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  1. ah I see, guess I'm just too new to have seen it - sorry about the re-(re)-(re)-post Worth a click for those who have not had the pleasure though wouldn't ya say ? peace. Because it's there - Mallory
  2. I've searched around here and not found this vid or a discussion thereof in any thread here so I hope I am not out of place posting it. Just thought it might be the sort of thing readers of this section are interested in (I know I was). It's a bloke flying a wingsuit (from a helicpoter admittedly) down the side of a mountain - seriously only a few metres off the deck in places. Impressive visuals to say the least. peace. Because it's there - Mallory
  3. thanks mate, I'm all registered up and ready to post
  4. G'day all just trying to get in touch with any aussie jumpers out there (now that the ABA forum is down - been working up to posting this for a while but now that I'm all ready to go, wouldn't ya know the thing goes offline ) for a bit of info. I am (obvously if you look at my profile) a novice jumper with all of no experience but I wonder about the possibilities of connecting with local jumpers with a view to maybe one day getting involved in this sport (I've read the 'how to get into base' articles and such and have no intention of persuing any BASE goals before I've got enough jump/canpoy/life experience to make myself feel comfortable enough to take an FJC and generally not make a dick of by getting hurt/dead from my own stupidity). I won't bore you with a full resume but if there are any Aussie jumpers (particularly I spose from the QLD area) who'd like some keen as mustard (4am=OK ) ground crew with a car and the beginnings of a law degree PM/e-mail me
  5. Just so we're all clear, neither of these spots are as high as they may look (and the 12 apostles are I do believe heritage listed) ... Just as a point of possible interest (from a non-jumping but interested third party - me) had a recent thread on the highest cliffs in QLD ... not sure if it is good form to post it here (lots of sites named ya see). guess ya can PM me if you're interested. peace Because it's there - Mallory
  6. I knew it !! skydiving is cool heh heh heh for sure there has to be a million different reasons anyone does anything but if you do anything you don't really enjoy just to be 'cool' you're missing the point in my book. Lifes too short to do stupid shyte just to impress people, and in the case of skydiving you'll probably make it a lot shorter if you do. But it is comforting to know real skydivers think it's 'cool' to jump out of a plane as well . Because it's there - Mallory
  7. Hoping this doesn't come off the wrong way but I was interested by the replies to my last post, made in (quite substantially drunken ) jest, in which I stated that skydiving looks cool. (if I have managed to get this link thing happening you can read what I mean here ... not really worth your effort though
  8. heh heh heh sorry lads spose drunken Australian sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet. Skydiving is not cool at all sorry to anyone who may have taken umbridge at a drunken outsider posting silly things. psychobob: heh heh no, spose I should clarify I was including my canopy flight in my timings (dunno exactly how long it was to be honest ). edited to clarify that I was not in freefall for 8 minutes Because it's there - Mallory
  9. oh and I am not a skydiver or anything sorry if I am intruding ... but I did my tandem and I am gonna do my AFF as soon as I get home and have enough money ... I am sure I will be hooked and I will post that on aan internet forum lots so then I will be a skydiver right ??? heh heh heh ok now I am drunk and feelign mean, for sure if you're sure you'll be hooked even before you've done it you're definately a skydiver. But I am not a skydiver (yet ... 3,300 bucks, 2 weeks and 1000 odd jumps to go) however cause i am want to rant, I did my tandem, was s**t scared and then exhilirated and then s**t scared again and then exhilirated etc... (this went on for 5-8 minutes) and now I wanna do my Aff cause it looks cool\ ... I wanna prove to myself I can do it, and I wanna feel that sensation of rushing air, flying and then floating under canopy (with me in control cause Iam a ocntrol freak)... lord there are so many reasons I am still durnk sorry. Because it's there - Mallory
  10. ... and I met a person who shall remain nameless and he or she fliets planes for the USAF (US air force here in Korea) and they will let me jump out of one if they can ever be bothered doing the paperwork to take a cessna out for a 'familiarisation flight' (amazing what ranking officers can do). Not that I'm licensed but the person assures me they all have access to parachutes of some kind ... thinking when I'm sober it won't seem like such a good idea but right now I wanna jump for free. I wanna jump from something high ... I'd rather I had a parachute. going climbing tomorrow .. YAY!!! a very drunk colin. P.S> they fly fighters but I will definately die if I jump out of a fighter yes ?? given it goes real fast and all Because it's there - Mallory
  11. My first (and so far only) Tandem was free. I am extraordinarily good looking though I actually won it at the pub (probably the only good thing I have ever taken home from the Royal Exchange ). My experience of people however tells me if you hang with them just to get something they may not be overly hospitable... not saying that's how it is though
  12. hey Matt Being an ex (and soon-ish to be repatriated Brisvegan) with all of 1 tandem jump under my belt I can give you the info I gleaned from my small dealings with our local skydivers. I did my jump with Redcliffe city skydive, top outfit full of good people and parachutes that work . They (as at FEB this year) don't run full AFF courses but speak highly of Ramblers out at Toogoolawah (as has been said here). Dunno what the forum rules re: posting web addresses is but I won't just in case (both these companies have websites listed here on An AFF, all the way to your A licence (20 jumps) with Ramblers is AUD 3,300 - talked to the guy there and he said they do student/poor skydiver deals, basically rock up and have a chat and they will try and sort you out. as has been said just go to the DZ and meet some folk, Redcliffe city skydivers are always looking for video editors and ground crew if you want weekend work, great way to get on the inside and meet some really good blokes (and girls too ... if you're into that sort of thing ) good luck Colin Because it's there - Mallory
  13. Nathan: yeah mate I've been doing a bit more research and most of the Dropzones listed are in fact parachute clubs with no place to jump ... guess they must just all use the same dropzone whenever it's running (just like you've said) ... yeah the decision is definately made, there will be no AFF until I get home. Tunnelfly: hahaha 'longnoses' I like it, I've never felt as foreign as I do here, it's great . My reason for adding to the clutter here in Seoul is to study Korean language as part of a dual Law/Asian and international relations degree. Lord knows why but they decided to give me a free room if I came over, and I just couldn't say no . Stay safe all and I'll see yas all in the sky in about 6 months Colin Because it's there - Mallory
  14. Andy thanks for the links mate ... guess I shoulda googled first huh ?? (but that would break my all time record run of laziness ... 21 years without achieving anything and counting ) My Korean is good (read: ok ) enough that I can make out some of what the pages say and it seems that there is in fact more than 1 drop zone here (not to disrespect anyones words to the contrary ... I appreciate the responses