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  1. cah75

    Lost Friends

    Bud maybe the king of beers (I think not) but wife beater kicks ass! *takes another gulp* EDIT: ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME!!!
  2. IMO the general public would sponsor a bridge jump like they do a tandem skydive when done for charity, they just think both are crazy. But with the bridge jump they’d probably think it was actually a bungee jump anyway Congratulations to the man! Cash for the kids is still cash for kids
  3. cah75

    Potato Record . . .

    Anyone who can climb out there 50 times in a day (hey anyone who can climb out 5 times in a day!) has my respect!!! Good luck
  4. NickDG, I like reading history stuff like that! Thanks for posting it
  5. NickDG, Which individuals have the right to decide who enters BASE? Someone with 200 BASE jumps might say you need 1,000 skydives before you make a first BASE jump, someone with 500 BASE jumps might say you need 5,000 skydives, someone with 1000+ BASE jumps might say you need 10,000 skydives, … different people have different opinions based on their experience. If you try to restrict access to BASE too much I think you’ll get more people who find other ways to enter it on their own without any (or little) instruction and perhaps without correct equipment. Which is more dangerous?