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Posts posted by lippy

  1. 14 minutes ago, Coreece said:


    Well when you have teachers and faculty telling students that the attacks "are a gift from from allah," that they were "exhilarating" and "spectacular," and that it was "a beautiful day. . . "

    . . .And then numerous student groups from multiple universities issue statements like “we, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” and “the apartheid regime is the only one to blame. . .”

    . . .And then those students, some of which were calling for the death of Jews, organize multiple protests. . .

    Ya, it might cross your mind.


    You can find more here:

    I think the vast majority of the protesters were trying to call attention to 30,000+ deaths in Gaza, the majority of them civilians, and 10's of thousands more living in absolutely horrific conditions.  That strikes me as a cause worth raising a stink about.

    A few nutters on faculty got a pretty disproportionate amount of coverage...their positions are unfortunate but hey: if a nutter can be Speaker of the House, why can't one be an adjunct professor?

    Antisemitism is disgusting and should be squashed whenever/wherever it rears its's unfortunate that antisemites were using these protests to elevate their vile position; they're just as bad as Hamas in my opinion.  A couple things that might cross your mind:

    - It's possible to oppose Hamas and oppose the indiscriminate killing of Palestinians.

    - It's possible to oppose the actions of the far-right Israeli government without being an anti-semite.

    - Despite what Fox tells you, US universities aren't the bastions of antisemitism they're being made out to be.  Most of the tiki torches are being lit off-campus.  


    • Like 1

  2. 38 minutes ago, normiss said:

    Seems like you prefer to refer to all anti-Israeli protests as anti-Semite.

    They aren't.

    "As if you would ever make that distinction."

    I saw a whole lot of LinkedIn connections referring to the pro-Palestine protests on university campuses a while back as 'pro-Hamas'....I guess some people are allergic to nuance.  

    • Like 1

  3. 22 minutes ago, wolfriverjoe said:

    Actually no.

    You piqued my curiosity, so I did a bit of searching. 

    Limbaugh died Feb 2021.

    Rushmc last posted Sept 2020, with the last significant string of posts May 2020.

    That's about the time that the Delta variant of Covid was running rampant.
    Kinda wonder if that's what happened.
    He was the type who would pretend "Covid's not dangerous."

    I guess my timeline got a bit blurry, thanks for doing the digging to clarify. 

    • Like 1

  4. 2 hours ago, wolfriverjoe said:

    I'm guessing, that like so many other conservatives (on here and elsewhere) his ability to deny reality ran out.

    And he had ZERO ability to admit he was wrong.

    So he ran away and hid.

    Didn't he disappear as soon as Rush Limbaugh passed?

  5. 3 hours ago, nigel99 said:

    I think there are a few good reasons not to vote for him. I think his age is a major concern, as an example.

    I don’t think people should be criticised for not voting based on their conviction that neither candidate is suitable. There isn’t an option to vote no. 

    I get the argument that not voting potentially helps Trump, but similarly voting for Biden gives him more of a mandate, which a moderate might not want to do.

    As I see it, the only options this cycle are Trump or Biden.  Anybody else is a spoiler...that's just the realities of the 2-party system and it's not going to change anytime soon.  I'm not Biden's biggest fan, but he's done a lot of good, he seems like a decent human, and most of all he's not Trump.  The disaster of a 2nd (or as he himself has floated, potentially a 3rd) Trump term is hard to overstate.  

    I like BIGUN...I always find his posts here insightful and I remember having a great fucking time sharing a beer with him at the Dead Man Boogie at Skydive Temple back in 2009, and I think we did a few jumps at SDD back in the day...that is to say, I respect the guy and I'm not gonna shit on his plan to vote for neither.  That said, IMO a vote for neither is a vote for Trump, since the outcome is pre-decided as one of them winning by a razor-thin margin.  

    Or we can have 4(+) more years of tax cuts for billionaires, rolling back infrastructure progress and promises of a new infrastructure plan/ACA replacement 'In 2 weeks'...

    • Like 2

  6. 17 minutes ago, billvon said:

    No they're not.  They may be just completely uninformed.  

    Or completely misinformed.  Fox has got a pretty impressive reality distortion machine up and running.

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  7. 10 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

    Yep, thats exactly what I was getting at. 

    Lippy, you are cool and funny but i'm thinking that this forum is becoming too trivial for me. 

    I appreciate the compliment and back at ya man....

    I almost didn't post that as I was worried it'd come across as taking a shot at you; that wasn't the intent, it was just an opportunity to make a cheap Tiger Woods driving joke.  

    The triviality of this place waxes and wanes.  Your presence helps steer it in the right direction, IMHO.

  8. 2 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

    The best ones are like Tiger Woods, they just get better and better on the same course. 

    I know that when I think about safe driving, Tiger Woods is the first name that comes to mind...

    • Like 3

  9. 7 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

    Over the years I've observed the passion for children depends on the size family in which one grew up. Large families - the next generation wants few and vice versa. 

    There’s definitely some truth to that. I know quite a few only children who went on to ensure they had at least two kids. That said, there’s a difference between what constitutes a ‘large family’ today vs a couple generations ago, no?

    I’ve now got the Jim Gaffigan bit stuck in my head where he’s talking about needing to say ‘Catholic’ after the family size: “6 kids, Catholic”

  10. 3 hours ago, wolfriverjoe said:

    Most don't.

    My ex-wife's mom had 9 siblings (total of 10 kids by her grandmother).

    Some of the kids had no offspring (one died fairly young), the rest had 2 or 3.

    My Mom was the oldest of 13, 12 of whom made it to adulthood. Same deal where she had 3 kids and most of her siblings had 2-3, a few didn’t have any. Out of that (my) generation, my siblings each had 2, I had none and most of my cousins are at 1 - 2 a piece…..the cousins who had more could be plucked straight out of the opening scene of Idiocracy. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, winsor said:

    Where I find fault with your logic is in the oversimplification of the issues, that one either accepts orthodoxy of one sort or another or is in the "anti" camp.

    There is often a third 'C) Other' option, which takes into account a different perspective.

    "Climate Change" is a prime example, where one might take it to be a given, yet seem the presentation of Al Gore, 'The Day After Tomorrow' and so forth to be comic book pseudo science (Superman going faster than light to turn back time and what have you).

    In Systems Analysis a Single Input Single Output model is the Holy Grail, where the transform results in an Identity Matrix (ones along the diagonal and zeroes elsewhere, resulting in a SISO relationship).  In medicine this amounts to a treatment with zero side effects or interactions.

    In practice one is delighted to get Jordan form, which includes the odd derivative. In medicine this is more like the disease being generally worse than the cure.

    The reality is that you often have more equations than you have unknowns, and some factors are thus treated as constants.  If this approach works, great.  When it doesn't, it's anyone's guess what's at play.

    This is where systems of belief come into play.  Having the temerity to ask for the data becomes heretical; one does not have to claim you're wrong to note that the model and data are indeterminate.  Correlation does not imply causation and all that.

    To suggest that someone who questions the popular analysis thereby disputes the raw data is disingenuous.




    As always, your ability to use hundreds of words to say nothing is unrivaled.  You want to both deny the existence of actual data when presented, and also claim that it's heretical to ask for data.  

    • Like 2

  12. 1 hour ago, richravizza said:

     Liberals use to try to find common bonds among those they disagree,but that doesn't seem to be the case any longer.

    When you hold up the Fox News caricature of Liberals to pigeon-hole anyone who’s not in political lockstep with you, you can make all kinds of accusations about those darn evil Liberals. 

    If only there was some place that you could engage in honest conversation with Liberals to understand what they think, what they want….(do they eat food, like normal humans?)…some kind of conversational ‘forum’ to engage in open dialogue. Welp, since nothing of the sort exists, best get back to sharing libtard videos with Winsor on the dizzyDotCom. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, CygnusX-1 said:

    I haven't seen the actual details, did the entire organization get eliminated or it was just reduced in size and the media is misrepresenting the facts with click bait headlines.

    The linked article was from Gizmodo. It is pretty blatantly anti-Musk but it says they’re laying off all of supercharger and new vehicle employees. If true, you gotta wonder what Musk is thinking.  

  14. 1 hour ago, brenthutch said:

    That is odd as State College PA (right in the heart of coal and fracking country) has better air quality than San Diego 

    Fracking has less and less affect on air quality these days as frac fleets are largely going electric (those Biden shills!!!)

    • Like 1

  15. 1 hour ago, brenthutch said:

    Let me bring you up to speed…

    Energy transition, not happening 

    EV transition, not happening 

    End of the world from climate change, not happening.

    How is that?

    Brent acknowledging reality, not happening 

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  16. 8 hours ago, brenthutch said:

    147.05 USD-101.37 (-40.81%)year to date

    Closed: Apr 19, 7:59 PM EDT • Disclaimer

    So, first you spend about 4 years telling everybody that Tesla will never pan out...then, in December 2023 you said: "I was wrong about Tesla, full stop" so I guess you were at least acknowledging their successes.

    Now, you're back holding up Tesla's decline and claiming you'd called it all along.  Make up your mind man...for those of us playing the home game, it's hard to keep up!

    A reasonable person could make the argument that Tesla's latest decline has less to do the EV's in general and more to do with Musk's going 'full red pill', combined with many more EV options are coming onto the market...maybe if I had an MBA I'd see it differently though.  

  17. Just now, ryoder said:

    Whoa! Did Mike Johnson suddenly find his spine, and realize he is Speaker of the entire House???


    Seems he chose the his personal 'least-bad path' which coincidentally aligns with the moral path this time. I assume he's betting that there are enough grown-ups in the room that realize how bad it'll look on the GOP if there's another 2-month plus fight for speakership.  

    • Like 1

  18. 22 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

    That number has declined as the signal for anthropological climate change has failed to materialize, the growing number of skeptics even includes a recent Nobel prize winner.

    Check out my Climate Change the Movie post, lots of scientists, lots of data.

    BTW science is not done by consensus. If it were the Earth would still be at the center of the universe and white people would still be considered superior.

    It's the consensus amongst climate scientists, not Internet trolls.  Therein lies the material difference