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Everything posted by Jojo_

  1. I just got my copy of "Fly the Line". It's fantastic. Totaly awesome footage and well edited. Cheers Jojo
  2. Jojo_

    Troll MDV

    I got a Troll DW MDV and I can say for sure that it is the best canopy ever. I did some jumps on a Fox and on a Flik. But the Troll rocks. I wouldn't buy any other canopy than the Troll DW MDV. Openings are totaly good (slider up and slider down), it has got great flying performance and an excellent flare. Go for the Troll!!! Jojo
  3. Jojo_

    ITW Fatality

    I can't believe that... Mein Schwager! Fly free Jojo
  4. Jojo_

    RIP Adam Gibson

    I can't believe that... It was so much fun to hang out and to jump with you. Fly free brother. J
  5. Jojo_

    Eiger conditions

    I just came back from the valley. I didn't have time to jump the Eiger (was too busy with the Outdoor Games) but lots of people did jump it. They all said there's no snow on the way up! Just check the weather on the internet and when you're there ask Air Glaciers for the current conditions. It's a fu**** hard hike but I can tell you it's worth it!!! Cya Jojo