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Dropzone Reviews posted by lippy

  1. Right from when I contacted these guys over email they seemed really nice and willing to help. I got to the DZ and they saw that my rig doesn´t have an AAD, which is mandatory in Peru. They found a local who was willing to lend me his rig, and then they rented me a club rig at a good price when I wanted to jump with the guy who lent me his rig.

    The view of the Andes from the plane is pretty cool. It`s weird being at 11K and seeing a mountain out the window.

    I only spent one Sunday there and there was a big jumping event in another part of the country which drew away most of the experienced jumpers, so I can´t say what an average weekend is like. From what I did see these guys are super safety oriented, the Ceneca is a really nice little plane and the vibe in general was great! I can't wait to come back