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Posts posted by hobie331

  1. Quote

    I have my repo license, I did it for a while while I went to nursing school. It's not a bad job, paid pretty well. I only had a couple of confrontations while taking cars. Most people know their car is getting repo'd they expect it.


    I wonder how many they have to shoot to get just one drama worth putting on the tv?
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  2. I had a rescue for 16-1/2 years. Got her as a pup. She definitely had a mind of her own but was one of the most affectionate and protective dogs I've ever had.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  3. Quote


    Arm still broken so no jumps but did take and pass my C license. Figured why not use the down time to take the test since I had the rest done.

    When you going to be able to jump again?
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  4. Quote


    A little chilly (low-mid 30s) but Spring is almost here...

    Nice...now I feel like big cold weather pussy. It was in the 50s Saturday and I sat and watched people jump.

    Sat around the dz for 31/2 hours waiting for a load. It was chilling but not bad enough to keep everybody home. Well, unless you're a Texan. But then, you know how hard core the Frozen Chosen are.;)
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  5. Quote

    Great WX Sat & no tandems. Tried to bump end cells with Hobie. Got danm close but ran out of altitude before we could make 'em touch so no beer.

    Tonight I took a very hard check to the left wrist while playing indoor lacrosse. Don't think it's broken but it is pretty swollen and black so jumping may be out for awhile. I did tee the f'ing dude up before I got subbed out.

    :)Finally get somebody to fly close with me and he goes and busts himself up.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  6. Quote

    Windy and turbulent all weekend. Got one each day. Did a four-way on Sunday morning and then we all decided to stand down.

    Did bowl a 107 later.

    :(::(::)Did the Skydive KS staff party and sat around watching the wind sock for a few hours then gave up and went home. 107?!?!?!? You got's mad skills dawg!
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  7. Quote



    Annual Frozen Chosen trip to Dallas for the KS Coalition only this year it was 80 on Friday.

    In regards to Steve Babin, besides being a great guy he can shoot some wicked nasty photos.

    Sorry I missed you guys. I had planned to come out there, but I just couldn't do it. Are y'all the ones that came last year and were keeping the otter going while all us local whimps were hiding in the heated lobby.

    Actually, it was the Caravan. That's the SWEEEET!!!! thing about Skydive Dallas. They kept putting that bird up with just five on board.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  8. Quote

    I'll check in again in about five years when it's done, LOL!

    NickD :)

    I attached a pic of the "Forever Project." Took two and a half years. Hopefully you won't beat by time frame. It was worth it though when it was pictured in Biker Magazine.
    Good Luck. Rigids Rock!!!!
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  9. Quote

    May I wax poetic for a moment? Yes? Thank you.

    I've had the good fortune of meeting some of the big names in skydiving, and jumping with some of them, too. Beyond their obvious skills in their respective disciplines, what's really impressed me about many of the top people in skydiving is how approachable, humble, and friendly they are. People like Pete Alum, Amy Chmelecki, Brian Germain, and, yes, Kirk Verner, are great folks who just happen to be the best skydivers on the planet. You'd never know how "big a deal" they were by the way they act (and they certainly wouldn't feel the need to tell you). People like that can teach us a lot about skydiving, and they can teach us a lot about class, too. Not everyone, however, will choose to learn.

    Poetry off. You're both acting like spoiled five year olds.

    I seldom interject in these threads for fear of becoming a target. However, I too have had such opportunites and have found the same lessons. When I have dealt with some of the better/great jumpers I find there to be a huge difference between ego, and confidence, and a willing to teach.
    One other comment. There is a difference between reaching UP for a dock and reaching OUT for a dock. OK, attack at will.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  10. OK, so I don't know diddly about the LA area or what is near. I do have a friend there though that I am planning on going to visit in a couple months. What is the closest, fun & easy to fit in dz and roughly how far away?
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  11. Quote

    Biker is one of my fav bike rags...that and Hot Bike.

    I subscribe to them....I'll have to dig through to see which one that is.

    in the meantime...

    Ah, Miss November.
    Interesting that you posted that. The article SHVLHEAD with the tangerine colored bike. That is the same guy I worked with on the production of my bike. He does really good work. Big emphasis on the motors. He doesn't install crate motors like so many of the big names. Everything is built ground up with several littles tricks of his own to increase torque and HP. Throws some great parties too.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  12. Quote

    Paughco is an awesome family owned company with great products and history.
    Old skool is where it's at!

    When I spelled Pacho the first time I didn't think it looked right but couldn't remember the exact way.
    Take a look in the Jan 08 issue of Biker magazine for this bike.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  13. Become one of the Frozen Chosen.
    There was a group of nine that went to Skydive Dallas in January this past year. It WAS supposed to be nice but never got above 35 on the ground and they kept telling us the wind chiil was -31 at 13.5K. At any rate if it hadn't been for the KS Coalition everybody working at the dz could have gone home. However, they kept the Caravan going with just 5-6 on board(just one more reason to jump at Skydive Dallas). We got named the Frozen Chosen after.
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  14. Quote

    :( : 2 : :D

    Hours of classroom time and 2 eval jumps at coach course. :D for the rating.

    Thanks to Jen Sharp for the course and all of the gang at SD Kansas; evaluators, actual students, and the youngest golf cart driver in the state.

    Great course, great people, great weekend.:)

    :(: Although I did get to sleep next to Buff on the floor.

    1: Time for more but missed my dogs after sitting through the course for recurrency.

    0: But I think I already called Buff on his.:)
    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  15. Quote

    The reason I am selling the
    skydiving gear is that I had a horrible skydiving accident where both
    of my legs fell off in freefall. I only found one of them and it could
    not be re-attached. It seems the other landed in a swamp where it was
    eaten by a hungry alligator.


    Oh my!:| I though all this was just a scam/joke.:( I feel so bad now that I know you have had this terrible accident.[:/] I feel so bad finding humor in all your pain.:| I hope you find that gator and get your leg back.B|

    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

  16. Several years ago, and I mean when PCP's and managed care were a rarity rather than the norm, I was walking through my front office area and heard yelling along a similar line. I stopped and asked the problem. The person calmed down because they we're now dealing with the boss and not who they saw as some lackey. Once the problem was explained I calmly asked them to go home and get the contract package that their ins. co. had sent them. Asked them to read through it and find my name and when they did to bring it to me. They asked why, to which I responded, "you won't find it. That is a contract between you and the ins. co., not with me. You are responsible to understand that contract. We sent the forms as a courtesy."
    I realize all this has changed in the last couple decades but it still doesn't change the fact that most people don't have a clue how their insurance works.

    Rant over.;)

    It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.