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Posts posted by hobie331

  1. Quote

    Expensive compared to what?

    Try competitive sailing, just the boat was $300,000+. And if you are on the Grand Prix circuit you better have several million available.

    When I quit sailing every weekend and took up skydiving I would piss-n-moan when the proerty taxes were due. My sailing friends told me the same thing, "quit counting." I haven't sailed in three yrs but keep the boat because I know I will again. Oh, and you can tell by my forum name that it wasn't a 300K boat.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  2. Quote

    Shaun I need to mail you my rig before hand and have you repack it for me, I'll be outta date and I'd rather mail it anyway rather than try and fly with it.

    Don't blame you. Had to pop my wifes at PHX leaving Eloy. They fertilized last day we there and the machine picked up the nitrogen on hers.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  3. Quote

    on the light comedy side

    Tim Dorsey's 'Serge' (character dont think the series has an official name or i dont know it) Orange Crush, Cadillac Beach and Triggerfish Twist are a few off the top of my head) books are amazingly funny.

    Carl Hiaasen's books are of a similar flavor and also very funny. Reading these two author's books make me wonder why anyone would travel to Florida.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  4. So, there I was, dirt diving a jump in Dallas this last weekend.B| One of the jumpers asked me where I was from and I said McPherson, KS. "Oh," he says, "I used to live in KC." I asked him if he new Jimmy Coiner. He says, "No." :( His head instantly exploded. What could I do, I just walked to the corner and puked. [:/]

    Let the games begin.;)

    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  5. Quote

    I won't be smarmy and smug :P by stating that I "can't believe this didn't make the lists here", but I really love Christopher Moore's books.[/rep]

    I started to list him but haven't read enough yet to decide if he'll be a favorite. I think I started on his books after reading a previous post by you. He definitely can make you laugh.

    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  6. Dave Robicheaux series by James Lee Burke
    Mitch Rapp series by Vince Flynn
    Jack Reacher series by Lee Child
    And for those I don't want to think I just want to laugh phases: Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  7. I saw the BF's interview on the news yesterday and he claimed she had some phobia of seeing her family. He'd beg her to come out and she'd say, "maybe tomorrow." In another interview a local was asked why nobody tried to help her and he indicated that no one knew she still lived there. Oh, and the BF also said that when she got out of the hospital, he'd be there to take care of her. Hmm, wonder how that will work out next time.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  8. Quote

    I wonder how many people started jumping back then, hurt themselves, and never returned to the sport because of it? reply]

    Took me 20+ years to finally go back after tearing up an ankle under an old round. I jump today with guys that were at that dz back in the early 80's though that never had an injury, or at least they say, under a round.

    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  9. A provider or supplier can charge however much they want, but if they contract with the ins. carrier they will take a hefty writeoff. Charging higher does serve a purpose though. It establishes customary charges for an area which may give them a raise next year. I can remember when TNS units were a couple grand. At the time it was new technology. Now ins. carriers allow around $330-350 and the units can be purchased for less than $75. What I think is a load of crap is ins. carriers let suppliers rent them to patients for $100 a month when one months charge will buy one.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  10. Quote

    There is a blend you can get that is Jamaican Blue with the same bean type that is grown in Hawaii.


    There is a Jamacian High Mountain that is not as expensive as as the Blue but is still very tasty. I think this is the same as what Ruby is talking about.

    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.