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Everything posted by FallingBliss

  1. Agreed. Verify the info, then deport them. Penalize the employer if they're employed. I completely agree with this too. Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  2. No... that was just an underscore to my feelings about this problem Bill. It is an illegal issue. Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  3. Really? I swear, I didn't know that. Come to think of it, the ay-rabs do eat beans and rice, too, don't they? Hmmm... Andy.. I know you are smarter than that. I bet both Mexicans and Arabs both use soap and tooth paste too. What the hell does that have to do with invading the US? I'm not going to entertain the Troll. I would love to see who in this forum supports illegals invading the US and causing more violence. PLease please please.... let someone be that f**king stupid and speak up. I said it before, I'm not trying to be politically correct. I would die for this country and I am more than happy to be deployed to the border with the rest of the Guard. We have allowed illegals to have 'rights' in this country. Check this shit out..... you get no citizen rights in this country because you are F**king illegal. How about that!!!! Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  4. NOPE... I shoot them too Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  5. and that is why sensor-activated automatic machine guns should be deployed along the border LOLOLOL.... HOLLA! Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  6. I know I know but God oh mighty...... 6 more tourists attacked by illegals and with the increased violence, this idiot president haults the contstruction. C'mon... This is my country, Mexico is their country... if they want to come here, do it legally thru INS. If not, then get the hell out. I'm sick of LA looking like Mexico. It's BS !!!! When Americans are being attacked by illegals it's time to fight back and get rid of them. If they want to fight, then they will have one on their hands. I for one won't stand around and be a politically correct pussy and take it from illegals. The better be prayed-up God if they ever break into my house. Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  7. If you voted for this ANTI-AMERICAN Senator from Chicago........ Shame on you! This fool orders to stop the construction of the border fence but can give 700 Billion in bailouts to banks and wild liberal spending?!?!?! The border is now out of control. This country is being invaded from the south and now they have Mexicans chanting "Allah Hu Akbar" what the F**k is going on????????? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/06/16/closes-park-land-mexico-border-americans/ Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  8. I agree. How long did that take you to type? Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  9. Go read the Federalist Papers written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, & John Jay and then edit your post later. Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  10. I am a huge Bill Clinton fan and I don't think he even agrees with Obama's policies. Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  11. Get a load of this! Dr. Grady S McMurtry a professor and graduate of Berkeley says that creation has overwhelming evidence over evolution. I bet Berkeley wrote this guy off. His points are interesting however. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QY2RLeye9o Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  12. I don't post much but I'm one Democrat that won't be revoting for Obama just because of that alone. Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  13. I think the Gators will win Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  14. He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His address is: 2 Tennis Ct NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Home # (505) 899-6126 Cell # (505) 250-6440 His mother is is Jane H Moody Father is Steven R Stribling Here is his Facebook profile http://www.facebook.com/people/Will-Stribling/501569435 You can tell him that the BLISS sold him the fuck out for being a thief and if he doesn't return your money, I'm coming back to New Mexico to kick his ass. He as AWLAYS been a crook!!!!! Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  15. Only if you refuse to accept that abortion is the premature end of a human life-otherwise, it makes perfect sense. No, no... irrespective of my stance on abortion. But I am laughing now (yes, out loud) because the fact that the analogy in question has the power to derail a thread about terrorism into one of abortion is but one of the things that make it the Worst. Analogy. Ever. Unintentional : Premeditated :: a) Automobile Fatalities : Beltway Sniper Attacks b) Abortion : Death Penalty c) Pancreatic Cancer : Bank Robbery Shootings d) Iran Air 655 : Pan Am 103 e) Both a) and d) I think his point was that they aren't the same champ. Well now that they released this one, It's now America's turn. Lets see..... I guess we can spin the bottle and see which terrorist gets freed from Gitmo Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  16. I remember Harry.... he is greatly missed Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!
  17. That's a good point. Most people don't realize how much Obama has spent. In addition, how much more does he plan to spend?? Hey Muhammad, why don't you wash your mouth out with a revolver!