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Everything posted by Silverlining

  1. Yeah I'm 12 months less a day or two - blue skies here I soon as my cypress is back! Yeah can understand 10 months for an instructor - with experience. Woho!
  2. Baywatch did it - yes you were correct. Yes I agree that the media can basically tell any story that they want from any side they wish too. I seriously don't know what the answer is, but obviously what has been done is not the answer. Am going back to read the old thread - seems this has already been discussed - adios.
  3. 100 - nudie or bra n undies jump Also heard of people getting covered in a whole heap of yuckie stuff after coming down on their 100 - not me personally though thank god! Any others???
  4. What does everyone think about what/was happening here in Australia. We heard on the news that one guy was bashed whilst he put out his garbage bin! The whole thing apparently started when a couple of surf life savers (people who pull you out of the ocean if you get into trouble - community service types not paid like american ones) were bashed by a group of people of lebanese decent. Groups of people (of lebanese decent) were apparently getting around in gangs in the area and threatening and intimidating people. A rally was then organised as the people of cronulla felt that their beach was getting taking over by people who didn't respect the ozzie way of life. Some Australians believe it has got out of hand because we have welcomed people from other countries and cultures into Australia with open arms and they don't have any repect for the rights and responsibilites that come from living here. Just throwing this one out there to get some other opinions and see what other people around the world think of this one. Have you guys even heard about it???
  5. I was walking without crutches after a week, now 5 weeks later I'm totally fine with no discomfort and full range of motion & good strength as measured by my physiotherapist. *** Wholly moley! 5 weeks! I was on crutches for a couple of months after my surgery. I think my surgeon was a little bit on the conservative side though (which has advantages and disadvantages). Must admit though I didn't use all the painkiller that my doctor gave me - I think that pain is there to tell you something sometimes. I do tend to believe that alot of my discomfort came from where they harvested the hamstring graft rather than my knee - but I don't believe that would be any less painful than the patellar graft. You were definately one of the lucky ones! I've got 4 months to go with mine before I will be back jumping. Only missing a small bit of flexion - but my physio said I have hyper flexion in my other knee so basically if I was normal I would be back to normal. I am trying to hit the gym again hard for these last four months - to get my strength back to where it was before the op and maybe even a little better wouldn't hurt. Good luck with the knee - although it doesn't sound like you need it
  6. Yeah my physio has just shown me how to tape it at my last visit. Not sure about the brace thing, my physio said by 12 months I should be fine to jump, he just wants me to tape it. Might need one of those for my other leg though! I got by 5 yrs without op - 2 of which I was jumping, and before that rockclimbing and skiing so it is possible for a while - just not in the long term for me. Was the meniscus that made me get the op done - was clicking and started to get pinched. One time my knee swelled up after getting up from kneeling to pack my chute and I couldn't get on the load! Oh and I didn't want to end up breaking my leg due to my poor landing gear. Good luck with the op. Rehab, rehab, rehab!
  7. Now I have the biggest $$ vacuum cleaner going--I bought a new home. *** Can associate with the $$ vacuum. Funny how all this spare cash seems to come out of the wood work. I am now in renovating mode. Nice little project to keep me occupied whilst waiting to get back up there. Almost 7 months no jumping. 5 months to go. ACL reconstruction and meniscus repair - all good.
  8. Yeah can relate to that one! I used to get really lonely when I was living away from home for a while - just didn't feel like I had the close ties that I have when I was back home. Luckily I ended up getting a job back home and moved back. But even now that I am home I find that I am looking for something else - don't ask me what, as I can't quite put my finger on it right now - but I just feel restless. Maybe it is that I haven't skydived for 7 months!!! Skydiving is a great cure for the blues!
  9. Opps! My bad! So used to this being a male dominated sport that I kinda just assumed - isn't that funny! Wholly smokes that is alot of PT - my physio bill was enough with the visits that I had! Cool I will have a look at those other posts - for rehab inspiration! Yes - definately want to be sure before I head up there again. But I am setting myself a realistic goal - gives me fixed date to work on. Good luck with that shoulder of yours - but you seem to have all this rehab stuff shorted so I'm sure you'll be up there in no time! Edited - got to remember to use that spell checker!
  10. Are you sure your name is not Steve - you sound like my physio. I totally agree with the mental side of returning too - and am glad not to be a total newbie under my canopy (although I still have alot to learn!). I am sure it will still get my blood pumping as soon as I have my canopy out. 4.5 months recovery hey - that's awesome. Was it a patella graft or hamstring? Did you do alot of gym work? I had a bucket handle tear in my meniscus too - the dr stiched it up rather than cutting the bit out so I was on crutches with a straight leg brace for longer than a normal ACL. But the up side is I still have all of my meniscus! Shoulders I feel would be abit more tricky - esp with regards to the rigours of skydiving. What can I saw but hope you've got a good imagination - as skydiving dreams are a pretty fun substitute!
  11. Just wondering if there are some fellow jumpers out there that I can compare notes with at this same stage of rehab?? Anyone at the same stage (timeframe) and back jumping again? I'm jogging and can even hop on it (as part of my physio/rehab) at the moment but the physio still thinks that I won't be back jumping till 12 months post op. I know I just have to be patient but I'm just curious to know what others are experiencing. I still can't crouch comfortably - to be able to be in a cessna - so I still have that to work on before I would be comfortable to come back.
  12. I myself have just had surgery after originally injuring my knee in 1999. I "survived" until Feb this year without surgery but on the 15 went under the knife and I am presently recovering. Am bummed about not being able to jump but I would rather this than breaking my leg - in the end my torn ACL caused me to put a nice little bucket handle tear in my meniscus - this can cause knee lock and I didn't think that was a real good idea when running out a landing! And to add to the problem my other knee was getting a battering as I was trying to protect my injured knee. I think there is a common theme. Listen to your dr - but make sure s/he's a good one. Keep you muscle strength up - that was part of my downfall (I did the meniscus when I stopped going to the gym as I moved and then went and played soccer - very silly!). My other piece of advice is either protect your knee always or get the surgery done before your hurt your meniscus. My doctor ended up stiching mine up and it's looking like it will be fine - but there is always the chance that it could pop out again and I will need further surgery to cut that bit off. I probably won't be back jumping for a while yet. I'm not getting the surgery again - so I'm not going to start jumping again before I am well an truely ready. P.S Can't wait till I can play frisbee again - even heard my knee go crack one day because I jumped for a frisbee and landed in a world of pain - b/f thought the crack was from me breaking my leg! Best of luck with your decision. It's a hard one I know!
  13. Thanks will look up the previous thread/s. Apparently "Good Stuff" is pretty good too? P.s I've never been called bro before! As part of the profile maybe they should add a gender section?!
  14. Isn't the essence of freeflying being able to fly in whatever orientation in any position? I agree with Fast in that belly is a part of that. We still need to dump on our bellies too
  15. Post your opinion of the best of the best! I'm not talking fiction ones - only real life pls.
  16. Thanks peoples for all your replies P.S I have a little Tigger hanging from the rear vision mirror of my car! hehe
  17. Yeah I will pull abit high to get my bearings again under my canopy. Can't wait for my first jump back - will almost be like starting all over!
  18. I did a downwinder in 15 knot winds onto hard clay paddock. Approx 50 something jumps - 2nd conversion onto a Safire 149 and I'm about 60kg plus gear. Training kicked in did PLR and shakily walked away with bumps and bruises. Funnily enough I am now out of the skydiving for 6 months with an ACL reconstruction and meniscus repair - from the dangerous sport of soccer! LOL
  19. I am curious if anyone has any tips about gear storage as I will be out of jumping for approx 6 months. One tip that I have heard is to pull your pilot chute of of the spandex BOC pocket - to save the elastic in the fabric of the pocket. Other than that it is packed and in my gear bag. Any one else out there got any other good tips? Also I was not going to worry about sending my cypress away for it's 4yr service and wait until I'm back jumping. I've since heard a rumour that you're meant to send it off even if your not jumping as Airtec will only service it within a certain time of the required date? Anyone know anymore details about this? Thnx for any help!