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Posts posted by yamtx73

  1. [RANT]
    Do we really need a forum for men only? Yes, the ladies have a Women Only forum; but does that mean we need one for men only to make things equal? If we do need one for men only, does that also mean to be fair to everyone we also have one for POPS? How about one for those over 60? Perhaps we should have a gay only forum as well, after all if we're going to be "fair" we'll be needing quite a few more forums.... How about one for those born in February, it's the shortest month of the year and to be fair to those born that month they need to have their voice heard as well.
    According to the 2005 statistics from the USPA 15% of all skydivers are women, to keep things simple let's say that women make up 15% of the world's population of skydivers. If that's reflected in the member base of dz.com that means that 15% of the people who post here are female. If only 15% of the people who post on dz.com are female and thus have a Women Only forum. From glancing thru that forum I'd say more than 15% of the men post there as well, meaning the women's only forum isn't for women only. Thus, the Bonfire is a "Men Only" forum where women are permitted to post, just as men are permitted to post in the Women Only forum.

    What does this all mean? In very simple terms.... SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE.
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  2. By getting the prescription you followed her request to the letter, however implied in her request is that you get the prescription filled and take said medication.
    While technically correct I'd strongly recommend following the implied portion of the request as well as the clearly stated portion.
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  3. Quote



    Hey, we need more nekkid guys on this thread!!!! Who is gonna pony up?!?!?:D


    Ladies first....

    What, you want me to show you a nekkid guy?! Well, the only guy I have around won't let me even take a pic of him nekkid nor post it...:D...

    And if you are insinuating that I should post to the boobie thread, well, I only show when I am at boogies...particularly WFFC...so there...:P

    ~R+R:)...Or if I am extremely drunk...course then you might get a free show...:$

    I don't get drunk so I guess it's a no-show
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  4. Quote



    1000 pardons..... Please don't kick me to the "I have a stick up my butt thread".... I much prefer this ass thread!!! :ph34r:


    You're forgiven... this time :S
    just don't let it happen again.. :D:D

    You let her off way too easy. I thought she would at least get a spanking. :)

    If I knew her I'd have come up with something a bit more entertaining... :ph34r:
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  5. Quote

    1000 pardons..... Please don't kick me to the "I have a stick up my butt thread".... I much prefer this ass thread!!! :ph34r:


    You're forgiven... this time :S
    just don't let it happen again.. :D:D
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  6. Quote

    NO, you dork.... the picture of the new and improved you!

    sheesh, you men and your egos!!! :D


    tsk.. tsk.. tsk... shame on you for using such generalizations... [:/]
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  7. Quote


    I didn't know any better I'd say you were hitting on me.

    Now, now.. I just want to win!!! :P

    I figure that by having this thread you (i.e. all the ladies) have already won :P
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  8. Quote

    and dang this is expensive at first... anyone want to buy a nice healthy kidney?;)

    I won't say I haven't thought the same thing... :ph34r:
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  9. Quote


    We had the Name that Rack... to move the ass thread to the women's forum would be discriminatory and sending the message that what they think/like/want is irrelevant...

    I agree we don't want to send that message, but it's still okay to think that, right? :P

    YOU can think that if you like... for myself, I prefer to stay on the good side of these lovely ladies...
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  10. Quote

    U P D A T E D

    In Reply To
    This petition is to have the moderators move the "Name That Ass" thread to the Women's Only Forum.

    FOR removal from Bonfire and placement in Women's Only


    AGAINST removal from Bonfire and placement in Women's Only

    Danger Roo

    We had the Name that Rack... to move the ass thread to the women's forum would be discriminatory and sending the message that what they think/like/want is irrelevant...
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  11. Quote


    No, not Billy's ass. This guy is a little further SouthEast, in the Sunshine State;)

    Just for a little mid-day distraction, lets look at the one from last night again:ph34r:. *Pause* Okay, now back to guessing A1;)

    hey who is this one!!

    A1 was me.... they're up to A7 now...:D
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  12. Quote


    Soooo, is Skymama in charge of the men's bums in jeans thread?

    If the guys will participate, I'll post them just like J did. :)

    I believe Katee already started that thread last night...
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

  13. Quote


    Maybe it's just me but I feel that an instructor SHOULD know what is required, not only for the proficiency card, but the BSR's and what a student needs to become a skydiver... including requirements for an A license.

    Instructors do not assign or approve licenses. They instruct and sign off proficiency requirements for licenses. Any one instructor could sign off every single item on an A license card but they can't approve the actual license. An instructor can't verify that "25 jumps" have been completed to the USPA's satisfaction.

    I didn't say they assign or approve licenses, but that they should know what the requirements are. They should know what counts towards a student's A license so you don't have a student wondering if their ISP or static line jumps count towards their license.
    It's up to the student to make sure they do their required 25 jumps and have their proficiency card signed.
    The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...