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Everything posted by blondeflyer7

  1. I was looking at old posts today and man I was rolling???? Does anyone have a favorite thread???
  2. much better thread to look at much like you wanted......;search_string=search_string;#414496
  3. okok....Found a old thread you can read kinda the same....but fun thread to read again anyways;search_string=search_string;#206241
  4. You must use this more often its nice sometimes
  5. I am always concerned, its in my throw-away nature. Well Mr. Quick Draw has a sensitive side
  6. Are you still backon the sodomy thread? ......that was hilarious
  7. Just a study no feelings involved...kinda wierd tho never thought you were the concerned type
  8. Well I'm listening to Lincoln Park Somehere I belong
  9. I agree... However, I'm not sure there is such a thing as normal. Everyone is so different, how can you define normal. Do you pick the person who never does anything dangerous, exciting, or crazy; the person who goes to work, does an honest job for 8 hours a day, then comes home, eats dinner, watches the news, goes to bed, and gets up at the same time every day--is that considered normal? Because in that case, normal doesn't exist! yes.......very good study I have been doing
  10. Nah just taking a weekend can get costy
  11. You are very correct......
  12. Neither did I least I wasn't alone here....wheew...*wipes brow*
  13. .....well I didn't know this about you
  14. Who is this Normal you speak of and why should I fuck him/her? - You did what to Normal......poor normal Hookitt......slowly walk away he's doing things to words now
  15. have a great weekend ab...I mean normal person you
  16. mmm...gotta convince me better then that
  17. blondeflyer7 name

    Yea its probably the one I'm speaking of.....just ignore him and he'll go away
  18. ok so tell me normal.....what are your daily routines and why do you think this?????
  19. blondeflyer7 name

    Well, you have to admit using your last name is not very clever. Chris I do that for troll problems.....unfortunately
  20. now you can see why the just has a meaning.....that goes on and on
  21. Thanks Well your welcome ... Anyone who gives control to me is MY friend