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Posts posted by bloody_trauma

  1. ya man, chack out with your intructor, look at the wing, give your exit count... out, in, out, and as you say out, just present your body to the wind and step out, keep your eyes on the plane and relax, find your instructor, and initiate your manuevers.

    once you learn the upper body turns and get into the lower body turns, falling is far less complicated, from muscle memory, you will simply know that you want to do something and your body follows your thoughts almost in an unconscious manner.

    Relax bro... take some deep breaths, all you have to do is fall, its not that complicated.B|

    and remember its never the fall that kills you...

    Fly it like you stole it

  2. Quote



    Any of youz homos touch me or my stuff, I'll kill ya.:|

    Leave it to somebody from Michigan to turn this into a gay thread. [:/]

    Where did I say anything about it being gender specific ? :S
    Does that mean you just generally grope for the groinal region and hope for the best?

    heh, blind fluffing? this oughta be good. someones gotta make sure the pilot gets in on this action.:D
    Fly it like you stole it