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Posts posted by tkhayes

  1. 14 hours ago, brenthutch said:

    Who did? DeSantis did better than Newsom but the virus did what viruses do, nobody was unscathed.

    define 'did better'.  

    California vs. Florida: The surprising answer to which handled COVID better (

    each state had things they did better than the other state.  Florida's death rate amongst seniors was a fucking disgrace, regardless of what California did, given that Florida has a higher number of elderly residents, I would expect the government to actually give a fuck about their residents..  And his vaccination denials continue.

    DeSantis administration advises against Covid shots for people under 65 (

  2. 22 hours ago, brenthutch said:

    You need to learn the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy.

    BTW inflation during Trump 2.1% 1.9% 2.3% and 1.4%

    Biden 7.00% 6.5% 3.4%

    correlation, but not causation

    And then there is the fact that trump is a one-term twice impeached president, and a 34 count indicted felon.  And he stole millions of dollars from his charity, got caught, pled guilty, paid millions in fines and had his foundation shut down - something you have yet to even acknowledge happened.

    and Joe Biden has never been under any criminal investigation by any LEO ever for anything.

    so there is that.


    So can you admit that Donald J Trump and his family member stole millions from his charity?  This is a test of your actual connection to the real world.  I will anticipate your diversion and digression with erect nipples.

    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, tkhayes said:

    and he is still a crook, a con man and a convicted felon.

    Donald Trump stole millions of dollars from his charity, money he promised veterans and children.  He got caught, pled guilty to that, paid millions in fines and had his foundation permanently shut down.

    Justify your support for this person.  I can wait.  Try to do it without mentioning Joe Biden.

    DocumentDisplayServlet (

    Still waiting for you to justify your support for the guy that stole millions in charity funds from veterans and children

    oh wait, you digressed and distracted and ran away from that question. 

    • Like 1

  4. 1 hour ago, brenthutch said:

    The world economy runs largely on dollars, but you knew that already. 

    Bullshit. China does not run on US dollars

    India does not run on US dollars 

    Africa does not run on US dollars

    that is half the worlds population 

    how fucking absolutely American arrogance you display. 

  5. 2 hours ago, brenthutch said:

    The average American was doing better during the Trump administration than during the Biden Administration. When asked the question “are you better off today than four years ago, most Americans, according to polls, say no.

    But the fact is that you ARE in fact better off and you have zero objective data to show otherwise

    your wages are up, your wealth is up, your savings are up, your retirement funds are up

    i actually don’t give a fuck how you ‘feel’ because you feelings are blinded by your ideology 

    saying that the average American was better off is just another ‘feeling’ with nothing to back it up

    • Like 1

  6. 27 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

    No but they are better than the alternative. 

    demonstrably false.  per my previous post alone, standing by itself as a lone argument.

  7. On 6/8/2024 at 3:10 PM, brenthutch said:

    Raises 12 million dollars in Nancy Pelosi’s district in one night :$

    and he is still a crook, a con man and a convicted felon.

    Donald Trump stole millions of dollars from his charity, money he promised veterans and children.  He got caught, pled guilty to that, paid millions in fines and had his foundation permanently shut down.

    Justify your support for this person.  I can wait.  Try to do it without mentioning Joe Biden.

    DocumentDisplayServlet (

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  8. 22 hours ago, brenthutch said:

    About the same as it has been since records began to be made. The graph looks the same if one looks at the last two hundred years. The massive acceleration due to human induced CO2 has yet to manifest. Yes the planet has warmed, glaciers have melted and sea levels have risen, just as they have done since the end of the last ice age.

    10000 year old ice is melting, which means this is not some regular 50-500 year 'weather cycle'.  just one of the thousands of data points that you continue to ignore or dismiss using your version of junk science

    • Like 2

  9. 10 hours ago, brenthutch said:

    Global warming catastrophe is always just around the corner yet never seems to get here.

    It is a relatively slow walk, but it is already here.  the deniers are like 'oooo Al Gore said 2030....' and then it happens by 2070, therefore it must be all false and just a load of crap so that Bill Gates can put chips in everyone.....

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  10. 4 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

    Could be that identifying as a Republican meant something different then.

    The republican party officially claimed that they are the 'party of Trump' after the early primaries.

    That should be all that anyone needs to know.  They are NOT for America or about America, or the constitution, or law and order, they are ONLY about Trump.  Like 2020, they do not even have a platform or policy..... only Trump.  The Project 2025 so-called platform has nothing to do with policy, it only has to do with handing all power to the executive.

    Fuck that Trump guy, he is now and will always be the one-term, twice impeached, felony convicted, former president.  Soon he will die, and I will celebrate with 18 year old scotch and a neighborhood BBQ.  And after the conviction, fuck anyone that supports that POS for president.

    • Like 4

  11. 17 hours ago, kallend said:


    There is a VERY strong parallel between the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump. 


    There are also comparisons to the rise of any other authoritarian figure, but all we seem to use is 'nazi'.

  12. 4 hours ago, olofscience said:

    But if that's enough for you to defend an openly nazi Trump campaign, it's surprising how little it takes.

    It's not a Nazi campaign.....  no one is being exterminated.  we are not building concentration camps nor are we invading other countries.

    Trump wants to be authoritarian - that should be all we need to not elect him.... it's unamerican and unconstitutional.  Yes authoritarian could lead to 'nazi' but not likely.  Hence the title of the thread.

    I cannot stand trump and will be celebrating when that fat cunt dies, but I am exhausted with the nazi bullshit.

    • Like 1

  13. 9 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

    FWIW, DFLA 2018 budget was some $90K, , even if they took in $20 donations, that is less than 5000 members.  I am sure there are Democrat flat-earthers too, but it represents nothing in reality.

  14. On 5/8/2024 at 12:41 PM, JerryBaumchen said:

    Hi folks,

    Criminals gotta do what they gotta do:  Oregon prisoner who received compassionate release during COVID-19 returned to life of crime within days -

    One thing about prison:  A couple of hots & a cot every day.

    Jerry Baumchen

    Meaningless unless there is some data to show whether recidivism is up or down, and there appears to be no such data, which I find strange.

    We track crime stats like mad at all kinds of levels, surely someone has extrapolated the recidivism there somewhere.

  15. On 5/6/2024 at 5:04 PM, billvon said:


    1) It will come too late to avert the worst consequences of climate change if that's the only mitigation.
    2) The strongest predictor of number of births per woman is educational level.  (Also the strongest predictor of child outcomes.) So if we concentrate on female education worldwide, we can drive this to happen sooner.

    well I expect women's education to become illegal at some point..... It's the godly way.....

  16. 23 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

    Seriously? She had the biggest case in history with an airtight case and she really needed to hire her fuck buddy at a huge payday because she could? Hero to zero just that fast.

    already adjudicated and decided upon.  Trump gets to appeal it (of course), and will continue to appeal as long as the justice system allows it by favoring rich people over us regular folk.

    Cannot wait for this to be tied up for months at the Supreme Court, as if it has anything to do with the constitution, but we are in the era of enabling trump at any and every opportunity, so there is that.

  17. On 5/1/2024 at 9:32 AM, billvon said:

    It is explained away by claiming that (for example) the Prayer Room is for all denomination; it does not respect any one establishment of religion over another.  Of course, that doesn't work with "under God" since it excludes all the pantheistic religions.

    On the plus side, every time it's been challenged, the law has been interpreted as "you have to include all religions if they want in" when it comes to government support of religion.  That will likely change if Trump conservatism takes hold.

    I for one, am tired of the 'explaining away'..... the 'cultural christians' stand by and watch and do nothing when the extreme christians make gains as they stomp towards a christian nationalistic country where we have religious freedom, but only if you are christian.

    It is so much like people standing by and watching while trump stomps all over the constitution and breaks the laws, and they 'splain that away' too with bullshit like 'it's not so bad' or 'they all do it'.

    Christians will burn the country and the world to the ground if we let them.  They support Israel because the second coming and the end-of-times cannot happen with Israel existing.  (still have to build the temple or whatever).

    They storm the capital and break whatever laws because after all - they are doing god's work, so it does not matter if it is illegal and the constitution be damned, there's a higher power in charge telling me what to do.  Luckily so far, thousands of them are charged with crimes, but even that is sitting in front of SCOTUS waiting to be undone.

    fuck those people and fuck christian nationalism.  And Trump, if elected, will let it all happen because they support him and he is a narcissistic sociopath, he can sit on a throne as the divinely chosen one, and whatever feeds his ego and wallet is good by him.

    Israel does not speak out about it, because after all, they get so much support from the USA, even though they are all damned to hell when the Armageddon happens, unless they convert.... but I am pretty sure they are laughing behind our backs about that.

    This country will truly be fucked if Trump gets elected, and even if he does not, the SCOTUS seems determined to make watery decisions that dilute everything out there... again, standing by and watching it happen, instead of stopping it by actually supporting the constitution and the rule of law.

    • Like 2

  18. 2 hours ago, gowlerk said:

    The earliest known Jewish history, Egyptian records are from 1200 BCE. Which goes a long way to explaining why no one ever speaks of the conflict 10,000 years ago.

    I thought this thread was about scumbag politicians.  everything today seems to migrate to Israel and Gaza.  I try not to spend too much time on problems that have no solution.

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  19. On 4/29/2024 at 7:09 AM, wolfriverjoe said:

    Yeah, the only places I see any story about this are Fox, NY Post and The Washington Times (aka the 'Moonie News').

    same for me, cannot find anything else about it.

    Hey, she's been there for two years.  Trump had four, and Sarah Sanders was the only one to last 2 years.

  20. On 5/4/2024 at 4:54 PM, richravizza said:

    Let's Go! Genocide Joe.

    calling out genocide when it is nothing even remotely close to genocide is just another example of the 'Nazi' dog whistles that are being discussed.

  21. 17 hours ago, kallend said:

    And another.


    WASHINGTON — The Justice Department on Friday released an indictment against longtime Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, and his wife, Imelda, charging the pair with bribery and money laundering related to their ties with a bank in Mexico and an oil and gas company controlled by Azerbaijan.

    yup, and feeds the lines that the GOP will use when they support trump by simply saying "Well, they are all crooks".  Scale matters, but in a lot of cases, they are not wrong.

    I guess it is too much to just do your fucking job and enjoy the salary and benefits....   want to make more money?  Write a fucking book like they all do to get rich quick.


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