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Posts posted by NelKel

  1. OK , where can I find information about gay primates living in hormony with strait ones? I ask because earlier you said I was wrong. I wish not to flame, nor to be flamed. Thank you

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  2. It's wrong, you know. <<<<<

    Please prove me wrong. After all God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
    How can a species of gay animals reproduce? They must be extinct thats why I have never hreard of it. If you want me to change my opion you will have to prove it, not just an isolated event but an entire group of gay animals. I have never heard of it.

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  3. I am not really that interested but I would be willing to change my opion about humans being the only ones on the planet as being gay if you can prove it. I do not mean one isolated event, is there a group of primates that are gay, and if so how dose that species survive with out the capability of reproduction?

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  4. In a gay world, straight people would be treated with tremendous respect.

    Yeah, because without straight people there would be no one to populate the world with gay people.

    Humans are the only species on this planet that are gay! Ever seen two gay love birds? Squrrels? Bears?
    I don't think so. But....there are some deviations from God's plan, like seahorses.

    So I can under stand it, I may not be willing to accept the fack that some man finds anothers hairy has as sexy, or that gay's deserve the title of minority. I think I'm gonna get flammed over this.
    Then there the metrosexual thing, where strait men act as gay to attract wemon, It's just crazy.

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  5. Use some of the money for the 10% down to buy a caravan, use some of the money for the 10% down to buy a otter. Use some of the money to fix up both airframes for jumping and faster engens on the otter. Buy new student/tandem gear, save the rest, and open a DZ. I know the perfect spot and it would only require one of the two mentioned airframes to start.

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  6. 6 months ago I broke my ankle and fib on a tandem landing, and yes I was riding the Instructor seat on that jump. With about 300 tandems under my belt, a full time job working at a large DZ jumping Sigma's out of Otters, I must say I miss it. I have this longing to return to work as a Tandem Instructor with the desire to learn AFF Instructor. I have about eight years, 850 jumps, I'm a CCD and a graduate of the AIC program. I have invested alot of time and money into this sport. I feel lucky to have had the job at such a great Drop zone. I would like to here from other who have experience returning after such an injury, what it was like, advice, and if I should consider not jumping tandems. I know a person could get killed in this sport, and I know injuries happen, but I must say I never expected to wind up with an injury requiring surgery, a numb foot still even after six months. When I take a step, sometimes it feel like a funnybone the schook that runs throug my foot. My orthipodest says it may take a year to regain 100% feeling in my foot. I can not run yet, it more like a hobble over the broken foot. I know bwcause when walking my dog and she takes off I get pulled behind her sorta stumbling, and hobbling over. Has there benn anyone out there that this has happened to before and how did you handle the situation. I know I will jump again, but should I jump tandems. My buddies that ride motorcross and who have broken femers have pins and plates say yes that the bones will be stronger. I believe tha reason I got hurt was complancy, and my lack of experience. Ther was a 500 tandem jump requirment to jump there, I got on throught the "who you know" at 80 tandems. Thank you for your replys.

    Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

  7. Toss him a filled out incident report before the jump and then go video his landings<<<<<<

    yeah, another one I have seen was for someone to get a "get well soon" card and everyone signs it, then it is given to the jumper prior to jumping.
    Another was to ask the jumper where did he keep his important info. like insurance card, and if he was allergic to anything in case he is incoherrant when the EMT's arive.:P

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  8. We need a Bill Booth fourm to help the other fourm stay on topic, very often when he posts the topic gets shiffed from it's original questions. It's not a bad thing, many people consider him the grandfather of modern skydiving/equipment, and have ton's of questions for him. Thank you/

    Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

  9. There is a BSR which allows a USPA Instructor to waiver the use of an RSL for students for a jump or a series of jumps. IF the USPA makes this chart manditory I would ask for the USPA to also include the same. Giving the Instructor the ability to make an informed decision on a case by case situation. It would also allow for thoes who are asking about grandfathering to get a second look by there instructor who could decide based of your proficience under the canopy you are currently using. I know of two DZ's that would have to adjust the current size of the mains they are using now, or drop their GM. I wonder....if a DZ is not a current GM through the USPA do they have to follow this chart if addopted, and where would that leave the USPA Instructors who work there?
    This chart is good for new jumpers to see what "we" consider safe for them to use, but I always have felt teaching the student to calculate there wing loading plants this fact home, lets not get lazy if this chart is addopted, it is not a fix all. This chart is more usfull to newly licensed jumpers as than for students who realy can't make thoes decissions for themselfs yet.

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  10. Have you ever felt/reached terminal velocity in FF? Like on a tandem?

    Two things: How are you going to read the notes on your hand, while holding on to the strut of the 182? and I have never heard of a springloaded PC in a BOC. BOC is bottom of contianer where PC are stowed. Springloaded PC are usualy inside of the container atop the D-bag and need a ripcord to open the contianer.

    Try mental review, picture your self hanging on the strut. Pelvis forword, chin up, let go. Good luck

    Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

  11. I have been a tandem Instructor sence January 05, Sigma rated. I worked at a very busy DZ. I was making 70 to 100 tandems a month, so I have a few hundred in my first year, There are alot of very experienced tandem I here giving realy great and useful advice. I want to add, and believe me I learned the HARD WAY, get some health insurance if you don't have it. My ankle cost me 17 grand, and I havent jumped in six months. The top of my foot is still numb but the good thing is the swelling is down, it only double the size now.
    I would also like to "ditto" Tom B. about handle touches every time. Twisting your risers the same way as the linetwists will transfer the twist to the risers and make it SO easy to get out of them.

    Good Luck

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  12. You need to make 10 jumps as a coach with students to observe, and learn how they fly. You can find it spelled out on any Instructor Proficiency Card in the IRM.

    Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

  13. I'm really sorry but after a 15 week applicaton I would also want to be the apprientice, to hire another would be a violaion of contract, to ask him on the show was to cause an uproar, just like the one here, I am in no way single ing you out, it =was just easy to click on your post. His respomse made scence to me, and would probably have been mine!:P

    Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

  14. while your spine is still vertical. At that moment, vertical airflow - up the jumper's spine - results in the quickest pilot chute launch. <<<<<<

    To all of you young jumpers that think you gonna wait to get stable before a pull reserve, your what he wrote, and understand!

    Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

  15. She is right nothing will change the outcome of this incident, but it is really sad that with all the education out there including these fourms that her Instructor will probably continue his carrer, and probably hurt someone else because of some mother was bilnded by her own ignorance to stop him. Skydivers regulate skydivers, the FAA gives us that because we have the USPA who governs us. According to reports published in this fourm her instructor broke a few rules, that chain of events we always talk about...which lead up to this incident.

    It realy makes me wonder if she would have been killed would her mother still feel the same way....lucky she is still alive, or would she be looking to place blame for neglagence. To any receint Instructor out there and perticulary to all CCD we all know that we are responsibal for the safty of our students. Beyond waivers, beyond DZO's or S&TA's We all know that we can be held personaly responsably when we endanger our syudents. If we look the othrer way in this incident then we are no better that the culpert. This student didn't know better, she trusted her Instructor as all students do, and if we do not hold ourself to higher standards, then we are no better that this guy who HAD TO KNOW HE WAS BREAKING THE RULES. The same rules we govern ourselves with. I try to behave in a professional manner when dealng with students/clients. I know there is a segment of our population that dosn't care about that, this is an example of what can happen and I hope we all take note,
    The attitude that if it dosn't kill you makes you stronger is hype in this situation, if we do not take care of our students then we risk the future of our sport.

    end rant....... >:(

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  16. Which one would you buy?
    Some people say if needed for self defense the 9mm doesn't have enough stopping power vs. the .45.

    The colt .45 was addopted by the military during a war time engagment, the red chiness were hi on opum and were unstopable after being shot, so yes the .45 has alot of stoping power. The 9mm. is a far more acurate round at greater distance. It all comes down to what is your worst case sinerio. In mine...... IF I ever pull out my hand gun I going to shoot someone, I don't play with guns, and I will never try to bluff. I pretty sure it will be at close range so accuracy at great distances dosn't factor in. Basicly if a thug is running away I let him go, If he is charging me than it will be close quarted battle. My personal choice is a .40 I found it to be the best of both worlds. Pretty accurate, has somewhat stopping power, and with regular (field tip) ammo I'm not worried ablout it passing through the perp. and hitting an innocant vic. A 9mm. is only a little bit smaller round than a .38. A .40 is close to a 10mm. For whatever reason I perfer standard mesurments over metric. Keep in mind If you fired a .44 mag in your home.....well you may not be able to hear for sometime, and probably dislocate your sholder if you fired it in a hurry with one hand "off the hip". The desert eagle .44 is HUGE and bulk to manouver in close quarters.

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  17. IF .......someone would give us the model # we could size what reserve canopies would fit that container and then tell what the wingloading was.

    IOW like a J-3 or a W-10 etc.......

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  18. So theoretically, if some one were to lose situational awarness during a malfuction resulting in a low cutaway, the RSL could save you from having a really bad day<<<<<<<

    Yes it can. Your going to find a lot of peoply have varing opions about RSL. They can cause problems when associated with other/special type jumping. Just a few examples would be CReW or jumping camera, freeflying. It has to be a personal choice, unless your a student then you have to have one or have an Instructor waiver it for you. You can not beat an RSL, no one can. For thoes one hand on each handle EP's if they say they beat the RSL, they actualy did an out of secquence EP and didn't relize it. There is usualy a tell-tail sign when an RSL activated reserve, it a small kink, or dent on the reserve cable due to the pull of the RSL loop near the closing loop on the rig.

    The RWS has a Skyhook which is built upon the working of an RSL, I have never had a RSL used on my sport rig, but I have had a Shyhook on a Sigma Tandem. I'm not at all slow and I couldn't beat it. I know, I have had a couple of cut aways. In other words if I were to jump a tandem rig, and after leaving the plane I just pull the reserve there is a big probality I will not be able to compleatly extract the entire cable from the housing, due to the RSL connection in the back. Well on this particular jump I compleatly removed the reserve cable from the housing, so there for the RSL/skyhook beat me in my EP's

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  19. Being back in the 1860's Rosa Parks must have realy old when she died, wait they didn't have busses in the 1800's. SO ..........wait I forming a conclusion........ah yes, your both wrong. Black people couldn't vote, ride up front on busses, had to drink out of other water fountians, and yes ...couldn't go to school until the 1960's (nighteen sixty):P

    Walt it would really help if you could post some conclusion, and it would give some credibality to your post. So go on....... explain it. Why aren't most of the black people in New Orleans, and the rest of the south highly educated, rich and never received a goverment check. I'm realy interested in your answer, and while your at it could you please tell us your solution on fixing the problem.

    Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

  20. what a great state and city that was... <<<<<

    A couple a 100 years ago or so.....when the French had control of the Louisiana territory, they realized how low New Orleans was below sea level. The fact is that it's lower now then it was then. They sent Jean Le Fitte (the Pirate) up the Mississippi river to find higher ground to relocate the capital. He was told when he and the Indians scouts find high ground to drive a red stick to mark the new sight. In french Baton Rouge means 'red stick'. The money that was supposed to build levees a majority went in to the pockets of politicians. The steel supports for the levees were supposed to be 17 ft. in length and driven to the ground. They did an test the other day, and found in some places they were only 10' ft. Hum I wonder why they cut it short, maybe to use the money they saved to pay off the politicians and the inspector was probably paid also.

    Some of Louisiana state laws date back to Napoleonic rule (Napoleon Bonaparte) They are outdated, but perfect for corrupt politics. When the oil boom hit in the early 70' may companies and investor realized they would have to find other places to locate their corporate offices because of all the dirty politics, hence they set up shop in Houston, Tx.

    The corrupt politicians make a great deal of kickbacks from goverment contracts and underhanded dealings off of the poor blacks. The Federal goverment hands over alto of money each year for lowincome projects that go strait in the pockets of the politicians. There is no differance between Mobster and police in New Orleans, The oppressed blacks make money for them, and also give them a perfect group to place the blame on.

    It took something like Hurricane Katrina to show the
    world how shitty a place New Orleans can be. I lived in New Orleans for a year in 98', I learned fast not to trust the police, If you want a New Orleans police man to help you, you have to pay him. There is a lot of underhanded shit that go on there that no one will ever see.

    Every year for New Years eve there is at least one person rushed to the hospital from falling bullets. Yeah in the middle of the city the thugs come out and ring in the new year by firing their guns in the air. They are the one who were firing at the rescue workers, they want them out, so no publicity and they cam remain in the shaddows, the rest were probably just for fun. An electrical worker was on a pole with his climbing spikes, A couple of blacks pointed a gun at him and made him drop his wallet.

    The Black Mayor of New Orleans is begging for the citizens to return to the city, but I think the refugges have gotten a taste of how much better it is elswhere, and realize their goverment checks will reach them where they are. Personaly I hope they stay gone. I'm a skydiving Instructor, but I was an Electrical contractor for 10 years befor I started jumping. At least once a week I get a call from some scroundle down in the city to hook up these goverment travle trailers, an I'm going to get a check from FEMA. I not going to fall for that scam.

    Also I want to say that in 1960 Black people were given the right to vote, and attend schools. It's going to take a few generations for them to catch up.
    You can't take an uneducated slave, who was raised by uneducated parents, and just say ok now your equal, compeat with the rest of us for jobs, when the only thing they know is lie, cheat, steal.
    I'm sure this is going to piss alot of people off, but it just the facts about here in the south.

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  21. It was a Pink Reflex with a Sabre2 190 but I couldn't tell you the size of the reserve... <<<<<<<<


    Yet IYO I don't have a clue?

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  22. quit fucking commenting on it because you don't have a clue what your talking about. <<<<<<<

    Oh geee! so it wasn't the pink reflex with a Sabre2 190 and a PDR 126, that you said "NO" whan asked what you thought?

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  23. A short while later the S&TA took the radio and tried telling her the same thing in a calm voice. <<<<

    Props to the S&TA for remainig calm, and trying to take control of the situation. Why did he let the jump proceed? Did he know she was under a PDR126? and Did he know the situation about the other DZ and the fact they were dating? Just wondering, not condeming the S&TA.

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  24. It would be unethical for a colledge professor to date a student, the student will probably be dating the porfessor for a good grade. an "A" if you will.

    In skydiving, the grade is your safty. So it would be unethical for an Instructor to date a student. The student won't mind because they don't have a full understanding of everything that can happen. But once the Student has an "A" lisence then it would be ethical IMO

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  25. :

    it is very hard for me not to be a little mad a Rick for that, that is, if it is true that the chute was inappropriate for Shayna's use


    A little mad??? He almost killed your neice.... Id be a little more then just alittle mad <<<<


    There may also be some disaplinary action by the USPA if they get wind of this situation. Instructors are responsibal for wingloading and sizing student reserves. If the Student weighed 115 lbs then with the added weight of gear it would have put her over 1-1 on a PDR 126. I feel 0.8-1 is tops WL for student in winds under 14 MPH. I do not know how much she weighs, but really a 190-126 combination just sounds wrong. The way superfletch describes what the rig looked like closed, how the closing flaps wouldn't overlap, dosen't surprise me when I found out she had a toggle fire on deployment, it just seems like too much shit crammed in there and something would probably work it way loose. However that is just speculation, based on an educated geuss.

    Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan