with the type of basic hypersonic and hypervelocity experiments still being conducted, we still have a lot to learn. The materials are still tough to do and its a pain to get an engine that will operate beyond Mach 5. I have no doubt that these problems can be solved with enough money. We are close. But like was said earlier, why retire the SR-71 unless it had a good replacement.
  4. I just bought a container and a reserve from him a few months ago and I'm very happy. He works to help you out.
  5. I just got in my truck and I was driving to my job on campus. At first I thought the radio station was down because it was silent. A few seconds later, the DJ came back on sounding distraught and saying it was a tragedy. Only he didn't say what happened. I hauled ass to work and as I was pulling in I heard that a second plane hit the WTC. I was shocked, two planes hit the WTC by accident? No way. Walking into my office, everyone was surrounding one of the computers. For the next few hours me and a friend combed the internet for any information. I went to school at the Prescott campus of Embry-Riddle and planes were always flying over head. It was creepy walking to class with very few people on campus and nothing but silence in the air. Classes still continued.
  6. I think you may have misunderstood me. I am not jumping my rig until I get an AAD, but I do still jump rental gear. I like an AAD because it is another safety tool. You should never rely on an AAD, rely on your training and experience. An AAD is used when you screw up. If I do screw up, I'd rather be able to learn from it. It's no different than a seat belt, an RSL, a reserve, and many other things. Some people like them, some don't. I do.
  7. I'm still pretty new and I'm got use to having them through student training. I've only made two jumps without an AAD and I didn't feel safe. I just got my first container and reserve, and I already had a main but I decided not to jump it until I got an AAD. I mostly do belly with the occasionally clear and pull, but I don't like hop an pops.
  8. Since a majority of skydiving is mental, I read: Mental Training For Skydiving and Life by DeRosalia. Pretty good.
  9. I know how you feel. I had to move last weekend and its been 11 days since my last jump. My new roommate did that damn boxes thing to me, the only bad part is that all I can find now is porn.
  10. 1st of 2 and I'm very competitive with myself. Also, with most people but I try not to show it. I hate messing up or losing.
  11. A week ago, I saw a video with a shot of a 4-way exit from a camera mounted on a wing or wing strut. I liked the idea so much that a friend and I came up with a mount design. Basically, the base will attach to a strut (no strut modifications) and the camera can attach to the base. Both will have a shroud to reduce the aerodynamic forces on the assembly. Before I do any detail design and building stuff, I wanted to know if anyone knew if there is any FARs that would cover this? And if so, what sections should I look in?
  12. I did over an hour one-on-one coaching in a tunnel with only 60 jumps going in and it was worth it! Many people have complemented me on my flying improvement since then and the confidence boost is awesome. Don't worry about other people, focus on yourself, it is a great learning tool. The way I did it was that I went up with a friend and we each had our own coaches and we split tunnel time, he was working on freefly and I was RW. There are many ways to do it, but that worked for me.